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Submit community questions to devs


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Hello everyone,


Gamescom is the biggest gaming convention in Europe and I will be going there to cover all the latest gaming news. Reporting from the SWTOR camp is a big part of my plans. We will be doing interviews with the people there, including some pretty high up people. As with Gamescom 2010, 1st Fan Site Summit and E3 2011 we will be taking YOUR questions to the people in charge (at each of these events we asked community questions to the devs).


Please make sure you do not ask questions we already have answers for or that you know will not be answered.


I will be revising this post with the questions that are candidates to be asked. Thank you for your time and if you are visiting Gamescom let me know and we can hang out.


Here's a recap of questions so far:



  • When can we expect the continuation of our class story AND will it be of the same quality as the first three chapters?



  • When can we expect solo que for ranked warzones and if there will be a duo que
  • Reconnect feature for warzones



  • Would like to know how long it will take until the codex is finally completely working? Do they even care about the codex or is it just there to annoy completionists?
  • I'd like to know if there is a set plan (including a launch window) for an Achievement system, or a major overhaul of the Codex system?
    I'm looking for titles, mounts, pets, points, and tracking of stuff I do in game in an easy to read way, and to allow others to view their progress vs mine.



  • can we get a rough eta on when Nightmare EC and Terror from Beyond might be coming


Quality of life

  • terrible GTN interface! No subcategories for Companion Gifts or anyway to search for schematics by skill level. Using the "usable by" does not work either.



  • same-gender romance options "this year"

Edited by Mikro
clarifying the topic by changing the title
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Thank you for offering!


My questions:


Are we ever going to be able to sit in the chairs in cantinas? Will we ever see some new sitting/leaning animations? It would be very nice for us RPers.


Also, are the plans for the space revamp scrapped, or are they still working on it?



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Would like to know how long it will take until the codex is finally completely working? Do they even care about the codex or is it just there to annoy completionists?


Also I would like to know if we can expect to get a barber shop to change the appearance of our characters and new options to customize them (say new hairstyles or hair colours) which will cost some cartel coins?

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I'd like to know if there is a set plan (including a launch window) for an Achievement system, or a major overhaul of the Codex system?


I'm looking for titles, mounts, pets, points, and tracking of stuff I do in game in an easy to read way, and to allow others to view their progress vs mine.


I'd really love some achievement type system implemented!

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If they don't announce it themselves, can we get a rough eta on when Nightmare EC and Terror from Beyond might be coming?


Also as the above guy mentioned, can we expect to see any sort of achievement system, particularly with fun/interesting little challenges. And maybe have the more interesting and challenging ones reward a special title or speeder (Similar to the speeder quests or the EV and KP nightmare time trials, but a bit more in-depth with a better tracking system)

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Would like to know how long it will take until the codex is finally completely working? Do they even care about the codex or is it just there to annoy completionists?


Also I would like to know if we can expect to get a barber shop to change the appearance of our characters and new options to customize them (say new hairstyles or hair colours) which will cost some cartel coins?


I have the barber shop question on the list on reddit already - thanks for asking though :)

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Why not read the numerous questions already posted on the forum and write them down? ;)


We are doing that to some extent already. I wanted to make this a bit more personal. Engage people directly to give me their questions and I take them to Jeff Hickman for example and say "Hey, user Kourage from the forum asked this..."

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Not going to read through the reddit comments, the site is an eyesore, so I don't know if this question is asked.


But seriously, the main question for this game is, 'When can we expect the continuation of our class story AND will it be of the same quality as the first three chapters?'

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I really really want an achievement system to keep players doing something but dailies and weeklies...I REALLY hope it's not about sitting on the fleet. So many planets and we're stuck on a chunk of metal? :( Give us something to do! Edited by Vespassian
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We are doing that to some extent already. I wanted to make this a bit more personal. Engage people directly to give me their questions and I take them to Jeff Hickman for example and say "Hey, user Kourage from the forum asked this..."


The only real concern I have is if they are going to fix this terrible GTN interface! No subcategories for Companion Gifts or anyway to search for schematics by skill level. Using the "usable by" does not work either.


Other than that, I would seriously suggest they make this game more playable by lower end systems or else Free to Play will not help gain customers at all. Free to Play people typically do not have high end gaming rigs!

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Hi Mikro, thanks for taking question from the community.


With regards to PVP:


1) Is there anything at all they can tell us about World PVP?


2) When can we expect solo que for ranked warzones and if there will be a duo que


3) Have they considered the idea of adding a reconnect feature to warzones?

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My question would be regarding gear and a few things about the jedi classes. First, is the type of gear that's in the game right now (the way they look) the stuff we should expect for the future? Or is there any chance of getting something different, preferably something simpler looking with less shoulder pads/spikes/etc. And whats up with the huge butts on many body types?


Second, why can't i play a jedi shadow with a single saber? Or a sentinel with a double bladed saber? Sorry if they've made statements about this already but this has to be the biggest problem i have with the game so far. There any chance of letting classes, to atleast an extent, pick what weapons they would like to specialize in? Maybe a guardian with a double sided saber, bounty hunter with a rifle, gunslinger with just one pistol...I don't know about everyone else but i would love this change.


Without a doubt, there are quite a few things about this game i don't like, but the level of custimization we get over our characters has to be the worst thing about it. I'll never understand how they expect people to pay 15$ a month to play their game, well before f2p, but we get very little control over our characters. The only other MMO i've really played is City of Heroes/Villains so maybe character custimization is a little more important to me than others, but i really do feel that the customers having more control over their characters could really help this game. So i gues, really, my question is just are there any plans for more character custimization for the future?

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I would like to thank everyone for participating and submitting their questions. I am leaving for Cologne in a few hours and we will have our interview tomorrow. We are interviewing Jeff Hickman, the executive producer of the game and we will pick the questions based on that. I also hope to catch either the community managers at the booth or if any of the devs will be present and ask more specific questions, so I hope to get a lot of these answered. There is also supposed to be some kind of announcement about SWTOR today so everyone watch out for that. Follow us on twitter since we will be tweeting live from Gamescom for the next three days.
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