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Imperial agent, barley played but looks very bad


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Newsflash: people have different opinions.


But mine is that IA is the best story in the game too. I'm almost done getting my 3rd to 50. :D


I get the feeling kids would hate it - too much heavy dialogue, conspiracy theories, having no real power or freedom under the heavy hand of corrupt Sith - don't play this class if you want to be the classic hero or villain. I feel a little like Michael Weston sometimes, though.

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I honestly get the feeling that the OP might be trolling. However, it's just possible that he's not an espionage fan.


OP, if you don't like James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, or Jim Phelps (Old School, NOT the Tom Cruise atrocities that he passes off as Mission: Impossible), then I suggest you stop playing the Agent and move on to something you do enjoy.


That said, the Agent story is the best writing in the game, without a doubt. Yes, it starts out a bit slow, but it picks up a lot near the end of Chapter 1.

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Really? I liked the trenchcoats, made me think of the old-school spy look. The Imperial uniform is nice, but it does kinda say "O hai, I am an Imperial". You do have a military-type companion you recruit on Hoth, but I thought it made sense for most of the Agent's companions to be outsiders in some way, they're the sort of person you'd expect to have underworld contacts and so on. The shady types and misfits you'd work with because they could get things done that a good Imperial soldier couldn't, that sort of thing. I can't abide Kaliyo, but I can see why my Agent put up with her for a time. (Wish I had the option to...dispose of her now she's no longer useful to me, but that's another story.)


I suppose it's a matter of personal opinion. I enjoyed the story and liked the look of my character, but maybe it's not for everyone.

Edited by Eleuril
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I actually love Kaliyo, I think she is a fantastic character. Having someone on board that you don't 100% trust keeps things interesting. There's someone like that on every class story. Kaliyo is also freaking hilarious. I've capture more of her lines than anything else.


Also, I'm very biased towards trenchcoats. I refuse to wear anything other than the Cademimu Sharpshooters Jacket.

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