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Would you trade it now?


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When the game was still developing I posted a thread asking if you would trade The Old Republic for a KOTOR 3. The majority said that the game would be many KOTORs in one, so no. Now that we've had the game for awhile I'm going to ask again and see what has changed. So, would you?


I wanted Kotor 3 over this back then and I still want it over this right now, hell we would probably be at Kotor 6 right now.

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"more than likely"


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I bet you said "more than likely, this game will not go F2P anytime soon" as well at some point, didn't you?


Besides, if the trooper story line is anything to go by, I'll get bored and quit before ever finishing all 8 anyway. So, no worries.


your a funny chap


you actully think there going to give free content out once again your a funny chap


the only reason 1-50 is free is because its the corner stone of the game they have to give them something


new content will be pay for if you dont sub


you silly chappy

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When the game was still developing I posted a thread asking if you would trade The Old Republic for a KOTOR 3. The majority said that the game would be many KOTORs in one, so no. Now that we've had the game for awhile I'm going to ask again and see what has changed. So, would you?



As it is, I'm personally dissatisfied that Revan is still alive three hundred years after his time.

C'mon Bioware, just let him go gracefully before you really do turn him into Arthas/Lich King.



Wolfninja, you disappoint. You've neglected to say....

Wrong section:t_tongue:

Edited by Fyurii
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When the game was still developing I posted a thread asking if you would trade The Old Republic for a KOTOR 3. The majority said that the game would be many KOTORs in one, so no. Now that we've had the game for awhile I'm going to ask again and see what has changed. So, would you?


Tough question. KoTOR was one of the best games ever made if you ask me.


However, SW:TOR has had a lot more staying power (KoTOR took a weekend), I just finished my first class story a month ago.


So I don't' think so. This is kind of KoTOR III.


- Arcada

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This is KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..... Well almost, it isn't perfect but I love this game, when the original KOTOR was released a lot of people asked me...why isn't is online? Well now it is!


This game has its critics, but what doesn't. I read a review the other day of Dark Knight Rises that gave it 2/5 lololol

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This game has its critics, but what doesn't. I read a review the other day of Dark Knight Rises that gave it 2/5 lololol


That's because it was a tediously predictable movie ;) ?


although I'd give it 3/5 (wasn't asking for my money back).


Offff toopicc... ahahha.


- Arcada

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When the game was still developing I posted a thread asking if you would trade The Old Republic for a KOTOR 3. The majority said that the game would be many KOTORs in one, so no. Now that we've had the game for awhile I'm going to ask again and see what has changed. So, would you?


No. I wouldn't trade this game for a KOTOR 3. This IS the sequel to TSL. Plain and Simple.

You will eventually find Revan AND the Exile (Meetra Surik) during this game and they figure in to this story in a huge way. This game ties up the loose ends from KOTOR and TSL. It is more than 300 years following the events of TSL and the galaxy finds itself in an uneasy peace brokered at the Sacking of Coruscant. Nothing really happened in the galaxy until the return of the real Sith Empire. Meetra defeated the Sith Triumvirate(Darths Sion, Nihilus and Traya), remember? Darth Revan's Sith Empire was made up of ex-Republic forces from the Mandalorian wars and forces created by the Star Forge. This new threat in the galaxy is the real Sith. The empire that descends from legendary Sith such as Tulak Hord and Marka Ragnos. The story is coming full circle and you and your friends get to live the adventure together. How cool is that?



Most of the people complaining about TOR don't care for MMORPG's. That's not our problem. Don't like the game? Guess what? Don't play it. Other people will play it and will like it.

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As much as I like some of the gameplay , and storylines of SWTOR....this is no KOTOR 3, it is only a shell of a great single player rpg . The problem is they tried to take a great single player rpg ,and make it into a great mmo. They failed at both things the crafting feels tacked on ...the rpg elements are missing ...there is no contection to your crew , or other npc's in the game you are running thru a Star wars set is all, a empty one now. SWG had that big open sandbox Star Wars worlds to run in, to explore, to adventure in ....something missing from SWTOR. SWG lacked good storylines to play thru....but made up for that with great rpg sandbox gameplay. Somebody just needs to combine the 2 , add in the action combat game play from Star Wars the Force Unleased...and Star Wars 1313...and you would have a great Star wars MMORPG.
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  • 5 weeks later...

I would. I've never been a big fan of multi player games, and I sorely miss my single player days back with KOTOR 1 & 2!

But, as someone before me suggested, it would just be marvellous to have SWTOR for those who like MMOs and KOTOR 3 for single player gamers like me.

Edited by _Lateo_
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Not just for a KOTOR 3, no. For a few continuations of the series? A possiblity of KOTOR 3, 4, 5, and beyond? Yes, I would trade ToR for that.


When I look at ToR, the positive is the quality of the story, compared to other MMOs. the negatives are PvP and end-game content (old, tired mechanics.) Basically, the group portions of The Old Republic are the negatives, and the single player parts are the positives. For me, at least.


It stands to reason that, If this were a series of single player games, the stories would be even better, and I wouldn't miss the absence of the group content, which I find lacking anyway. As it stands, we are not likely to get anymore KOTOR single player games out of BioWare, and that's a shame.



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I have said it many times, LucasArts is the reason why KotOR II: TSL was released in an unfinished buggy state, because they wanted Christmas sales, then LucasArts declined Obsidian's request to patch the game with the rest of it's content, LucasArts are also the reason KotOR III was never created, despite Obsidian asking them to do it.


Now what do we have, a plot device conclusion to T3 and the Exile, just to stick Cashcow Revan in this MMO game and give him the half-hearted ending they did.

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