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expansion pack


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hi at some point next year their will be an expantion pack

i hope


so what would we want in the xpantion pack

these what i want

pvp space combat

extend story line

new wz



swoop racing

pazzack den

and some new plants to go with story line

anyone else like to add to it

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1. A Jump to Lightspeed/Freelancer- esq space expansion.


2. Some sort of LOTRO type skrimish system allowing you to use multiple (maybe 3) companions with you character.


3. RvR (or RvRvR!!!!)


3. Chairs you can sit on.

4. Being able to sit cross legged.

5. A LOTRO music system (perhaps tied to some non-combat activity achievement options - SWG dancer etc).





Edited by Goretzu
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In addition to the usual (new fp's, ops, warzones and class quest lines) I also hope to find some more focus on the not so heroic content, such as minigames, fishing, cooking, musical items, 'local' cultural events on planets, etc.


Additionaly I hope for a revamp of the codex, reputation system, addons (even if non-combat only) and dynamic events.

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In addition to the usual (new fp's, ops, warzones and class quest lines) I also hope to find some more focus on the not so heroic content, such as minigames, fishing, cooking, musical items, 'local' cultural events on planets, etc.


Additionaly I hope for a revamp of the codex, reputation system, addons (even if non-combat only) and dynamic events.


The game really misses all of those, the LOTRO music system would be good to inject some life into cantinas too.

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I approve of every suggestion I've seen in this thread. More community based fun little things are desperately required. A game like pazaak, swoop racing or multiplayer space combat, a musician system, cantinas which are actually lively and fun and interactive? Player Housing?


If the expansion were called SW:TOR: CANTINAS I would be ecstatic.

Edited by PurpleCliff
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New worlds to explore (hope for Naboo and Geonosis), new playable species (like to often requested Togruta), zones in with pathes of the factions meet so that some open world PvP might actually happen. Arena (say on Geonosis) and a open World PvP zone with PvE elements there. And last but not least I would like to get pet battles in SWTOR.
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New worlds to explore (hope for Naboo and Geonosis), new playable species (like to often requested Togruta), zones in with pathes of the factions meet so that some open world PvP might actually happen. Arena (say on Geonosis) and a open World PvP zone with PvE elements there. And last but not least I would like to get pet battles in SWTOR.


OPvP and RvR is something that's sorely lacking. :(


It would be nice to see them expand companions further though (as they do work very well) perhaps both in a LOTRO skirmish sense, and in a WoW battles sense.

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1 open world dynamic pvp DAOC system faction perks, something that benifits, the factions that everyone can enjoy, a reason to fight for my faction, bonuses, objectives, put the War back in Star Wars.


2 dynamic and fluid player driven sandbox elements that let players have hour upon hour of fun, things that let my toon feel like it lives in the world, not just playing through it.


3. Swoop racing, pod racing. Cantina games


4. New worlds to explore with new quests


5. Extended class story's, extended comapanion story's


6. Extended space, off the rails and open, allow other players on ship to man guns and fight, space pvp.



I really do hope the community team reads these forums and passes along allot of the great ideas a thread like this generates.

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1 open world dynamic pvp DAOC system faction perks, something that benifits, the factions that everyone can enjoy, a reason to fight for my faction, bonuses, objectives, put the War back in Star Wars.



I really think with the way Rift is doing RvRvR and GW2 doing WvWvW that SWTOR could actually do this, in the end they could basically make a SW Planetside for a single planet and people would LOVE it, the only problem is a 3rd faction, but frankly there are enough options in the SW lore to make that work too.


Maybe as a LOTRO monsterplay RvR only faction.

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Fun mini games like pazaak and pod racing.


I would like to see rep grinds to obtain items sold by certain factions such as getting vehicles once you max it.


An achievement system, I know that technically there is already one in place but it should be revamped and made to feel more like an achievement.


Encourage world pvp, either fix Ilum or make a new zone.


....basically all the stuff I listed is just my want for you to add stuff for me to do while I'm BORED and don't feel like questing/wz. Right now there isn't really anything to do outside of questing or fp/wzs and honestly in mmo's thats what gets me hooked and coming back, stuff to preoccupy my time with.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Id like to see legacy quests. Where your character meets up and maybe fights alongside or against your alts.The legacy family tree is screaming out for something like this to happen. Ideally, Id like alts as usable companions but I figure alts as NPCs would be easier to implement.
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I just don't see a expansion coming anymore after the f2p announcement.


We will get occasional updates, but most of it is going to be updates in the cash shop.


It's HIGHLY unlikely we will get a boxed expansion now.

Edited by Aquanatah
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Id like to see legacy quests. Where your character meets up and maybe fights alongside or against your alts.The legacy family tree is screaming out for something like this to happen. Ideally, Id like alts as usable companions but I figure alts as NPCs would be easier to implement.


I strongly agree. It's good to say you have siblings and rivals and parents in the game but the legacy system could be used to actually act it out.

I'd also like to see gladiator rings and arenas in the game too. Elements that made KOTOR such a success should be expanded upon. And no one should worry about the free to play option. It's just another lure to catch more gamers. I don't blame the developers for making it. TOR is still young and needs time to grow in contrast to other mmo games.

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I think the ability to permanently switch allegiances would be cool. Like a redeemed Sith or a fallen Jedi. You could even have the agent working for SIS or the smuggler taking jobs for the Empire instead. They could be heroic classes or something. I doubt it's very feasible but in the very least I would like to see my alignment play a bigger role in the grand scheme of things. Such as only having certain quests become available if your alignment is at a certain point, and once you get to that certain point the opposing quest would become permanently unavailable for that specific character. This would make creating an alt even more interesting as it'd shake up the experience a little more.
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--DX11, high res texture update

--planet revamp and new open world planets without rails

--atmospheric flight

--vehicle ground combat

--swoop racing


--Nar shaddaa casino working

--new NPC AI and dynamic NPC population

--dynamic events

--day night change on planets

--open world housing

--direct control over companions / make companions playable

--companion barbershop/surgeon



---> This expansion would kick ***

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I just want to say that its great to see a mainly optimistic thread about future content brimming with great ideas and suggestions !


And BioWare, ppl who love and support this game should be taken into consideration in topics like these =D


Rock on !:jawa_wink:

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--DX11, high res texture update

--New open world planet

--atmospheric flight

--swoop racing


--Nar shaddaa casino working

--new NPC AI and dynamic NPC population

--dynamic events

--day night change on planet (some)

--open world housing

--companion barbershop/surgeon


Edited this for what I wanted. Also, along those lines:


-more story

-more legacy at higher levels

-legacy level price scaling

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I just don't see a expansion coming anymore after the f2p announcement.


We will get occasional updates, but most of it is going to be updates in the cash shop.


It's HIGHLY unlikely we will get a boxed expansion now.


That is untrue. Look at most of the F2P games (LotRO) as they put out "boxed" expansions. We'll get one.

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Things i would love:


- New flashpoints, high and maybe low lvl.

- HARD MODES for all the flashpoints.

- More operations.

- RvR.

- Guild progression system.

- Guild ships.

- Improved codex.

- Achievement system.

- New space combat, something similar to SWG.

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