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New Endgame World Boss Idea


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I hope this is the right place to post ideas for new content,


Anyways, I have an idea for a new endgame world boss that would fit perfectly in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I'm sure everyone here has already run into the infamous Nightmare Pilgrim who is extremely hard to defeat and players need at least some Rakata items to be guarenteed survival. I think there could be another world boss put in at the same level of difficulty...The Krayt Dragon.


I'm sure many players remember the Krayt Dragons from Star Wars: Galaxies and the one from Knights of he Old Republic. They were popular with fans and of course dropped Krayt Dragon Pearls which prove useful in a lightsaber in both cases. I think putting in a Krayt Dragon on Tatooine would be fantastic. The Pearls themselves would make excellent loot along with whatever else it would drop. It would prove profitable on the market due to rarity and could make a nice modification for lightsabers.


I hope others agree with me:jawa_cool:

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Krayt Dragon Pearls are already in the game. Grade 3 Gemstone. Perfect Krayt Dragon Pearls are also an item, Grade 3 Trophy Companion item.


EDIT: Side note, scales are in game as well. Grade 3 underworld metal

Edited by ValemIroqi
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I was thinking about this the other day myself actually, exact same critter but in a slightly different setting.


Take a shuttle from fleet or maybe from inside the hangar on tattooine so we don't get the complaints about it being gamed by opposing faction etc.


Asto the matts its a great idea but most of them exist in the game in one shape or another. My idea would be......


Flawless Krayt dragon Pearls. These would function exactly like Color crystals, but bring a variety of different stats. Surge,absorb,forcepower etc.Have them be a rare drop (1-10%) and then put some generic tier/random items on the boss itself as "filler" for the loot table.


Bouncing the idea of another raid encounter around in my head, I usually use the time walking my dog everyday to think of these things.

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I remember that BW planned to put a 2nd world boss on Tatooine called "Queen of the Sands."


Sounds like a cool name for a dragon no?


Yea it does sound like a great idea for a Krayt Dragon since the Sand people worship them like gods. How about adding an Actual Sarlaac as a World Boss also?

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I hope this is the right place to post ideas for new content,


Anyways, I have an idea for a new endgame world boss that would fit perfectly in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I'm sure everyone here has already run into the infamous Nightmare Pilgrim who is extremely hard to defeat and players need at least some Rakata items to be guarenteed survival. I think there could be another world boss put in at the same level of difficulty...The Krayt Dragon.


I'm sure many players remember the Krayt Dragons from Star Wars: Galaxies and the one from Knights of he Old Republic. They were popular with fans and of course dropped Krayt Dragon Pearls which prove useful in a lightsaber in both cases. I think putting in a Krayt Dragon on Tatooine would be fantastic. The Pearls themselves would make excellent loot along with whatever else it would drop. It would prove profitable on the market due to rarity and could make a nice modification for lightsabers.


I hope others agree with me:jawa_cool:


The nightmare pilgrim is not extremely hard to defeat. He is rather easy if you have a competent raid group. In fact, he is faceroll if you have 16 players who aren't noobs.

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