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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Collector's Edition Vendor and the Cartel Shop


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I have to say i feel a bit... left out (?)... having the collectors edition and reading about the upcoming cartel shop.


It's cool that CE players get a chunk of cartel tokens to start with but....


(Forgive me if i am mistaken and if this has been mentioned)

...i believe I have heard in the past their were plans to continually add items to the collector's edition vendor. To the best of my knowledge this has not been happening.


Now with the upcoming cartel shop, i can for see it being updated even less.


With all the changes coming with the F2P model, what plans are there to still show the CE vendor (& VIP area) some love?


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EDIT +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Looking at the thread, it seems pretty, 50/50 on this topic.


Someone mentioned the VIP area in general (as i did as well in the OP).


So rather than updates to the CE vendor, As many people feel "To bad you spent that cash, be glad you got what you got" How about general updates to the VIP area?


Any player can gain access (after purchasing the writs band), so why not update this small exclusive shop (area) that will be 100% separate from the upcoming cartel shop?


It looks like almost all of the legacy items are going to be purchasable with cartel coins, so if the VIP area stays at a buy in with in game credits then this can be its only little exclusive hub to players that save up?


But it should be updated every so often, it should be a place players want to go and dump some credits on exclusive.... or even discounted items (i.e. crafting mats, stims, etc.)

Edited by FontusSW
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I have to say i feel a bit... left out (?)... having the collectors edition and reading about the upcoming cartel shop.


It's cool that CE players get a chunk of cartel tokens to start with but....


(Forgive me if i am mistaken and if this has been mentioned)

...i believe I have heard in the past their were plans to continually add items to the collector's edition vendor. To the best of my knowledge this has not been happening.


Now with the upcoming cartel shop, i can for see it being updated even less.


With all the changes coming with the F2P model, what plans are there to still show the CE vendor (& VIP area) some love?


This is how you should read the cash shop. All the bling you where suppose to get for CE is going to the cash shop. Anything they had in the works which would have been all cosmetic is now in the cash shop.


You basically paid and paid extra for them to not deliver. I am very happy about not paing extra for that vendor.

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Wasn't CE $100ish? So, based on the reimbursement, cartel coins value will be around $1=< 10 coins. I wonder how much gear will be if that is the Exchange rate? If so, would you use 500 of your cartel coins/$50 for an intangible, digital product, that will have no real world application? How many hours did you have to work to earn that $100? Is it worth a digital tan tan pet? These questions and more will be answered next month! Edited by Bowlickanator
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Wasn't CE $100ish? So, based on the reimbursement, cartel coins value will be around $1=< 10 coins. I wonder how much gear will be if that is the Exchange rate? If so, would you use 500 of your cartel coins/$50 for an intangible, digital product, that will have no real world application? How many hours did you have to work to earn that $100? Is it worth a digital tan tan pet? These questions and more will be answered next month!


1000 coins =/= retail price for the CE.


Best guess right now, 1000 coins is between $10-$25, depending on what the go live price turns out to be.


As for the CE only merchant in game, while it would be nice to see new content, I like what is there and use it to equip companions now that it's adaptive armor.

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things never goes as we want to,

EA promised something if things go well, since things arent going well, change of plans.

subbers of course they will have better treatment from f2p players, ONLY this time subbers arent any different versions of game, cuz subbers means p2p, nothing more

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1000 coins =/= retail price for the CE.


Best guess right now, 1000 coins is between $10-$25, depending on what the go live price turns out to be.

As for the CE only merchant in game, while it would be nice to see new content, I like what is there and use it to equip companions now that it's adaptive armor.


I'd say that's a VERY generous guess considering subscribers only get 150 a month.,..

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  • 1 month later...
1000 coins =/= retail price for the CE.


Best guess right now, 1000 coins is between $10-$25, depending on what the go live price turns out to be.


As for the CE only merchant in game, while it would be nice to see new content, I like what is there and use it to equip companions now that it's adaptive armor.


I think they should put Skins for Scorpio in the CE only!!!!



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My only concern is that Bioware, being so cash stripped, decides to make all the Collector's Edition ingame items available via Cartel Shop.


That would be a huge huge.... HUGE letdown. Please keep unique items unique.


Sorry but going by experience, if it will sell they will sling it on there......Cryptic did exactly the same thing to "exclusive" pre-order items and such, despite vehement comments about them NEVER selling game changing items, a few weeks later the store is full of items, including game changing gear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lets not forget people that you also got a CD, Statue, Art Book, etc....


The digital vendor was only a fraction of the stuff in the collectors edition package and you still get an exclusive vendor that people who can't afford 100$ for a game don't have access to. I'm sorry you feel entitled to things because you payed more money but bad news is you payed for it and got advanced access (6-7 months before others).


Its the same for people who buy new released videogames or cellphones the day they come out then get mad they payed 300$ for a phone someone else bought for 100$ 3 months later.


I actually hope they add access to that vendor in the cartel shop.

Edited by Xenirath
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As owner of the CE Edition, I'm currently (or soon will with patch 1.5) happy with it.

The only thing that has been bothering me since the start, was the fact that the cute Unique CE Speeder becomes worthless once you learn the level 2 License since it's limited to 90% speed.


But with patch 1.5, the CE Speeder will be adaptive 90%/100%/110%, like the different speeder sold in the Cartel Shop. So that fixes it.


As already mentioned in other posts here, I do however really wish the unique CE items to remain unique to the CE Edition. I don't want CE items in Cartel Shop or otherwise. Else I would be really disappointed and feel cheated.

Edited by Elysith
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On top of more items for the Collector's Edition vendor, how about more items for the VIP vendor.


Korrealis Commander was removed and Tirsa Prime added. That was it to my knowledge. I would hate to be one of those people without the CE who actually paid 1million credits for the VIP band to discover one vendor selling only one expensive speeder in the lounge.


So if they add more to the CE vendor, I think the VIP vendor should deserve some attention as well.

Edited by Tordos
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On top of more items for the Collector's Edition vendor, how about more items for the VIP vendor.


Korrealis Commander was removed and Tirsa Prime added. That was it to my knowledge. I would hate to be one of those people without the CE who actually paid 1million credits for the VIP band to discover one vendor selling only one expensive speeder in the lounge.


So if they add more to the CE vendor, I think the VIP vendor should deserve some attention as well.


Either that or maybe give is "Digital Collectors" access to collectors edition vendor :p


I mean I am a collector, just not a retail box cause I didn't want a Malgus statue giving me nightmares.

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Well, they also made it sound like that droid we got, would help us in combat, and it does nothing.

Its hard to "translate" cost to different country's as salery, taxes and prices of stuff varies alot. F.X i paied 1200dkk for my CE, which is quite a bit, but might sound like even more to some people. But the box was still 3 times as expencive as the standard game.

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I was promised CE vendor update, not 1000 worthless coins. After all those months and buying CE for 150 quid (and 5 months later it is manufactured in large quantities and sold for 50 quid at many retailers) I get coins I can spend only once and on a rubbish set of armor for only ONE character? Shame! Oh, and armor set is 1200 coins, not 1000.


CE vendor should get exclusive items (as promised) OR share at least few armor set reskins with the cash shop if they're too lazy to add anything new.


Republic fleet CE vendor armor already shares model with a relatively easy to obtain civilian pilot outfit. It has only slightly different colour and military insignia.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Lets not forget people that you also got a CD, Statue, Art Book, etc....


The digital vendor was only a fraction of the stuff in the collectors edition package and you still get an exclusive vendor that people who can't afford 100$ for a game don't have access to. I'm sorry you feel entitled to things because you payed more money but bad news is you payed for it and got advanced access (6-7 months before others).


Its the same for people who buy new released videogames or cellphones the day they come out then get mad they payed 300$ for a phone someone else bought for 100$ 3 months later.


I actually hope they add access to that vendor in the cartel shop.


CD which was a demo version of the soundtrack (Guild Wars 2 was courteous enough to indicate it with their CE) and there was no artbook... CE vendor was supposed to contain dynamic assortment, there is NOTHING WRONG in asking, or even demanding, something you have paid for. This is so much different from begging for new, unpromised content or changes in mechanics.

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