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3 reasons why 1.3 made PvP worse.


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Here's my main 3 gripes with PvP since 1.3.


1: They wanted to adress the issue of stunned/mezzed players appearing where they are not, but in doing so they introduced even more issues. Issues that are, in my opinion, way worse than a player appearing where he/she is not. Perhaps it's an isolated case, but for example; when I get force pushed I get stutter-lag for about 2-3 seconds. Even though my character is back up on her feet, I cannot actaully move because I'll just stutter back to where I was pushed.


This happens with other pushbacks as well, even roots. On my jedi shadow when I use my 30 meter ranged root on a target they sometimes disappear for the duration of the root. This never happened prior to 1.3, and I think their intended fix is the culprit to this issue as well.


PvP does not feel as fluid as it did before 1.3.



2: Removal of burst (on-use relics and warzone adrenals). This was a stupid change and I don't understand the reason why they did it (did they even comment on it?). Was it an attempt to lower the damage? Because they got the opposite result, damage in pvp is much higher in 1.3 than what it was in 1.2. I liked burst, it was one of the defining elements that separated a good player from a bad, knowing when and how to best burst.


PvP does not feel as competent as it did before 1.3.



3: Fully augmented gear. This is probably the main reason why sustained damage is skyhigh at the moment. Before 1.3 stuns didn't feel nearly as fatal as they do nowadays. You don't use your stuns tactically anymore, you just use them to burn things down. Why CC a target when you can just kill it? Healers are incredibly easy to kill, especially sages/sorcerers.


PvP does not feel as strategic as it did before 1.3.



It annoys me that Bioware has done nothing to adress the balance issues of PvP since 1.2. I'm not going to whine about Marauders and Pyrotechs, there's enough threads about that. The first few months of SWTOR I had faith in the PvP of this game since Bioware adressed class balance quite regularly and even provided nerfs/buffs in minor patches. Now they are doing just like WoW and that is to promise a lot at a later date and then bring seemingly giant changes that corrects some issues but presents others instead. Why can't they actively monitor their game in addition to making new content? Why must they do it all in one?


Thanks for reading.

Edited by Majspuffen
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1. I've never had this happen, dunno what to say.

2 and 3 go together. As you said augments boosted stats, therefore they had to remove the on use adrenal damage. How insane would the burst be now with the 1.2 expertise change, adrenals, and fully modded gear?

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I totally agree with the OP, and 'have' had all those things happen, before people start saying' prove it, or it never happened type replies. As for the changes 1.3 brought in, I think actually have produced too much damage in Warzone's now, not only healers are easy to kill, but healers can't heal through the amount of damage actually being caused to people.


I prefer how burst was in 1.2, the change to adrenals, while I understand why they don't want PVE Adrenal's used in PVP, even so they should give us a PVP equivalent then, that does pretty much some thing similar to the PVE ones. Remove the passive stats from relics and put those back to on activate as it used to be.

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Here's my main 3 gripes with PvP since 1.3.


1: They wanted to adress the issue of stunned/mezzed players appearing where they are not, but in doing so they introduced even more issues. Issues that are, in my opinion, way worse than a player appearing where he/she is not. Perhaps it's an isolated case, but for example; when I get force pushed I get stutter-lag for about 2-3 seconds. Even though my character is back up on her feet, I cannot actaully move because I'll just stutter back to where I was pushed.



This is what annoys me the most about 1.3. Rubberbanding really makes it a lot harder to kite now and getting ported back after you sprint for example, which pre-patch you would be around a pillar, really sucks. Ping doesn't seem to effect it either. I play on 2 servers. One with 150 MS and the other ~30. The server with 30 seems to rubberband me back more often.


The higher damage (augmets/power relics) without an increase in damage reduction is stupid also, but warzones are so poorly designed, you need high damage to wipe nodes/doors to cap a lot of the time, because of stupidly fast respawn times.

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Option 1.. hands down option 1. I raged customer service over this! I play on US servers from australia. Anytime someone leaps or stuns me I get teleported. It also has an annoying extended issue where I will activate a cooldown.. someone will leap or stun me and the cooldown that I activated doesn't actually activate.. It just goes on cooldown with no effect.


I used to run the ball a lot in huttball. I generally don't even bother anymore. running the same 10m stretch of ground 4 or 5 times in a row is a joke.

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1. Along with server merges, I find the game is usually unplayable because of lag all around. Search for "lag" in the community search box above. You will find 40%+ of their lag complains, over 8 months, have been since 1.3 + server merges. 40%+ out of 8 months... That says something.


2. They changed PvP relics because skilled players could use them to destroy people. Which I thought was the point of PvP... Heres a quote.


This is especially true when the relic is paired with powerful cooldowns or burst damage attacks. This is the primary reason we changed the PvP relics into passive relics, as skilled players could wipe out their opponents much more quickly than intended, and nobody likes to be killed before they get a chance to fight back.


From the Community Q&A: July 23rd, 2012, found here.


3. I dont get it either. I thought armor itself was enough, but after taking a 2 month break and coming back to everything augmented, plus I'm already tired of the gear grind. And the boring, easymode, buggy PvP.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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PvP does not feel as fluid as it did before 1.3.


So true. When 1.3 first came out and there were major issues due to the 'fix' of people not showing where they were stunned etc, the game was practically unplayable with all the warping going on. It was then fixed, but there is still a lot of jerkiness with the game when you get knockbacked etc.


What's particularly annoying is the stuttering you mentioned from getting up after a force push.

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My impressions :


- #1 is annoying


- I don't agree with #2 because even if sustained damage is higher know, it is more enjoyable than getting litteraly destroyed in few seconds because a guy popped his adrenals and relics. People have defensive CD (and had defensive relics) in order to survive bursts or focuses, but how can you use it when do don't even have the time to pop your defensive CD (or def relic) before to die ?


- I totally agree with #3. Getting augmented gear is the same as mixing PvP gear with PvE gear prior to the Expertise change. It brings a lot of extra power. And since we have to trade BM gear for WH gear, people don't want to waste augmentation kits on their BM gear and so only WH geared players have augmented gear, and as a result it increases gear gap.

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From the Community Q&A: July 23rd, 2012, found here.


I think they must have misworded that answer... but then again burst was removed, thus lowering the skill required to play pvp.


Burst was ridiculously high at times and that has nothing to do with how skilled a person is. The damage has been too high ever since 1.2. Removing burst is such a "blizzard-fix". Why fundamentally change the game when they have so many numbers they can tweak?



And it's nice to see more people experiencing the rubberbanding (what I called stutter-lag). Hopefully they'll fix this soon <.< it's not like they are telling us.

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