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Obtaining HK?


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Good thing I stocked up on the collectors editions then. The only problem is; I don't know where to put all of the statues.


I dont understand do you plan on making a bunch of accounts? You only get flagged as CE once. You cant add a bunch of CE codes to your acct and get the 1000 points for each one. Its a one time deal. If you make a bunch of accounts you understand you need to have paid recurring subs for all those to receive the points also. So I guess I dont get why you would be happy you have a bunch of CE boxes lying around.

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I dont understand do you plan on making a bunch of accounts? You only get flagged as CE once. You cant add a bunch of CE codes to your acct and get the 1000 points for each one. Its a one time deal. If you make a bunch of accounts you understand you need to have paid recurring subs for all those to receive the points also. So I guess I dont get why you would be happy you have a bunch of CE boxes lying around.


Relax mate, it was just a joke. I've made some stupid mistakes in my life but buying a collectors edition for any game is not one of them.

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It won't cost any cc if your a subber you will get all new content included. If you f2p then you'll need to stump up some cash.


I'm all for cash shop I earn a good wage and im happy to pay more for content if it means they release it more frequently.

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The proper question is: why bother playing if you don't think its worth the monthly subscription?

Speaking for myself, SWtOR is an OK game - not great, not dire. I'd gladly pay.a monthly sub if the game had interesting content outside of the Class stories, but in its current state if I can play it free rather than pay a sub, why not?

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Interesting that I've yet to see an honest answer to the OP's question in this entire thread. All of you couldn't troll somewhere else? You have to turn and honest question into yet another "Let's needlessly trash BW/EA/F2P" thread? Don't any of you have anything better to do with your time?


Don't answer. Those are all rhetorical questions aimed at getting you to rethink your life choices. Not likely to work, but worth a shot.


Anyway, OP, HK-51 will most likely be story content, and thus will probably be available to the F2P crowd w/o any extra purchases.

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The original thought was that you`ll need one 50 each. Conjecture almost proves this false.


Bioware itself said (there is a quote somewhere but I can`t be bothered) that you`ll need at least a lvl 50 on your "main faction" and a "medium developed char" (more or less accurate quote) for your "cross-faction".


Now, since 50 is the cap, we can guess that "medium" means anything 30-45. Average Chapter 2 finish is about lvl 40-42, so it MIGHT be more accurate to guess a "Chapter 2 finished cross-faction alt".


This is only guesstimate based on what info I know.

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I'm guessing that the lower lvl alt needs to be able to quest in Belsavis, just because of the first line in the introduction from the link below.


"Buried deep beneath the icy surface of Belsavis rests an army of the deadliest, most feared machines in the known galaxy"





It's just a guess on my part, it will be interesting to see how to get it, hope it is difficult and fun. I'm in no rush however to get there on my new alt, the story for Sith Warrior is so good that I want to take my time playing her. The droid is going no where, in due time it will be mine.

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Of course once it's found out how to get it, it'll be on the net within 5 minutes and a day later everyone will have one.


Is there a problem with everyone having it? Also you might be a little optimistic on how long it takes to get.

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  • Dev Post

We haven't announced any specific requirements yet, but this Q&A does have the most recent official info:


GarrickBlackSun: I understand he is a long way off, but could you please possibly give us any sort of clearer or better insight to the unlocking of HK-51?


Daniel Erickson: The only thing we’re saying today is its going to take a serious amount of work, involves a galaxy-wide mission, introduces some different ways of playing the game and most people will need to have a 50 of one faction and at least a mid-level character from the other faction. Get working on those Legacy characters!

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The original thought was that you`ll need one 50 each. Conjecture almost proves this false.


Bioware itself said (there is a quote somewhere but I can`t be bothered) that you`ll need at least a lvl 50 on your "main faction" and a "medium developed char" (more or less accurate quote) for your "cross-faction".


Now, since 50 is the cap, we can guess that "medium" means anything 30-45. Average Chapter 2 finish is about lvl 40-42, so it MIGHT be more accurate to guess a "Chapter 2 finished cross-faction alt".


This is only guesstimate based on what info I know.


To add to this:


1.) One character on each side of the war. One of level 50 and one mid level as stated above.

2.) Reason for one character on each side of war: To gather parts to assemble HK-51.

3.) The "Quest Chain" (e.g. content) to unlock HK-51 is supposed to involve some type of new quest dynamic that is supposed to not require combat (puzzles perhaps, twitch skill- like events, ...?)

4.) Legacy to mail parts to the character that will assemble HK-51.


All of this was what I could remember from some of the interviews I have read. I linked some in other threads a while back if you want to do the digging in my post history to find them.


Basically the quest will be "galaxy spanning" so expect alot of travel. Presumably some of the parts to HK-51 will be in areas that one faction or the other can not get too. One could extrapilate that if you need at least one mid level character of either faction, some of the parts are on "imperial tarris" and "republic balmorra". Not sure if Maceb is the assembly planet for HK-51 (anyone know this?).


Hope that helps.

Edited by Urael
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We haven't announced any specific requirements yet, but this Q&A does have the most recent official info:



I honestly hope you guys don't make me have a char on Rep side before you add more slots. I don't like Reps and I'll only lvl Rep alts to get more companions.

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Daniel Erickson: The only thing we’re saying today is its going to take a serious amount of work, involves a galaxy-wide mission, introduces some different ways of playing the game and most people will need to have a 50 of one faction and at least a mid-level character from the other faction. Get working on those Legacy characters!


Perhaps the reason you need a character on each faction is because maybe one of your characters will be imported for a cutscene or two during the whole galaxy wide quest thingy.


They said it introduces some diferent ways of playing the game. Maybe you need to complete a certain amount of the questline as a character on one faction. Then through mail you can continue the remainder on the other faction... I dunno.


Anyway, it would be a cool idea seeing as how character stories intertwine already. Maybe depending on the relationship status you put between the two character in your legacy it would affect the cutscene.



Your trying to get your Jedi Knight to get HK and your Imperial Agent (who is siblings with the Knight) might show up and help in some way.


And the reason why you need to have the 2 characters at a certain level is because your characters need to be at a minimum point in the galactic story. As in, atleast passed chapter 1 or maybe 2, so as to not have continuity errors in the story.


I don't know, just brainstorming.

Edited by Lionflash
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