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Why are people like this??


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I have no doubt this has been raised many times, but its just happened to me... AGAIN!


Doing my dailies... quest object has elite standing next to it.

Engage elite, and someone else comes in and grabs objective.

Elite respawns before the object does - ***!!!



it so sad, that we still have people out there which have zero regard to their fellow players...



Well congratulations for being such a postive part of the world!!!

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This is a game/Bioware issue. They need to cut the spawn time of clickables in half. I made a thread about this 2 weeks ago. BH dailies are the worst


For the record, Im one of those players who steals clickables. I dont give a ****!

Edited by Toweleeeie
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Again this is design issue with the game, one of the quests which most annoys me is the one with the boxes in Black Hole on populated server.


They can fix issues like this either by increasing spawnrate of the objects or not design quest like that at all and intead go with the design like GW2 or ESO will have that when youre helping the player which is doing some objectives you get rewarded to and not just him for doing those objectives even if youre not actively grouped with him.

Edited by Lunablade
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This is a game/Bioware issue. They need to cut the spawn time of clickables in half. I made a thread out this about 2 weeks ago. BH dailies is the worst


For the record, Im one of those players who steals clickables. I dont give a ****!


thats why i have an alt on the opposing faction ready to gank ppl like this. also you can grab the object while getting hit to avoid dewsh bags doing this.

Edited by vojinsa
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And that's why you grab the objective at the start of the fight. You can both loot and destroy the respective weapons boxes in BH while in combat. And realease the little hobbits from their cells.


Opportunity makes a thief. Don't tempt people.

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also you can grab the object while getting hit to avoid dewsh bags doing this.


I did not know this, thank you for the tip. Those elites that stand in front of those cells that you need to release those prisoners in The Black Hole don't hit very hard, so this tip comes in handy.

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This is a game/Bioware issue. They need to cut the spawn time of clickables in half. I made a thread about this 2 weeks ago. BH dailies are the worst


For the record, Im one of those players who steals clickables. I dont give a ****!


*** how is that a game/Bioware issue.


Its the actions of a player that caused it. Someone, as the OP said, who is just a jerk. Its happened in every MMO I have played. If they cut the respawn time in half they would be to easy to get.


You cant just cry and blame everything on Bioware.

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*** how is that a game/Bioware issue.


Its the actions of a player that caused it. Someone, as the OP said, who is just a jerk. Its happened in every MMO I have played. If they cut the respawn time in half they would be to easy to get.


You cant just cry and blame everything on Bioware.


Actually Bioware could bind the objects to an elite thus preventing this whole fiasco.

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Actually Bioware could bind the objects to an elite thus preventing this whole fiasco.


Yea cos that wouldn't be exploitable at all.


I'd only run into an area and grab all the mobs I possibly can at which point everyone else can have fun twidling their thumbs while they wait for me to clean up and claim my spoils. If you're calling this a fiasco I'd very much like to see what you'd call your idea in action heh.


Armchair quarterbacking is hard innit...

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Yea cos that wouldn't be exploitable at all.


I'd only run into an area and grab all the mobs I possibly can at which point everyone else can have fun twidling their thumbs while they wait for me to clean up and claim my spoils. If you're calling this a fiasco I'd very much like to see what you'd call your idea in action heh.


Armchair quarterbacking is hard innit...


They could have it set to where if you went to far from the mob then you would lose your access to the object, they could also put a time limit for how long the object is accessable for you.

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Yeah it's happened to me as well. Although I must admit doesn't happen as much in this game as it did in wow. It is just the people behind those toons...they are douche bags.


I hit the boxes in Blackhole before I engage the mobs all the time to prevent ninjas.

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They could have it set to where if you went to far from the mob then you would lose your access to the object, they could also put a time limit for how long the object is accessable for you.


Ofcourse, why not dump development time and manhours into reinventing the wheel when they already gave you a companion to distract the mobs while you cap and people like OP need only follow the advice given in this thread and make this non issue a thing of the past for them.

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Ofcourse, why not dump development time and manhours into reinventing the wheel when they already gave you a companion to distract the mobs while you cap and people like OP need only follow the advice given in this thread and make this non issue a thing of the past for them.


I was just explaining how one could hold them accountable for it and what the could have done to prevent it, I never said I thought they should.

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I have no doubt this has been raised many times, but its just happened to me... AGAIN!


Doing my dailies... quest object has elite standing next to it.

Engage elite, and someone else comes in and grabs objective.

Elite respawns before the object does - ***!!!



it so sad, that we still have people out there which have zero regard to their fellow players...



Well congratulations for being such a postive part of the world!!!


Just wait till F2p starts and you get a bunch of 10 year olds playing who couldnt care less...

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I have no doubt this has been raised many times, but its just happened to me... AGAIN!


Doing my dailies... quest object has elite standing next to it.

Engage elite, and someone else comes in and grabs objective.

Elite respawns before the object does - ***!!!

Simply fixed... Grab the item, THEN fight, or do what I do which is use my Stun on the mob (Whirlwind, whatever) get objective and go. No need to even fight the mob!

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Am I a douwshbag if I want to get the dailies done as fast as possible because they're not fun and I have other things to do? If you want the objective then you take it, its just a shame that the bad design makes it like a race. Its not that I don't care about others, just that they are foolish enough not to take the objective. Also note that if you don't press it and I don't, someone else will so me waiting is pointless because its your loss whatever happens.


So tips:

  • Take the objective asap, its a race.
  • Don't hate on us for wanting to do it as fast as we can!
  • Best idea ever - don't decline my group invites then complain when I take your objectives. Groups are the ultimate solution!

Edited by omNOMNOMinator
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Am I a douwshbag if I want to get the dailies done as fast as possible because they're not fun and I have other things to do? If you want the objective then you take it, its just a shame that the bad design makes it like a race. Its not that I don't care about others, just that they are foolish enough not to take the objective. Also note that if you don't press it and I don't, someone else will so me waiting is pointless because its your loss whatever happens.


So tips:

  • Take the objective asap, its a race.
  • Don't hate on us for wanting to do it as fast as we can!
  • Best idea ever - don't decline my group invites then complain when I take your objectives. Groups are the ultimate solution!



I always try to take it first.. .sometimes there are too many mobs, or too powerful mob that your attempt to take the objectives interupts you... so you have to FIGHT FIRST


Actually i do hate you for wantitng to do it fast - IF you be an A-Hole about it!!!


Hey... i am all for random fast groups to get dalies done... sadly.. these douchebags NEVER invite you to agroup and NEVER accept your invitation to a group....




But thanks for admiting you are part of the problem ;)

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I always try to take it first.. .sometimes there are too many mobs, or too powerful mob that your attempt to take the objectives interupts you... so you have to FIGHT FIRST


Actually i do hate you for wantitng to do it fast - IF you be an A-Hole about it!!!


Hey... i am all for random fast groups to get dalies done... sadly.. these douchebags NEVER invite you to agroup and NEVER accept your invitation to a group....




But thanks for admiting you are part of the problem ;)


I never admitted that, but lets not make this an argument, rather a General Discussion :cool:


But seriously, its not a crime to do stuff fast and there is never an instance where you can be interrupted from getting the objective by nearby mobs unless of course you die (buts thats unlikely). Just take the objective first or accept my invite and you'll be fine. But yeah, my complaint is that people don't group faster. Its very simple if you do that and it doesn't make any sense when people don't group up. If your'e in a group then invite everyone you see and if not then ask for invites and invite other people then everyone goes away happy.

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I never admitted that, but lets not make this an argument, rather a General Discussion :cool:


But seriously, its not a crime to do stuff fast and there is never an instance where you can be interrupted from getting the objective by nearby mobs unless of course you die (buts thats unlikely). Just take the objective first or accept my invite and you'll be fine. But yeah, my complaint is that people don't group faster. Its very simple if you do that and it doesn't make any sense when people don't group up. If your'e in a group then invite everyone you see and if not then ask for invites and invite other people then everyone goes away happy.


No auguments here ;)


But i disagree on the interrupts - maybe my companiosn suck... but i often (not alwats) get interupted during the 5-second (give or take) cap of objectives... and focusing on it too much causes either my companion, me or both to die... but here... i'll take that one as a user-error and i need to Learn 2 Play ;)


As for the " its not a crime to do stuff fast " - that depends... if i am standing on the object.. and i CHOOOSE to engage the mobs... then you taking it under my feet makes you nothing more than a complate A-HOLE!

Doesnt matter how you spin it... you are an A-HOLE


And if you are on my server.. bring on the invites.. i have said before and will say again.. and am totally FOR random quick objective groups - this was actually one of the best features of WARHAMMER - you would literary walk into an area and the "public quest" would appear, and you would accept it... and everyone nearby would contribute to completeing the objective....


If there are special zones dedicated to "Dalies" then they should be like that.... simply having people in there.. should automatically prompt for groups/raid forumations - btw RIFT had the same thingt... just being in the area of any world type event would prompt to join the group!!!


so yeah... nothing personal mate... but life is too short oto be an A-Hole... so chill out and think more about your Bro's

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part of this falls down to us as players, to show some respect, and courtesy towards other people in the game, who are trying to get the same things done you are. Like with loot boxes, seen it many times, some one was trying to fight the mobs off so they can open the box, to get the loot, except ! some guy comes along, and does the dirty, and opens the 'box' while the guy who wanted it, is still busy.


Really is lame, and not very polite. In fact rude, towards people who were there before them trying to get some thing. While not much can be done to change peoples attitudes and behaviour over being a bad player, they can at least fix the re spawn timers so they are shorter on quest items.

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*** how is that a game/Bioware issue.


Its the actions of a player that caused it. Someone, as the OP said, who is just a jerk. Its happened in every MMO I have played. If they cut the respawn time in half they would be to easy to get.


You cant just cry and blame everything on Bioware.


Because it can all be eliminated by having the object re-spawn instantly, instead of after 3 mob re-spawns....Ie: Bioware issue.

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