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Legacy Vendors!!!


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I'm really not comprehending on how you obtain this items in your class vendors. Alot of people say it's a world drop. But i have 3 lvl 50's and i have never recieved anything to get items from the vendors. Only thing i have got was the birthright weapon construction kit for the low lvls.


I also find it bizarre that the items are bind threw your legacy. but who want's to roll another character just to use that item. I could of sworn i heard or read something that said that there was a mission trainer threw your crew that has a slightly chance of giving you the stuff you need for your legacy.


I don't know but i find that these vendors are extremely hard to obtain


the only items i can obtain is the money purchase ones. but who wants to spend $1,200.000 on a full set gear at lvl 20 w/o slots.


Am i missing the bigger picture here or is this really that intense to get these items threw the vendors:(

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The tokens for the level 14 items are nice since you can use them all the way to level 20 (not many pieces of gear that last 6 levels). That being said, aside from being a money saver - since it takes longer to outlevel - the only useful gear is the Renown and Exalted custom set.


I used these to gear my alts. Just get a Columi-Rakata-Black Hole item. Tear out the mods. Put into a Renown/Exalted piece. Then mail it to an alt. Because it's BoL you can gear your fresh 50s in full Black Hole and full War Hero with just one mail.


I geared my fresh 50 Jug in 5/5 War Hero the very minute he hit 50.

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Your saying by the money items and then run the blackhole with my 50's and then mail the slots to the lower lvls and use them.. Is there a lvl requirement to use the slots


Obviously Tionese-Campaign and Centurion-War Hero gear requires your alt to be level 50.

You can mail your alts level 40 mods, but given the cost of buying the gear and extracting the mods this really isn't a cost effective idea.


When it comes to gearing my pre-50 alts I just find a champion around the same level as them, and kill it for gear. When something nice drops - like a Purple level 39 helmet - I mail that to my alt and vendor the trash.

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They seem to be extremely rare, but I believe they can drop from anything. I got an Inheritance Kit from the first boss in a Lost Island flashpoint (story mode) last week. It's the only time I've ever seen it drop.
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There are 2 types of legacy gear:


Inheritance gear is lvl 14-16 blue's but will last a while due to them being better than any ingame items of the same level. These are awarded for finishing chapter 1 with any class and also you can get them from Underworld Trading missions but very rare.


Birthright Gear is lvl 30-36 also blue's and will last longer than items of the same level. These are dropped in the worlds above lvl 30 as random world drops and also available from later Underworld Trading missions but again very rare.


The Custom gear from the legacy vendors costs creds but once u have them u can send them to any alt (although only certain classes can wear them), this means ripping mods from Campaign/Rakata/Columi/Tionese can be sent to any alt however the cost for removing these mods is extortionate and you would need to extract them twice to send to an alt and have them in your custom gear.

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