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**Key binds for Focus JKG


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**Jedi Knight Guardian (Focus tree)


I'm trying to get proficient at keybinding, I was wondering what different keybinding you guys use. If you could post the letter/number you use with the skills on them that would be great, that way I could practice different versions to see which on fits me more.


Also, I just have a basic keyboard with basic mouse. So I don't have the extra options as most.


EDIT: To save time from all the typing you would have to do, posting a simple screen shot of your task bars would work just as well.



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**Jedi Knight Guardian (Focus tree)


I'm trying to get proficient at keybinding, I was wondering what different keybinding you guys use. If you could post the letter/number you use with the skills on them that would be great, that way I could practice different versions to see which on fits me more.


Also, I just have a basic keyboard with basic mouse. So I don't have the extra options as most.


EDIT: To save time from all the typing you would have to do, posting a simple screen shot of your task bars would work just as well.




Keybinding for Dummies


Assign skills in order from most used to less used with your most used skill being assigned to the key that is easiest for you personally to reach. Less used, less accessible, and so on.


Everyone has different playstyles, so you gotta figure out what skills take preference for you and assign them to the best slots.


You're eventually gonna build up some "muscle memory" with where you put your skills so make sure you think ahead and leave room for skills you haven't learned yet so you don't have to move binds and relearn them.


My advice is click your 3min defensive CDs for now and put them near your health pots and adrenals.


Always click your toggles/stances/long-term buffs (sprint, stance, JK buff)

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I remove "S" as my backwards key straight away on all my toons and make "A" & "D" strafe instead of turn. I will most likely assign "Force Kick" to "S" so it's very quick to tap.


A few of mine off the top of my head:


"X" = "Sundering Strike"

"C" = "Strike"

"V" = "Slash"

"B" = "Force Sweep"


Hit these the above my left thumb...


"F" = "Freeze Force"

"Q" = "Blade Storm"

"R" = "Force Leap" (with "E" as my targeting nearest enemy key, but I might change back to "Tab" or "4" and put in something else like "Force Push" or "Saber Throw" later on)


I press the icon for "Master Strike" still as it helps me stop moving and breaking it early :o


PS This is very Pro but worth having a look at: http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/

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I remove "S" as my backwards key straight away on all my toons and make "A" & "D" strafe instead of turn. I will most likely assign "Force Kick" to "S" so it's very quick to tap.


A few of mine off the top of my head:


"X" = "Sundering Strike"

"C" = "Strike"

"V" = "Slash"

"B" = "Force Sweep"


Hit these the above my left thumb...


"F" = "Freeze Force"

"Q" = "Blade Storm"

"R" = "Force Leap" (with "E" as my targeting nearest enemy key, but I might change back to "Tab" or "4" and put in something else like "Force Push" or "Saber Throw" later on)


I press the icon for "Master Strike" still as it helps me stop moving and breaking it early :o


PS This is very Pro but worth having a look at: http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/



Thats a very interesting way of doing it I must say, I'd give that a try myself, but I would really Screw with my mind. I've played MMO's for over 4 years now, and been hardcore raiding in some in the last 2, and keys " 1 to = " for Main bar has been no trouble, and cntrl + 1 to = etc for other skill slots. Whats annoying is not enough quickslot bars in the middle, and the one on the left gets covered by group and ops Ui :/ very annoying

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over the years of mmo playing ( back to EQ1 ) i've developed some off, but highly effective keybinds. Mostly because i have severe carpoltunnel so hitting anything past the 5 key for numbers is a real pain for me.


i use q,e,1,2,3,4 and then shift+q,e,1,2,3,4 for commonly used abilities, and spam

then z,x,c,f and shift+z,x,c,f for cds and situational abilities. i also bing mousewheelup/down and shift+mousewheelup/down to movement abilities, and then middle mouse button, and shift+middlemosuebutton to low cd abilities. finaly using ` and Shift+` for long CDs. it might seams off, but everything is within easy reach of my left hand while never needing to leave wsad for movement.


hope that helps =)

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This isn't a class-specific key bind, but more of a general key-setup i use on all my toons.

The setup is based on when using WASD for movement (A/D to strafe), To turn i use the hold-right mousbutton mousmovment. I only use the mouse on actionbar for buffs/pots/and rearly used actions. For actionbars i only use keys and key-combinations that are easy to reach without hindering movmen to much (0 is just in there cause it is easely located et the end). I use middle- and thumb-button on the mouse. If you don't got them on your mouse i encourage you to get one. Even cheap mouses come with them, so it dosn't have to be expencive. On the other hand, if you could cook your actions down to the bare nessesetys you might not need them ;)


My playstyle is minemalistic - so this setup isn't great for having a zillion actions within reach.

I like boiling it down to the bare necessities of what abilitys i need to play ok.


Action bar 1:

1: F

2: Shift+ F

3: E

4: Shift+ E

5: Q

6: Shift+ Q

7: Mouse Thumb-button

8: Shift+ Mouse Thumb-button

9: Middle Mouse-button

10: Shift+ Middle Mouse-button

11: [Left blank for pot/buff]

12: [Left blank for pot/buff]


Action bar 2:

1: 4

2: Shift+ 4

3: 3

4: Shift+ 3

5: 5

6: Shift+ 5

7: 6

8: 1

9: 2

10: 0

11: [Left blank for pot/buff]

12: [Left blank for pot/buff]


...or check out the image ;)

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Some interesting ideas there. I initially came from an FPS background where my thumb never strayed from the spacebar - and I've stuck with that. Maybe I should retrain a little and try using it for those bottom keys.


So without 'S', what do you use for backwards? In past games, backpedalling has been a good way of keeping attackers in your frontal arc for blocks/parries etc..


Other than that, I always tend to have a similar control setup for most games/characters:


Q - aoe style

E,R - Spammables (but currently I have E as reposte and automatically mash it just before any other style)

T - stun style

F - closer (ie force jump)

G - Guard

C - Assist on target (havn't really figured how to do that efficiently in this game yet)

5/6 - Defensive CD

1-4 - Situational CCs/Interupts

And middle-mouse to select nearest enemy (while keeping tag to cycle enemy, just those two keeps target selection fairly quick and painless)


Oh, and I have all those (nun-numeric) keys bound to my sidebar. Anything left that I need to click during combat will be on my bottom bars.


I know I'm gonna struggle as more essential abilities come available at higher levels...

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If you aren't too terribly used to it, you could switch from WASD to ESDF.


Instead of Q, E, R, F, Z, X, C as the immediate nearby keys, you have Q, W, A, Z, X, C, V, G, R, T, but it moves the number line a bit further away.


With all that being said, I've been playing MMORPGs and specifically FPS games for way too long to switch.


Although with how SWTOR seems to be, I'm heavily considering it before I become too reliant on the non-essential hotkeys surrounding WASD.


My typical keybind setup involves:


1-5, Q, E, R, F, with CTRL, SHIFT, and CTRL+SHIFT variations of every key. Although I've been lead to believe this won't be nearly enough at 36 combinations. That and the UI doesn't really help.. lol.

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The key binds I use are like most everyone else focused around WASD with shift as a modifier as needed. A and D are strafe and turning is done with the mouse in combat or via arrow keys while auto-running


my keys used are





Shift + 1-5

Shift + Q E R

Shift + A D


and lastly 6-0 for my Saber Forms and non-combat skills (buffs, introspection etc)


Binding order of importance (most common first)


E Sundering Strike

Q Strike

2 Slash

3 Force Sweep

4 Master Strike

1 Riposte (yeah I should probably move it to a more prominent place but it's ok there)

R (Currently Empty, reserved for Guardian Leap)


Shift+E Combat Focus ( I will probably put force stasis here and move combat focus to Shift +4)

Shift+Q Force Kick

Shift+R Force Leap


Shift+1 Guard

Shift+2-5 (currently empty, will likely place Cyclone Slash in 2 and move Slash to Shift+2, Throw Lightsaber to Shift+3 and combat Focus to Shift+4)


Shift+A Saber Ward

Shift+D Call the Force


X (medpack)

C Sprint

Z (Empty, saved for Relic active)




Oh and for those that were wondering, the character pane is bound to Shift+C and the reply whisper is bound to \ (right next to enter which you use to reply to everyone else).



You will notice that yes, I bind abilities to my A and D keys, but don't bind to my W or S. Honestly it's a habit I got from playing a kiting hunter in TBC and needing to stay running while jumping, turning and firing. As a tank I've found the ability to direct the fight backwards a bit helps give me more space and control of the fight.


Like all key bindings they take a bit to get used to but after an hour or so you won't ever wonder where that ability is again. And your hand never moves from Spacebar or the WASD.

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for my 2nd row, instead of shift or ctrl, I use the Function keys. F1-F4 are just as easy for me as 1-4. F5 and F8 are great b/c you don't have to look at them since the Fkeys are separated on my keyboard in sets of 4. F1-F4, break, F5-F8, break, F9-12. I use F9-12 for consumables/buffs ahead of time.


this plan only really works with a regular keyboard where the F keys are broken up, I'd guess.

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