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Collector's Edition Vendor and the Cartel Shop


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You might want to search the forums better as this post was on the first page also but here was the question and answer from a mod.


Q: "Will the collectors edition ever get updated with more items ? as it stands now the security key vendor offers more/better in some cases. "


A: (from a mod/admin) Yes :)


So there's your answer. The CE shop will still be updated.


After ME3 and SWTOR, i take everything anyone from Bioware says with a grain of salt. For instance take a look at the Jedi Knight page on the Holonet, most of those pictures of cool Jedi Knights with armor with a hood down is false. They are not in the game. Even the character creation screen for Jedi Knights gives a false impression on how a Jedi Knight will look, because that armor is not attainable in the game.


So even if a mod came to this thread and said they are working on content for the CE store, I would not believe it before I see that happening.

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My only concern is that Bioware, being so cash stripped, decides to make all the Collector's Edition ingame items available via Cartel Shop.


That would be a huge huge.... HUGE letdown. Please keep unique items unique.


CE was only released in the US. Most other consumers around the world missed out because of that, really hoping they do release most of the items to the cartel market.


Honestly though thinking that just buying the CE of the game alone should entitle you to rewards that only make your character unique would pretty much be fair in that you pay credits for your gear while others are forced to pay cash.


Even then some unique CE vendor stims for PvP and PvE would alone be enough. Lets not forget the companion customization to boot you have.

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Most we forced to buyout of the US to get the game, the rest of the other regions were forced to wait or pay for digital download with the delux pack. Believe in a heart beat I would of shilled out the money for digital CE version of the game alone as would others. Denying them of that costed them a lot of money.
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It's a question of "when" not "if".

As one who owns the CE, I don't want others being able to spend Cartel Coins or anything to get this stuff. If you wanted what's sold there, you should've spent the cash like the rest of us.

That said, I highly doubt the majority who own the CE will make the transition to F2P, let alone be playing this time next year. And when the "when" happens, it'll highly create any waves as the majority of the owners will be long gone.

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CE was only released in the US. Most other consumers around the world missed out because of that, really hoping they do release most of the items to the cartel market.


Hmmm no... It was available also in Europe... Try again...


Here's a french edition.


Here's a german version.


Most we forced to buyout of the US to get the game, the rest of the other regions were forced to wait or pay for digital download with the delux pack. Believe in a heart beat I would of shilled out the money for digital CE version of the game alone as would others. Denying them of that costed them a lot of money.


You are inventing things.


It was sold at amazon.fr, it was sold at amazon.de, at amazon.co.uk, and other specific national shops...


Here's the link for that thread and answer : http://www.swtor.com/community/showt...=325920&page=2


That's a quote from a guy who no longer works for EA/Bioware...... Some of the people on this thread act like Bioware guaranteed it in blood....


How ironic it is you conveniently cut half of what I said to make your fallacious "point"... Why is it you excluded this part below huh ?

The part saying that others said it as well, and those others are still at BW, and even if a guy isn't there any more doesn't make the fact suddenly a lie :


That said, am pretty certain there were other video interviews with other devs that basically said the exact same thing, either before launch or shortly after, can't remember and can't find in which video interview or video presentation, or if it was during a convention or whatever. It was either D. Erickson, or maybe it was James Ohlen, or Dallas Dickinson, or another one, I don't remember...


Because it did show that a previous post of yours was wrong ?

The one where you said we were never told such a thing ?



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I have to say i feel a bit... left out (?)... having the collectors edition and reading about the upcoming cartel shop.


It's cool that CE players get a chunk of cartel tokens to start with but....


(Forgive me if i am mistaken and if this has been mentioned)

...i believe I have heard in the past their were plans to continually add items to the collector's edition vendor. To the best of my knowledge this has not been happening.


Now with the upcoming cartel shop, i can for see it being updated even less.


With all the changes coming with the F2P model, what plans are there to still show the CE vendor (& VIP area) some love?


My bet is whatever updates they had for the CE vendor are now part of the cartel market

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There is no "moving on" from given promises. Especially if one paid for the content he didn't get. We're only asking for digital items, it's nothing that requires huge amounts of work or real-life raw materials. Most of the items we'd gladly see in the CE vendor shop are already in the game (hood down robes worn by NPCs).
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There is no "moving on" from given promises. Especially if one paid for the content he didn't get. We're only asking for digital items, it's nothing that requires huge amounts of work or real-life raw materials. Most of the items we'd gladly see in the CE vendor shop are already in the game (hood down robes worn by NPCs).


You are entitled to nothing. Everything in this game is Bioware's. Your very existence here is by the graces of Bioware. they could tell you one day that you are not allowed to play the game anymore, and they could do it without reason. You have no say so and no recourse. It doesn't matter what you think, what you read, or how you feel. I hope you don't think that just because some developer says they are going to add to the CE vendor that they actually are going to do that. They can change their mind, do other things, and never do what they said they were going to do and make no apologies for it. Everything is subject to change in an MMO. You have to look at it this way. Bioware makes zero dollars by adding things to the CE vendor. Why then would they pay their people to create items for that vendor when there is no return on that investment? Beware of promises and keep in mind that change only comes when there is profit to be made. the profit for the collectors edition has already been made. That cow no longer yields milk.

Edited by Pcolapat
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There is no "moving on" from given promises. Especially if one paid for the content he didn't get. We're only asking for digital items, it's nothing that requires huge amounts of work or real-life raw materials. Most of the items we'd gladly see in the CE vendor shop are already in the game (hood down robes worn by NPCs).


I don't see how "access to an exclusive in-game vendor" is a given promise that the same items in said vendor will not some day make their way out of said vendor. The vendor is exclusive, the items were never promised to be such. With the Cartel Shop unless they sell access to the vendor they technically have broken no promises. And even if they do sell access, you had exclusive access up to the point of sale which is still considered "Exclusive access"


Also, he didn't pay for the items in the vendor. He payed for the Collectors edition, which came with a metal cd case, art book, statuette, music cd, digital pet, etc... Not to mention they are giving CEs 1000 CCs.


Cry moar?

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Honestly though thinking that just buying the CE of the game alone should entitle you to rewards that only make your character unique would pretty much be fair in that you pay credits for your gear while others are forced to pay cash.


You know why I thought that? Cause it says so on the box.

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Bad enough if BW starts selling the CE items for Cartel coins. Worse if they give it away to non CE owners.


Digital Collectors edition is a collectors edition, hence why access to a CE vendor isn't out of the question. Its not like the digital collectors get the fancy real life items anyhow.


Not to mention it was more a joke, I wouldn't mind the CE armor set though :3

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Digital Collectors edition is a collectors edition, hence why access to a CE vendor isn't out of the question. Its not like the digital collectors get the fancy real life items anyhow.


The digital deluxe edition is not the collectors edition. It should be out of the question.

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Read any advertisement for the collectors edition, "access to exclusive vendor- with a dynamic assortment of items" the items are dynamic not exclusive. Dumb or not its the case.


And what's your understanding of DYNAMIC for that matter ?



Not dynamic items... It's the assortment of items that is said as dynamic not the items themselves...

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The digital deluxe edition is not the collectors edition. It should be out of the question.

Yea I saw that after I looked again, like I said though it was more of a joke than anything. I don't expect access to the vendor. It would be nice if they made the Imperial trooper set tradeable tho so that CEs could make money of it.

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And what's your understanding of DYNAMIC for that matter ?






(of a process or system) Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.


This means that they change items from time to time, no period of time is specified. So if they change the items within once every year it is dynamic.

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Looking at the thread, it seems pretty, 50/50 on this topic.


Someone mentioned the VIP area in general (as i did as well in the OP).


So rather than updates to the CE vendor, As many people feel "To bad you spent that cash, be glad you got what you got" How about general updates to the VIP area?


Any player can gain access (after purchasing the writs band), so why not update this small exclusive shop (area) that will be 100% separate from the upcoming cartel shop?


It looks like almost all of the legacy items are going to be purchasable with cartel coins, so if the VIP area stays at a buy in with in game credits then this can be its only little exclusive hub to players that save up?


But it should be updated every so often, it should be a place players want to go and dump some credits on exclusive.... or even discounted items (i.e. crafting mats, stims, etc.)

Edited by FontusSW
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