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Everything posted by RemyPraxis

  1. Breaking Point Chapter 7 (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "Minister Davidge. I believe congratulations are in order. Your team was able to defeat Darila and finally bring this matter to a close. She is dead, along with her last remaining followers, her droids, and her seized ships and properties. Your team was clever in their battle against Darila. Knowing the breaker lightsaber could defeat them all, your team used a series of traps, distractions, barriers, and drones to keep Darila occupied and using her lightsaber. The constant exposure of the radiation from her lightsaber to the user eventually caught up with her. She succumbed to the radiation poisoning and died before she could reach her target. Darth Firem sends his regards. Unfortunately she did use her last remaining strength to push some volatile chemicals together and cause an explosion that destroyed the facility. The ensuing blast destroyed her and her precious breaker lightsaber. This is most regrettable as a weapon like that could have potentially changed the war and the Sith culture forever. I've had recovery teams searching the wreckage but no traces can be found. I will forward the recovery reports as proof to my superiors and all Sith lords I know of who have inquired about it, but I doubt they will be convinced of its destruction. I've had to purchase droid bodyguards for the eventual confrontation with the next Sith who comes to me demanding a different answer. From what we know, meteorite 23, or M-23 as it was labeled, was a unique crystal formation found inside a small meteor on Dantooine approximately 350 years ago. The crystal was powerful but dangerously harmful due to its radiation energies. It was used by Marotech as a prototype lightsaber in 'project breaker' and the prototype was stolen by Mandalorians during the subsequent war. It was left in storage as a long forgotten trophy until Darila tracked it down. The few scanned readings we have found of this crystal showed a lot of unknown elements in its structure, and more detailed scans were never taken. There are no other records of this type of crystal found on Dantooine or any other meteorite in the system, so the ability to duplicate or mass produce this weapon is now lost. The weapon alone wouldn't win the war, but in the hands of the Sith it would've been used for dominance in every duel and Kaggath over and over in a power struggle. Perhaps for this reason it is best that the weapon was destroyed. I believe if Darila had chosen to rebuild her medical frigate instead of using the breaker lightsaber, she could have lived and possibly gone on to use the weapon as a lightning rod to rally more supporters. But vengeance got the best of her and she chose to die in a blaze of anger. A fitting end to the old woman. Your team will be compensated for this joint effort, and they have my gratitude. This subject and all related articles will now be closed and sealed until further notice. May we both find successes in our future endeavours Minister. Farewell. End transmission." {PLAYBACK ENDS} The End
  2. Breaking Point Chapter 6 (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "This is a disaster Minister. You have no doubt heard the news or seen the Holonet by now. Days without any leads and now this. Two Sith lords dead and our mission exposed publicly. This must come to a swift end soon or we will lose control of the situation permanently. Two days ago, Darila was found at Lord Kurgg's estate on the world of Rhelg. She cut down the dark lord and his apprentices in the area. She then stole his droids, his freighter, and some amount of wealth he carried at this stronghold. Lord Kurgg was a fat oaf and overconfident in his abilities, but he was an accomplished saber master and there is no doubt he was slain by this breaker lightsaber that Darila now wields. His political connections have been in an uproar and security has been on alert in all surrounding systems, but we've managed to keep this from the public for now. Then last night, Darila appeared on the streets of Kaas City on Dromund Kaas and killed Darth Mentane in full view of a hundred witnesses. This act alone has struck fear and panic into the public and the Sith lords who live here. Security cameras confirm it's her. She was here and she escaped once again. This is insulting and it's a disgrace to our security response. Darth Mentane was an expert combat specialist with power and influence in the higher circles of the empire. He should have been able to best her, and his loss is damaging to us and elevating Darila's reputation to new heights. The city is on high alert and Sith lords everywhere have now seen the security recording showing the power of her breaker lightsaber. Some seek to kill her and claim her weapon for themselves. Others are offering to recruit her for their own ends, likely to betray her later once her weapon is within reach. The discovery of this breaker lightsaber has spread paranoia and greed to every apprentice and power-hungry Sith in the empire. Even whispers of the Dark Council have reached me suggesting they will discuss her at their next gathering. Lord Hold is offering a reward for her location. Fighting has broken out on Vaiken spacedock, Ziost outposts, the Sith Academy, and it's only going to get worse until she is stopped. Everyone sees themselves as the one true wielder of the weapon and would use it to rally followers and challenge any opposition. My engineers have been able to decipher Darila's records onboard her ship that we captured. It seems her medical equipment was indeed meant for her. More importantly, it was for her constant use of this breaker lightsaber. After some more digging into the past, I found the builders of this lightsaber are not using a traditional kyber crystal to power the weapon. It is instead an unknown crystal fragment found in a meteor that was discovered a long time ago. It was labeled M-23 and was shelved for decades until used for a lightsaber crystal. The unexpected effect of using it as a lightsaber crystal is that it outputs a small but dangerous amount of radiation from the hilt. Constant use is causing the user to slowly die. This oversight was never solved or corrected in the prototype phase and Darila has been using it while slowly dying from it after each use. Now she can use it continuously and has no more medical machinery to keep her alive. But Darila has revealed her plan. Now I know where she will strike next. Lord Kurgg and Darth Mentane were both former apprentices to Darth Soren: the Sith lord who was supposed to train Darila and rejected her all those years ago. Darth Soren died in battle in the last war, but he had one more apprentice who is still alive. Darth Firem is on Quesh at this moment and he will be her next victim. Her revenge will be to wipe out all apprentices and teachings of Soren forever. Send your team to find Firem on Quesh immediately and stop Darila. Republic spies have reported that the Jedi council have become aware of her and dispatched their own team to find Darila and her weapon so be prepared. Do not let her escape, and use whatever resources are necessary to survive an encounter with her breaker lightsaber. Good luck Minister. End transmission." {PLAYBACK ENDS}
  3. Breaking Point Chapter 5 (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "Minister Davidge. Your team was able to find the bunker and engineer Randis, but not before Darila could escape with a working prototype compact generator. This is unfortunate, but not unexpected. Randis was betrayed and wounded by Darila and then left for dead. Whether your team delivered the killing blow or not doesn't matter. His usefulness had ended and his research will be reviewed by our own Imperial engineers to determine there value at a later time. Before he died, Randis gave you the location of Darila's ship in a nearby outer rim sector. I had already sent the Mandalorian mercenaries you worked with from Taris to the location ahead of you, but it seems the clan leaders were killed and the remaining soldiers brokered a new deal with Darila. This mistake is mine and I will answer for it after this situation is resolved. If this is my last operation that I am in charge of, I will see it through to its conclusion. I believed these Mandalorians could prevent Darila from escaping, or at least slow her down until your team arrived. But with Darila's lightsaber now operational, even Mandalorian armour doesn't stand a chance against her. I did not expect a working prototype to be prepared so soon, but now Darila has it and used it to cut down the Mandalorians with ease. She may be a modest saber duelist, but with this unstoppable lightsaber, she can become unbeatable to all but the most talented and force-adept masters in the galaxy. There's no telling how many will be killed now that she has completed the weapon. I wonder if she realizes just how important and dangerous her new weapon is. What if we could replicate it on a massive scale? What if our enemies take it first? So your team boarded Darila's ship, a heavy freighter, and reports indicate that her ship has been stripped and retrofitted to include a large number of medical machines, including some advanced equipment that is not available for public use. The high powered machinery is extensive and the logs and medical droids showed frequent use. Inventory includes a vast number of treatment tools, automated surgical droids, crates full of the latest medical injections and medicines, and huge holding tanks filled with kolto. The only area of the ship that is not converted for medical use is a workshop where Darila's followers had apparently tried to create their own portable generators. Their computer records showed minimal success in this endeavour and they could indeed successfully power her breaker lightsaber with a generator for a few moments before burning out. Not enough to fight a sustained battle, but just enough to win a duel or break through a shield barrier or armour plating. This might explain some of Darila's successes in the past. Darila has escaped in an imperial shuttle with her remaining followers and possibly some Mandalorians who have taken up her offer. Their whereabouts are unknown and I have already sent the rest of my men to scour the Mandalorian camps on Taris along with all previous locations we have been to so far. But now she has the "Breaker" lightsaber in hand and working perfectly, and we are left without any leads. We are forced to wait for her next move, which I am certain will come soon now that she has what she was looking for. I have my slicers working on her ship to find navigation records and the purpose for the extensive medical machines. Stand by with your team for new orders. End transmission." {PLAYBACK ENDS}
  4. Breaking Point Chapter 4 (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "Minister Davidge. Am I to understand this correctly? Your team failed to secure the engineer Randis and were outmaneuvered by Inquisitor Darila on Alderaan? This is completely unacceptable. I would replace you and your entire team right now if had the resources to do so! As it stands we are pressed for time and cannot afford any delays. You're just lucky you're not on Dromund Kaas. We needed this lead to capture Darila quickly, but now we are forced to do things the hard way. I've sent a garrison along with my scouts to secure the compound on Alderaan already. They have found some encrypted communications for Randis that detail a business agreement he made with Darila before your arrival. The contents go over payments and service requirements needed, including some more details into their purpose. Apparently this engineer was also working on ways to compact power generator sizes into much smaller portable units for field use. He has been instructed by Darila to use whatever resources necessary to create a high-powered device for an experimental lightsaber. It seems the power requirements of this Breaker lightsaber are extremely demanding to the point of becoming an unstable bomb. We have gathered intel from an underworld contact to find hidden information on Randis. More records found on our engineer include data and a location of a workshop still owned by him on the outer rim that could be used to continue his power generator experiments. Your team will be deployed to this workshop on Tatooine to secure it immediately. It's in a secure bunker below ground near the Dune Sea and will likely have some automated defences. My men are on their way but your team is closer and will reach it first. This workshop is the only suitable place with the materials and resources needed for building a power source for Darila's lightsaber. Move quickly Minister. There can be no mistakes this time." {PLAYBACK ENDS}
  5. Breaking Point Chapter 3 (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "Minister Davidge. I understand your team was intercepted by assassins on Taris while searching for our missing Mandalorian. We were fortunate to find him before they did. The Mandalorians send us their compliments on fighting alongside their warriors. They may prove useful again in the future. Now we have the inventory of the container that Darila raided. I have had each item catalogued and cross-referenced with anything useful to this mission. It has lead us one item on the list, labeled as a harness with an attached laser cutter. This item carries a brand logo belonging to Marotech Division: an offshoot partner company of Aratech Industries. We had to dig into the past to find this link, and it lead us to some Republic files that are hundreds of years old. It seems Marotech was a small branch of scientists and engineers working on weapon and armour efficiency a long time ago during the Mandalorian Wars. The future Sith lord Darth Malak, who was only a Jedi apprentice at this time, funded Marotech on a special trial weapon designed to be able to break Mandalorian armour. His hope was to end the war faster with every advantage. They called it 'Project Breaker'. They intended to assemble a unique device into a lightsaber that would then be able to slice through any type of metal, alloy, or shield, including Mandalorian Beskar. Their earliest designs stated that the power source would be too much for a single weapon to properly wield or transport. Still, they had promising test results and found that they could create a beam that was capable of cutting any metal, regardless of density. But the beam also created an unexpected test result: it could cut through the beam of a normal Jedi's lightsaber. Any attempt to block or parry this weapon with a lightsaber would be useless as this weapon could disrupt the energy flow without any resistance. Unfortunately, the Marotech division was attacked by Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders early into their project. All members were killed and their labs were burnt and destroyed. It was never known that a prototype lightsaber had already been constructed, and then stolen by the raiding Mandalorians. They never knew the true value of the gear they had taken. Over time the prototype ended up on a shelf in a container gathering dust for the rest of its life. If someone were to get hold of this weapon and perfect it, or duplicate it, they could challenge any Jedi or Sith with ease and destroy their defensive stance before the fight even begins. Darila is a trained fighter, but a mediocre swordsmen at best- thats why she was never taken as an apprentice or given a Darth title. She proved her skills in knowledge, tactics, and alchemy. We believe her next move will be to apprehend a power engineer on Alderaan. Risky for her to venture so close to the core worlds, but on Alderaan there is an old engineer who trained the Anomid engineer Meekis. He goes by the name Randis and lives in a secluded location in the mountains. Send your team there discretely and wait for one of Darila's people to find him. This could be our chance to capture one of her representatives and squeeze them for information. If no one arrives, we can detain him later and move on to the next likely candidate. We'll speak again soon Minister. End transmission." {PLAYBACK ENDS}
  6. Breaking Point Chapter 2 (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "Greetings Minister Davidge. Your efforts on Nar Shaddaa were successful in capturing the Anomid engineer Meekis. You chose your people well. He was a fool to believe he could slip away in the crowds undetected at the spaceport. Unfortunately the time lost in tracking and capturing him has cost us our chance to meet Darila at her rendezvous point. This is disappointing, but she will strike again soon, and we will be prepared to intercept her. She will likely start looking for a replacement engineer if she hasn't found one already. Our informants will search for candidates that match the engineers talents and track them closely. The Anomid engineer you apprehended on Nar Shaddaa is skilled at building power transformers and generators. He was working on reconstructing Coruscant for some time until he left in disgrace after unsuccessfully trying to compact a power generator into a mobile size without authorization and resulted in an explosion. We believe this was the skillset Darila was looking for. The assistants shuttle has been successfully sliced and inspected. They were thorough in corrupting all files and navigation charts, but our slicers have found better methods of extraction since Darila's followers left the Empire. We have fragments of the final transmission from Darila to the assistants shuttle. Here's what we have:" (a distorted holocall of an old woman appears) "SSShave made contac--... engineer to build usss--... --called project breaker must--... --andalorian clannn--...--before we are founddd--..." (the image becomes too distorted to understand anymore) "As you can see, that was Darila herself looking for our engineer. This 'project breaker' she mentions: we have no information or data matching that codename, but we will keep digging. She remains elusive, yet her transmission also mentioned an unknown Mandalorian Clan. I have made contact with Mandalorian hunters on an expedition to Taris that have information on the Bespin storage unit that was raided. One of their clan has an inventory of that container, but he is in the field and not reporting in. Send your representative to Taris and find the hunter that knows what was in that container. Good luck Minister. End transmission." {PLAYBACK ENDS}
  7. Breaking Point (WARNING: this story contains spoilers relating to in-game events for the original TOR chapters) *This story plays out much like a Flashpoint or a planet story arc using updating information and progressing communications before its conclusion* -Decryption complete IMPERIAL TRANSMISSION From: Vaiken Spacedock To: the office of Minister Davidge {BEGIN PLAYBACK} "Greetings from Sith Intelligence Minister Davidge. I trust you are aware of some information from our most recent collaboration with the Dark Council. This information comes to you now with equal importance, and urgency. You may share this with as many Imperial champions as necessary, provided they can help bring this matter to a close. Two months ago, a break-in to an old storage container flotilla on Bespin recorded a security holo of a Sith force user. Our holonet intelligence later confirmed this thief was none other than our own former inquisitor Darila of the Sith Academy. Darila was an alchemist and respected librarian at the Sith Academy on Korriban for years, until she betrayed the Empire when she and her followers joined with the false emperor Malgus. When he rallied his people to his cause over Ilum, she and her most trusted students answered. However, moments prior to the battle against Malgus and his forces, Darila fled into deep space. No one knows why or where she could have gone. Some surviving witnesses believe it was cowardice or fear that made her run. She fled with her officers in two Imperial shuttles and has not been seen since, until her raid at Bespin. Now, 12 hours ago, her loyal assistant and second in command was found and captured in one of the stolen Imperial shuttles over Nar Shaddaa. It was unfortunate for him that our guards were in the vicinity at that exact moment or his presence would have likely gone undetected. This assistant is not a force-user, but has been trained by Darila in some resistance techniques to force interrogation. Once he was broken, he gave up some intel about his mission, and about inquisitor Darila. According to this new information, Darila did not flee the battle of Ilum in shame. She had been given a vision through the force and foresaw Malgus the Betrayers defeat. She fled to pursue her own twisted ideals in search of self-preservation. She apparently tracked a series of old Mandalorian clans to find an old storage unit on a Bespin cargo flotilla filled with old forgotten trophies and broken tech gear. What cargo was taken is unknown. Apparently her assistant was risking travel through Hutt space in their stolen shuttle to go to Nar Shaddaa and find an Engineer named Meekis and employ his services. I want you to find this Engineer on Nar Shaddaa and discover what uses he could possibly have that are so important to Darila that she risks coming out of hiding to recruit him. Report back to me immediately while this window of opportunity remains open. Our intelligence teams here will finish impounding their shuttle and slicing it for more information. End transmission." {PLAYBACK ENDS}
  8. Swoop racing has been in the KOTOR series and made mention of in-game as well. Perhaps it will be integrated soon, just like the gladiator area battles.
  9. I would like to see an epic legendary rare item that changes your ship to the Ebon Hawk. With the option to switch back and forth between that and your class ship.
  10. Actually that does sound better: higher level areas on existing planets. Then new planets that should appear should be in flashpoints.
  11. I'd like to see Geonosis and Kashyyyk. More planets from the films like Kamino or Endor just for familiarity. I'd also like to see more of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas with areas for higher levels.
  12. What new planets would people like to see in future patches and expansions? Places from the films, cannon, or other SW games? Or would you like to see existing planets expanded upon? What are your thoughts?
  13. Don't forget to add gladiator arenas like they had in KOTOR. That, plus the swoop races and gambling, has limitless potential to keep things fresh. I'd like to see some smaller planets too so I can run into more players, both friendly and opposing.
  14. I strongly agree. It's good to say you have siblings and rivals and parents in the game but the legacy system could be used to actually act it out. I'd also like to see gladiator rings and arenas in the game too. Elements that made KOTOR such a success should be expanded upon. And no one should worry about the free to play option. It's just another lure to catch more gamers. I don't blame the developers for making it. TOR is still young and needs time to grow in contrast to other mmo games.
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