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Horrible Event


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This event should have been fun. I love world events. I loved the rakghoul event. I adore scavenger hunts, and I love exploring. This event should have been fun. Right now the only thing I've enjoyed is finding the little boxes in weird out of the way spots (although I wish there more of them and better hidden), and that's fine cause I only want two of the rewards - bowcasters for my van and an alt.


The wait in line missions that encourge ninjas and clicking races are so. much. fun. -.- How freaking hard is it to make them usable by multiple people at the same time??? That droid in the Works is maddening and pretty much the definition of un-fun. Even if you group up you can still have the party blown by one guy running up and clicking the box faster than your group can repair your droid.


The poor itemization on the rewards is just ridiculous. The bowcasters are sweet, but usable by so few ACs and the mods are pointless for a lot of us. The pet - nothing actually new like the rakling was. The speeder looks cool but isn't full speed so even if you get it while leveling you're only going to use it for a few levels and then it'll sit in your inventory. The sand people gear looks decent enough but makes no sense in this context.


And that doesn't even deal with the bugs like the space mission exploit. I expect some bugs in a world event. They don't get tested as fully so that's going to happen, but the rewards, the mission design - these aren't bugs. So unscheduled maintenance tonight. Guess we'll see what comes of it. I'm so disappointed, and I was so looking forward to this.

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I like the event. The quest with the laser shows who is just stupid plain for everyone in the room. The speeder is great, I really like it! Was also nice that I didn't had to buy the pet, because I got it in a drop. As with the Rakghoul event, I like that people have to figure out how it works, and that you might end up in some open world PvP somewhere... I even enjoyed it with my level 24 sniper to walk around a level 30 zone to follow the bounty hunter.
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I like the event. The quest with the laser shows who is just stupid plain for everyone in the room. The speeder is great, I really like it! Was also nice that I didn't had to buy the pet, because I got it in a drop. As with the Rakghoul event, I like that people have to figure out how it works, and that you might end up in some open world PvP somewhere... I even enjoyed it with my level 24 sniper to walk around a level 30 zone to follow the bounty hunter.


i sense sarcasm

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it has come to my attention that the state of Star Wars concerning their existing subscription account especially concerning this event, is that they are not necessarily concerned with the complaints. With the new free to play coming in November they intend to restock their subaccount shells with free to players, they apparently have a ready made a bad enough representation of themselves over the last four months. From their in game customer service to their unwillingness to uphold promises of new content to the current subscribers. Their intention is to get a whole mass amount of free to players and then lure them in to subscription accounts with the un-ability to acquire in game gear and quest. This is EA, and biowears position on the state of the current game population.
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It is very bad, I picked up the quest from Nar Shadda and it says NOTHING about where to go or what to do. I found the vendor and the weapons are too low for me anyway, maybe the pet would be cool, but that is about it, so I just abandoned the quest, no point in even doing it. They need to add more to the description of the quest though.
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