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23-15-3 rip


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For the last few weeks Ive been steadily advertising and glorifying the Dark Maul spec as much as I could. I was having a blast with it and wanted the rest of the community to try it out to see if you guys would have as much fun as I was. Against under geared targets it does really really well. Big crits and burning them down really fast. But it has some really bad draw backs, like how ineffective it is against really well geared and armored opponents.


Against guarded healers, tanks and anyone with decent gear I found I was barely critting at all. When I would crit it was only doing 1500-2000 damage which is about half of what it should, and for the cost of this ability its just not worth it. For the last week I have been doing WZ's with the 3 main Madness specs out there, Mad Maul, Arika, and full Madness. I was hoping that I could learn to be effective in WZ's by playing smart and learning to maximize me life in combat. I failed completely. The damage is there on all three specs, when I wasn't targeted and left alone I was able to put really good pressure on healers, and spreading dots around really helped move me up the damage chart. But in the end it was not as effective as I wanted. Yes I was pulling 300k+ dmg but it was splash damage and I really would not consider it damage that was helping the team. And as far as dropping healers, I was just too squishy.


I am almost full WH geared with close to 20k health, I opened up on a mara who only had 14k total health and brought him close to death, when he was done killing his target he turned to me, popped his defensive cd and 100-0'd me in about 4 seconds even though I had far superior gear than him. There was nothing I could do, I even used my stun, he trinketed and pwnd me. Same thing happened against a Powertech, he was at 60% health and in recruit gear, he destroyed me with 30% health left. Even when I had 4-5 people dotted up it still was not enough back heals to keep me going. Every time I got on a healer there seemed to be a dps pwning me in a few seconds.


31-0-10 is definitely the wise choice with the best overall survivability with good utility and descent burst once in a while. But I have been using this spec for a few months now and it is just so damn boring, Shock, Wither, Shock, Force Lightning, repeat. For the last couple days I have been playing as 23-1-17 and since the last few weeks I have been running hybrid specs I have found a new respect for this hybrid spec. I tried it a few months ago and dismissed it for some stupid reason. After playing it this time I think I found my niche. Its Mauls still hit pretty hard, almost as hard as Dark Maul. Its Death Field again still hits pretty hard even though its less than a madness build. 23-1-17 is not about damage or survivability, its all about versatility. The utility of this spec is its strength. Instead of just running in and trying to drop healers and low health targets I started playing smarter and maximizing my CC to give my team the edge. It is pretty rewarding to join a fight at the south bunker and know that me CC'ing their healer is the reason the rest of their team is dieing. Having instant WW along with out of stealth Spike is so bad ***. There is so much utility with this spec that used properly it is insanely powerful. When its time to do damage 23-1-17 does a pretty good job too, it is not the best but it is definitely good enough. Thrash hits pretty hard, Shocks always crit and Maul on an Exposed Weakness proc is not shabby.


I got a pretty hectic work schedule for the next 4 days, hopefully next weekend i can Fraps some footage of some pro CC and some not so shabby damage.

Edited by Xethis
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unlike your post...


More people will raed my post then his...

I dont get why people go out to invent their own fail hybrid spec and promote them on the forums as "THE NEW THING THAT SAVES THIS CLASS!!!" just to realize later that they just don't work.


Bioware does not want hybrid specs, they ensured that since 1.2, don't thing that you will come up with one that is better then a full tree spec.

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More people will raed my post then his...

I dont get why people go out to invent their own fail hybrid spec and promote them on the forums as "THE NEW THING THAT SAVES THIS CLASS!!!" just to realize later that they just don't work.


Bioware does not want hybrid specs, they ensured that since 1.2, don't thing that you will come up with one that is better then a full tree spec.

I never said or promoted that it was better than Darkness or Madness, I only said it was fun to play as an alternative to Deception that so many of us want to work so bad. Every single post I have posted has been a wall of text, you should read those and post on them how you hate how long they are.....I need the bumps!

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your wall of text specc seems to be quite effective tho...


I read it, it's simply 4 paragraphs. You must not be terribly well read if that takes effort. Also a wall of text is when someone uses no proper paragraphs or distinguishable puncuation. You're just lazy.


I may give it a shot on my shadow just for a bit of a change up. Glad people are finding ways to break the mold a bit and make things interesting in this downtime.

Edited by Aricori
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More people will raed my post then his...

I dont get why people go out to invent their own fail hybrid spec and promote them on the forums as "THE NEW THING THAT SAVES THIS CLASS!!!" just to realize later that they just don't work.


Bioware does not want hybrid specs, they ensured that since 1.2, don't thing that you will come up with one that is better then a full tree spec.


Get over yourself, you're posting in a video game forum and apparently you can't read, so you're nothing special.

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I know what you mean dude, I played the build for some warzones to see how it works out and for a vid production. The specc makes alot of fun, no doubt, but you are right - I personaly prefer going the 31/0/10 (or 31/1/9) or the 23/1/17 build.


Anyway, it's all about the games, so we shouldn't forget to enjoy what we are doing, thats the fact, so ignore what's best - play what you have fun with and which playstyle you have.

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