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Gear Reward System is balanced


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The current PvP reward system is well designed. Let's accept that no single reward system will satisfy everyone as some folks legitimately prefer a gear normalization system where everyone has the same stats, while others prefer hard core gear progression where there is a massive gear disparity. SWTOR balances these competing interests very well.



1. Recruit gear = gives a fresh 50 a starter set to PvP - yes, you will get stomped, but it's a starter set.


2. Battlemaster = quite easy to get and it's a 140 value vs. 146 at War Hero, really very close. You can absolutely hold your own vs. War Hero gear in BM gear.


3. War Hero = rewards a gear grind and provides a tangible reward for continued play.


4. Augmentation = You can augment any tier of gear, so this is available to all players. If you compare vendor BM gear vs. Augmented War Hero gear, that is not a fair comparison as you can Augment BM gear if you wish and your argument is really one of credits and not gear. And credits are quite easy to get with companion missions and just the smallest bit of effort.


5. Mod Swapping = Provides the ability to customize gear which is another reason to play after achieving max gear while not tipping the balance in performance.


Overall, if you want 100% gear normalization in PvP that has everyone using the same stats then SWTOR is not exactly for you. And if you want a massive gear disparity where you can ROFL stomp someone more skilled because you have top gear and they have no access to anything which can compete, then SWTOR equally misses the mark. But SWTOR does a good job balancing and motivating you to play (this is an MMO after all), while making the easily obtained BM gear quite competitive vs the top War Hero gear.

Edited by Tdain
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The current PvP reward system is well designed. Let's accept that no single reward system will satisfy everyone as some folks legitimately prefer a gear normalization system where everyone has the same stats, while others prefer hard core gear progression where there is a massive gear disparity. SWTOR balances these competing interests very well.



1. Recruit gear = gives a fresh 50 a starter set to PvP - yes, you will get stomped, but it's a starter set.


2. Battlemaster = quite easy to get and it's a 140 value vs. 146 at War Hero, really very close. You can absolutely hold your own vs. War Hero gear in BM gear.


3. War Hero = rewards a gear grind and provides a tangible reward for continued play.


4. Augmentation = You can augment any tier of gear, so this is available to all players. If you compare vendor BM gear vs. Augmented War Hero gear, that is not a fair comparison as you can Augment BM gear if you wish and your argument is really one of credits and not gear. And credits are quite easy to get with companion missions and just the smallest bit of effort.


5. Mod Swapping = Provides the ability to customize gear which is another reason to play after achieving max gear while not tipping the balance in performance.


Overall, if you want 100% gear normalization in PvP that has everyone using the same stats then SWTOR is not exactly for you. And if you want a massive gear disparity where you can ROFL stomp someone more skilled because you have top gear and they have no access to anything which can compete, then SWTOR equally misses the mark. But SWTOR does a good job balancing and motivating you to play (this is an MMO after all), while making the easily obtained BM gear quite competitive vs the top War Hero gear.


Just popping in to show support for a well written thread.

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Good thread. Totally agree. BM is pretty easy to get. I got it in about 3 days doing solo queues. Got a little discouraged looking at the grind ahead of me for WH gear as I wasn't going to do much rateds, but then again, I tend to get lazy with things, so that's more my fault than TORs.
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Sexcellent post. My hat goes to the OP.


And of course, here is a nice gem:


I would discourage anyone to try to write a smart thread on those forums.


Dear sir, your post lacks a few important words


- GW2

- Nerf

- Competitive

- Skill

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I've said before, the only thing people hate more than having to grind for gear, is not having to grind for gear. People need a goal (if they are going to play more than a week or two), even if the path to that goal can sometimes be frustrating.


Without the gear grind and balance complaints, PVP becomes Mortal Kombat or Tekken. Hihachi was totally OP.

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Just to put the actual comparison- unaugmented BM to unaugmented WH.


I'll just compare one, feel free to look up the others.


WH Force Mystic vs BM Force Mystic

End 1186 vs 1079 +107 (1070 health, about 10%)

Will 1023 vs 970 +53 (5.5% bonus)

Power 369 vs 376 -7

Alacrity 159 vs 204 -45

Crit 259 vs 265 -6

Surge 371 vs 337 +34

Forcepower 1298 vs 1224 +74 (about 5.5%)

Expertise 1291 vs 1164 +127 (24 vs 22.2% damage bonus, +1.8% damage)


Basically, around a 5% damage bonus, 2% damage bonus on top of that, and 10% health bonus from gear, not touching on your base stats.


Draw your own conclusions from whether or not you find that too little/much/enough bonus for the gear.


I don't feel like doing the calculations for how long it would take to upgrade to WH from BM- but I've heard between 150-300 hours be tossed around as the average.

Edited by fungihoujo
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The recruit set needs more endurance. Stim them up!


Great write up OP, well said!


I believe that this above quote is correct as well. I think the recruit set is lacking in endurance department. 13K health is showing us their cards.... Might as well put a big target on their heads. Recruit gear should start 14 -14.5k min.


IDK, just throwing that out there. You seem to replace recruit with BM pretty fast though, so augmenting recruit gear would be a big waste of creds.

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The current PvP reward system is well designed. Let's accept that no single reward system will satisfy everyone as some folks legitimately prefer a gear normalization system where everyone has the same stats, while others prefer hard core gear progression where there is a massive gear disparity. SWTOR balances these competing interests very well.



1. Recruit gear = gives a fresh 50 a starter set to PvP - yes, you will get stomped, but it's a starter set.


2. Battlemaster = quite easy to get and it's a 140 value vs. 146 at War Hero, really very close. You can absolutely hold your own vs. War Hero gear in BM gear.


3. War Hero = rewards a gear grind and provides a tangible reward for continued play.


4. Augmentation = You can augment any tier of gear, so this is available to all players. If you compare vendor BM gear vs. Augmented War Hero gear, that is not a fair comparison as you can Augment BM gear if you wish and your argument is really one of credits and not gear. And credits are quite easy to get with companion missions and just the smallest bit of effort.


5. Mod Swapping = Provides the ability to customize gear which is another reason to play after achieving max gear while not tipping the balance in performance.


Overall, if you want 100% gear normalization in PvP that has everyone using the same stats then SWTOR is not exactly for you. And if you want a massive gear disparity where you can ROFL stomp someone more skilled because you have top gear and they have no access to anything which can compete, then SWTOR equally misses the mark. But SWTOR does a good job balancing and motivating you to play (this is an MMO after all), while making the easily obtained BM gear quite competitive vs the top War Hero gear.


All true. Maybe the gear reward balance guy should do the class balance job too...

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  • 2 months later...

I mostly agree that BM and WH gear are not too far apart and that the full BM set is quite easy to get.

However, the gap between recruit and fully augmented WH is huge mainly because augments make a strong difference in stats. For a fresh 50, the cost for getting a fully augmented set is really a major pain.


In my opinion, to help fresh 50 players, the recruit set should come fully augmented with lvl 20 or lvl 21 augments. These augments could then be transferred to the newly acquired BM set.

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Great write up OP, well said!


I believe that this above quote is correct as well. I think the recruit set is lacking in endurance department. 13K health is showing us their cards.... Might as well put a big target on their heads. Recruit gear should start 14 -14.5k min.


IDK, just throwing that out there. You seem to replace recruit with BM pretty fast though, so augmenting recruit gear would be a big waste of creds.


I agree with everything but the numbers. 17k would be less of a dead giveaway. Of course, once that happens, we'll know to poop on everyone with 17k...

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Finally, an intelligent post about gear grind on the forums. I sometimes forget that the people who speak on the forums do not speak for everyone who plays the game. Seeing tons of threads with nerf this and that and buff me and make this easier for me or you're going to lose subs gets so freakin tiring. Thanks to the OP and the rest of you for this thread.
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A fully augmented WH player will destroy a full BM player. Even if you do get fully augmented on your BM gear, there is a noticeable difference when fighting a fully augmented WH player. Now I'm not saying that is a bad thing, I actually think the gear gap is just about right. I do however think the grind for WH gear is just too high for most people. It's not so bad if you only play one character, but trying to gear up multiple characters in PvP to WH feels extremely prohibitive.


If Bioware lessened the grind slightly on WH gear, I think PvP would be pretty much perfect. Right now however I can't play multiple characters if I want to see full WH on my main before Christmas, and well that just sucks in its entirety.

Edited by Sweeet
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The current PvP reward system is well designed.


If you say so. I don't PVP here anymore, I just run class quests for the quest lines I haven't finished. Guess I disagree with you. I have a lot of alts and grinding out gear is not what I want to spend my time doing.

Edited by dcgregorya
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A fully augmented WH player will destroy a full BM player. Even if you do get fully augmented on your BM gear, there is a noticeable difference when fighting a fully augmented WH player. Now I'm not saying that is a bad thing, I actually think the gear gap is just about right. I do however think the grind for WH gear is just too high for most people. It's not so bad if you only play one character, but trying to gear up multiple characters in PvP to WH feels extremely prohibitive.


If Bioware lessened the grind slightly on WH gear, I think PvP would be pretty much perfect. Right no however I can't play multiple characters if I want to see full WH on my main before Christmas, and well that just sucks in its entirety.





But I think there is one simple thing they can do to even out the gear a notch -- equalize expertise across the sets.

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