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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If there was one thing you could remove from SWTOR....


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Mod removal costs, for sure!


I might say the Fleets, but that is a lot more complicated and would involve adding/moving things as well.


Actually i would not, they would add Vendors to Capital planets, thats it...:)

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-the mod removal money sink


i agree with others, it's insane to spend a full day of dailies just to change out your skins. its adds to the sense of "grind". I agree there needs to be money sinks ea, but come on. you guys can come up with something more creative than 20K + to switch out a single mod


-remove speeder, pets, and companions on the fleet. also re-design capital planets so that there is a reason to go there, rather than the fleet being a one-stop-shop for all end game needs


i disagree with removing the fleet all together as others have said... last thing you want to do is remove content imo. but lets cut down on the lag. don’t make the fleet useless, just add more content and re-design the capital planets so that things like important mission terms, flash points, and the gtn is conveniently located.

Edited by sumuser
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I'd remove one lightsaber from marauders and sentinels so they can do normal damage. :rak_01:

Don't hit me I'm squishy.



Oh, you're afraid of Marauders?


Don't be, we're only out to rip your heads off. You can keep the rest of your body.

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Complex rotations are fun imo. Not like John Madden complex but having 5 to 6 abilities used at different times with procs, stacks, etc make the rotation or priority system fun and if you do it well you can show it with good results.


Also, I love the black-core crystals, some abilities look awesome with them.


I would remove mod-removal costs for sure and some of the engine limitations for travel (like getting stuck between rocks) or such could be done away with.

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Fleet hands down.


+1 its just an extra set of loading screens.


If anything, the fleet should just be able to send you directly to the planet you want to go via a shuttle , instead of waiting thru all these load screens.


for example,


when you click on the hangar door, it would bring up a list of available planets that you can travel directly to, and your ship would be on the bottom of that list, in case you want to do space missions or whatever.

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