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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop forcing PvP Players to play Random Maps!


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If i was a PvP only player i would have unsubbed and removed this game from my PC already. I can not believe that PvP players are forced to play random maps, while PvE players a re permitted to use a group finder tool that lets them select and de-select flashpoints and ops.


Sure if you want you BH comms PvE players must roll the dice and may get a hard More Fp they dont want, but at least they are mostly playable.


My Gripe centers round the extremely limited range of warzones and the fact that Bioware feels it is okay to force pvp players to endure huttball. Huttball should not be part of the normal random rotation of pvp missions, it should be seperate, let those who like it play it, let those who hate it elect to not play it.


Otherwise players will contunie to abandon this game which has it's merits but seems to treat PvP players like pariahs.

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i despise huttball but dont want other people who enjoy it not be able to play it. If i want to play sports id be playing mlb the show on my ps3. I endorse this idea and i would remove huttball from my play list


All huttball is is a reverse CTF. The kind of thing thats been in computer games for years (Warsong Gulch, CTF in FPS games, etc)

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FYI, Huttball is by far the number one most liked WZ in the game. It received more number 1 votes than all other maps COMBINED in my ranking thread.


If you want to queue up without Huttball selected you can expect your queue time to be several HOURS as most people will be queuing up for Huttball only.

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I believe there was a vote on the forums before beta ended.


A lot has changed since then and I wonder if people saw how OP some classes were at running the ball in beta. It was a nice change vs the "kill and, click objective" setup. But if that poll was done now, highly doubt it'd turn out the same.

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If i was a PvP only player i would have unsubbed and removed this game from my PC already. I can not believe that PvP players are forced to play random maps, while PvE players a re permitted to use a group finder tool that lets them select and de-select flashpoints and ops.


Sure if you want you BH comms PvE players must roll the dice and may get a hard More Fp they dont want, but at least they are mostly playable.


My Gripe centers round the extremely limited range of warzones and the fact that Bioware feels it is okay to force pvp players to endure huttball. Huttball should not be part of the normal random rotation of pvp missions, it should be seperate, let those who like it play it, let those who hate it elect to not play it.


Otherwise players will contunie to abandon this game which has it's merits but seems to treat PvP players like pariahs.


I hated huttball at first, but its grown on me. Its greatly a class/build dependent map. On a gunslinger it sucks. On an Assassin its a ton of fun.


I agree that you should be able to manage your queue, but don't write off Huttball completely. I get tired of zergfesting.

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A lot has changed since then and I wonder if people saw how OP some classes were at running the ball in beta. It was a nice change vs the "kill and, click objective" setup. But if that poll was done now, highly doubt it'd turn out the same.


I doubt the other three warzones would get any votes as all three of the other ones are terrible.

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FYI, Huttball is by far the number one most liked WZ in the game. It received more number 1 votes than all other maps COMBINED in my ranking thread.


If you want to queue up without Huttball selected you can expect your queue time to be several HOURS as most people will be queuing up for Huttball only.


Fine give me the Choice! and while the Developers are at it, then all the Huttball fans can also choose to queue only for Hutball, it's a win, win situation. Just remove the MANDATORY requirment to queue without the ability to filter content i dont want to play.


It isnt much to ask really.

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I doubt the other three warzones would get any votes as all three of the other ones are terrible.


I don't care which warzones are more liked or dissliked, the fact remains we should be permitted to choose which ones we want to play and be able to choose not to play the others. If you love huttball then you should be able to queue only for huttball! if you hate it alike all my friends do, then we should be able to elect not to have it in our queue.


PvE players have this option, why not PvP players? Why the discrepancy!

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"The only complaints I see are about huttball"


This is because it's all the baddie QQ'ers complaning about huttball because they don't have the skills to play it, huttball is by far the most diverse and fun warzone, I only que in the hopes of getting huttball, which pops the least unfortunately.

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I don't care which warzones are more liked or dissliked, the fact remains we should be permitted to choose which ones we want to play and be able to choose not to play the others. If you love huttball then you should be able to queue only for huttball! if you hate it alike all my friends do, then we should be able to elect not to have it in our queue.


PvE players have this option, why not PvP players? Why the discrepancy!


Because Bioware needs to force people to play Voidstar, Alderaan and Denova in order to have people on those maps :p


Either way, a VERY long time ago they mentioned that when cross server warzones came to town, so would this feature. Hmph. haven't seen any evidence of cross server warzones yet.

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Well, for me, lag seems worse in Huttball than other WZs, by far, so I end up frozen on the spot and taking damage I could otherwise have avoided easily, or falling far behind my teammates. That's really the only reason I'd rather avoid it.

I'm not sure I understand the logic of forcing a random WZ either, though. Yeah, you can leave the WZ and queue up again...and hope you don't end up back in the same WZ map that you were trying to avoid. Even if it's random I'd at least like to know which WZ I'm in a queue for before I get to a loading screen.

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