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How to gain Ashara affection?


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I'm currently on Quesh with Ashara, and I don't seem to gain any affection during choices or conversations. Am I doing something wrong or is there some kind of no-affection-gain-bug that I should know about?


Also, I'm light 1.



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She is a female so listen to hear day at work and take her light saber shopping. also beware 3 days out of the month you will gain negative points just for being on the same ship. she will put that "need to talk" icon over her head when a great match of huttball is about to come on.


i have max affection with her.

Edited by vojinsa
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Affection rising again. I guess I just had to get out of Quesh. Also, tried to put the dancer's outfit on her. Got trolled big time by Bioware :p


She is a female so listen to hear day at work and take her light saber shopping. also beware 3 days out of the month you will gain negative points just for being on the same ship. she will put that "need to talk" icon over her head when a great match of huttball is about to come on.


i have max affection with her.


I can see why, mate. You seem to understand women very well :)

Edited by kifa
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She is a female so listen to hear day at work and take her light saber shopping. also beware 3 days out of the month you will gain negative points just for being on the same ship. she will put that "need to talk" icon over her head when a great match of huttball is about to come on.


i have max affection with her.

You sir, win the internet today.

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I'm currently on Quesh with Ashara, and I don't seem to gain any affection during choices or conversations. Am I doing something wrong or is there some kind of no-affection-gain-bug that I should know about?


Also, I'm light 1.




I'm dark IV and bribed her with comp gifts--after finishing chapter 2 I had 5 convos in a row with her so be patient as you're probably not far enough along in your story progression, they will come

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Easiest way to get her going is buying republic memorabilia rank 2 and keep giving them to her. Then eventually she will want to talk. I have barely finished Quesh and she is already in the romantic stage with me. Then its up to your dialog choices after that. If you have a level 50 just send your companions for level 5 gifts and it will get her even higher affection.
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