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Sorcs in PvP....


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It's a low dot that steals crits from deathfield.


The points you have to waste to get it means that you can't spec for force management in the Lightning tree.


lol real Balance sages/Madness sorcs don't go up lightning tree. Force management is only a issue maybe once a warzone. I prefer dropping 4 to 5K crits on Force In balance every 15 seconds.

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lol you dumb.


The points dont add up... look im not attacking im discussing and that kind of english makes you look "smart"... Ive been playing my sorc all day and yes with a great wall I do incredible DPS but its slow dot dps (3 games of 400k) I stay away from the node and hide around corners. It would be nice to have something of a similar defensive cooldown even 1/5 of sniper abilities. An oh crap button would be great.

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That'd actually require level 49 for that build as I used a skill calculator to roughly give an idea of what points were being used. I forgot a point, all is doomed.


It's not doomed but I would have screen shot that for sure especially without spending that extra point. Look I've watched live streams with a mill healing but its AOE.. I've never seen it without AOE. Our op regularly heals for 700k and would probably do higher on a drawn out civil war game.

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The points dont add up... look im not attacking im discussing and that kind of english makes you look "smart"... Ive been playing my sorc all day and yes with a great wall I do incredible DPS but its slow dot dps (3 games of 400k) I stay away from the node and hide around corners. It would be nice to have something of a similar defensive cooldown even 1/5 of sniper abilities. An oh crap button would be great.


again i agree are dots time length needs to be lowered. But we are not weak. To many people go Hybrid for added dps. I dont get it. 7-3-31 Balance sages Have way more survivability and only lose a little overall dps. with 3 charges of Force Potency every 75 seconds (4 piece stalker set bonus) I can do very good burst in a 1 vs 1. Don't settle for what bioware gives you in warhero gear. Buy Many Force Mystic Warhero Gloves & Force Master Warhero Headpieces for Power/Surge & Power/Alacarity Enhancements.

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It's not doomed but I would have screen shot that for sure especially without spending that extra point. Look I've watched live streams with a mill healing but its AOE.. I've never seen it without AOE. Our op regularly heals for 700k and would probably do higher on a drawn out civil war game.


they meant they forgot to add point when she tried recreating spec. The sage healer had all points being used

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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We have bubble going for us but the cooldown for re application is way to long. Before 1.2 sorcs topped the charts and you could not beat it. The nurf shot you near to the back of the pack.


Any class can be played well but if you could switch your sorc class right now for the game you would unless you have never played multiple TOP END 50 classes.


The two lowest classes on the totem pole are sorcs and mercs plain and simple. 80-90% of the first players had those classes and thus the nurf hammer happened so we would all spend time rolling another class.


I was hoping this thread would not turn into total trash and we could add some constructive things to change in a positive way until the nurf hammer comes down on every other class not on the low list. (its a forum I expect too much from trolls)

Edited by Kegparty
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I play a level 50 commando, gunnery spec, in Battlemaster gear. I do normal warzones, as I think the warhero stuff looks just horrible. Anyways the only time I ever had problems with sorcs was when two of them could stand in the middle of a warzone and take endless amounts of damage with multiple dps concentrating on one healer. This did not last long as many of you are aware of. Right now they are not too bad and seem balanced to me, the only problem with sorcs right no on the republic side is too many republic players don't look for them in a warzone. I see a sorc hes the first one I kill. For two reasons the sorcs dps and heals. I am sure its the same on the Empire side when they see a sage.


Just saw this

"We have bubble going for us but the cooldown for re application is way to long. Before 1.2 sorcs topped the charts and you could not beat it. The nurf shot you near to the back of the pack.


Any class can be played well but if you could switch your sorc class right now for the game you would unless you have never played multiple 50s.


The two lowest classes on the totem pole are sorcs and mercs plain and simple. 80-90% of the first players had those classes and thus the nurf hammer happened so we would all spend time rolling another class.


I was hoping this thread would not turn into total trash and we could add some constructive things to change in a positive way until the nurf hammer comes down on every other class not on the low list. (its a forum I expect too much from trolls)"


Your joking right are you seriously going to tell me they did not need nerf sorcs when two sorcs could stand there and heal each other no matter the dps that came in to take them down?

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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We have bubble going for us but the cooldown for re application is way to long. Before 1.2 sorcs topped the charts and you could not beat it. The nurf shot you near to the back of the pack.


Any class can be played well but if you could switch your sorc class right now for the game you would unless you have never played multiple TOP END 50 classes.


The two lowest classes on the totem pole are sorcs and mercs plain and simple. 80-90% of the first players had those classes and thus the nurf hammer happened so we would all spend time rolling another class.


I was hoping this thread would not turn into total trash and we could add some constructive things to change in a positive way until the nurf hammer comes down on every other class not on the low list. (its a forum I expect too much from trolls)


i would not switch my Sage for other class. I played Power Tech , Shadow, Marauder to 50 in beta. I have a 50 Commando and a 34 Sniper. I also am leveling a Sentinel to get buff (just got to queesh) I Love my Sage. Its fun and because of our squishyness its the most challenging class. I love when leaping lanny poffos leap to me thinking Im an easy kill....then they respawn.

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Your joking right are you seriously going to tell me they did not need nerf sorcs when two sorcs could stand there and heal each other no matter the dps that came in to take them down?


Oh I agree but the hammer came down on DPS and Healing. I know the game lost soooooooo many subs over the "we are just as popular and godlike as wow so we can slam a class to gain peoples time for alts"


Maybe they should have disabled wrath chain (how about hitting 2-3 targets????)+ crazy healing but then made the top tier sorc abilities worth something (the aoe healing is great for ops but cant handle 3 mara smashes to a group) They tried to balance PVE and PVP and its an almost impossible battle.


In no way am I saying it should go back to the OP sorc days but they just went too far.

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i would not switch my Sage for other class. I played Power Tech , Shadow, Marauder to 50 in beta. I have a 50 Commando and a 34 Sniper. I also am leveling a Sentinel to get buff (just got to queesh) I Love my Sage. Its fun and because of our squishyness its the most challenging class. I love when leaping lanny poffos leap to me thinking Im an easy kill....then they respawn.


In beta they had not even close to the strength of abilities they have now. Level a 50 mara dps pyro or op healer now and you would probably be better because you are skilled enough to handle the squishiest class right now with a lower burst.

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I was hoping this thread would not turn into total trash and we could add some constructive things to change in a positive way until the nurf hammer comes down on every other class not on the low list. (its a forum I expect too much from trolls)


Ok I'm done. Maybe we got enough posts so they actually try to BOOST the sorc instead of nurfing Mara Pyro and ops which they will most likely do.

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I personally find sorc to be fun in 50s pvp but I have a fair bit of gear.


Please stop asking me to join your ranked warzone team on my sorc, if I am going to play ranked it will be on a class designed for ranked warzones.


Good luck.

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"Oh I agree but the hammer came down on DPS and Healing. I know the game lost soooooooo many subs over the "we are just as popular and godlike as wow so we can slam a class to gain peoples time for alts"


Maybe they should have disabled wrath chain (how about hitting 2-3 targets????)+ crazy healing but then made the top tier sorc abilities worth something (the aoe healing is great for ops but cant handle 3 mara smashes to a group) They tried to balance PVE and PVP and its an almost impossible battle.


In no way am I saying it should go back to the OP sorc days but they just went too far."


Ok ill give you that lol. Hammer nerfs are defiantly becoming a normal thing in mmos, and more often then not allot of the nerfing is not necessary. I just wanted to point out that op sorcs that can heal themselves like that was just insane lol.

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In beta they had not even close to the strength of abilities they have now. Level a 50 mara dps pyro or op healer now and you would probably be better because you are skilled enough to handle the squishiest class right now with a lower burst.


I dont play classes because they FOTM. I play them for fun. My sage is fun simple as that. I wreck people with Dots and Rocks. Force In Balance is sick (when geared correctly) When we don't have a healer in a warzone I fill that roll just fine.

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Ok I'm done. Maybe we got enough posts so they actually try to BOOST the sorc instead of nurfing Mara Pyro and ops which they will most likely do.


I dont want them to nerf other classes. I never even wanted the nerfs to operative/scoundrels. To me only class that needs any work is Commando/Mercs DPS trees... They are just useless now in PVP. My Gunnery Commando only comes out to do dailies when I need credits

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Please stop asking me to join your ranked warzone team on my sorc, if I am going to play ranked it will be on a class designed for ranked warzones.

Good luck.


Good luck with pugged ranked and fluffing low damage hits the whole game. Let your mara pyro and real ranged dps do the take downs in the current system.


Sure ill play my sorc for easy 400k-500k damage games but its the team that actually burned the healer down and captured the node or pulled the ball carrier.


Ok now im seriously done. Have fun ill be crushing with my pyro and mara

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I dont want them to nerf other classes. I never even wanted the nerfs to operative/scoundrels. To me only class that needs any work is Commando/Mercs DPS trees... They are just useless now in PVP. My Gunnery Commando only comes out to do dailies when I need credits



Oh I completely agree with the Merc. The tracer missle QQing in the forums ruined it :( No one looked constructively at the other classes but just complained like babies about the other class using one button.


I tried to stay on a class I want to play and not QQ about other classes but hey what ever.

Edited by Kegparty
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I personally find sorc to be fun in 50s pvp but I have a fair bit of gear.


Please stop asking me to join your ranked warzone team on my sorc, if I am going to play ranked it will be on a class designed for ranked warzones.


Good luck.


and this is exactly my beef. I'd have to beg myself onto a legitimately good WZ team. Sucks.

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It's a low dot that steals crits from deathfield.


The points you have to waste to get it means that you can't spec for force management in the Lightning tree.


If you don't think Balance 31 is good ... then you must never have played it.

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If you don't think Balance 31 is good ... then you must never have played it.


It's tough on force management, I believe that's its main drawback. I messed around with pure DPS specs for about a week last week. Decided I was personally more useful in my hybrid healing role, but that may just be a situation where I'm inherently better at doing it through practice.

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It's tough on force management, I believe that's its main drawback. I messed around with pure DPS specs for about a week last week. Decided I was personally more useful in my hybrid healing role, but that may just be a situation where I'm inherently better at doing it through practice.


Incorrect. You find it better because Hybrid Specs ARE better than 31's.

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Seriously? You have never seen a sniper completely dominate when defending against one (and usually 2 attackers)? They have all the tools, one melee doesn't stand a chance before a sniper can lock you down, yawn, go out for a smoke and then call for backup. Exception would be if the melee is stealth. I don't know what server you play on but they must have some seriously average players on it.


Based on your three paragraphs above, just what ARE ranged DPS useful for in your game? They can't attack, they can't defend, do they just make up the numbers if there aren't enough melee or tanks to make up a team?


I've never had a problem capping on a solo sniper. And I play a fair bit. I play on Bastion but maybe I'm just good at countering snipers.... who knows.


Ranged DPS serves it's purpose. Utility, a lot of damage and off heals. I personally don't feel like it's a wise choice to have any of the ranged DPS guard solo or cap solo since they don't have tools to survive and drag the fight out if 2-3 rush. Melee DPS can drag out a node fight with plenty of time to allow for back up. The low survivability of ranged DPS makes guarding a pretty risky job. One mistake and the node is gone. That's just from my experience though and most of that is from a marauder and PT. Again, maybe I just counter them well but snipers are definitely a rare problem for me.


On the other side of that. What I feel they ARE good for. Is a hard hitting DPS class that can sit at a distance and pick people off left and right. I feel like none of them make for a good 1v1 class but they make up for that by being extremely lethal when in an organized group that utilizes the tools available.


What I've seen and what made me go for this little experiment was 2 ranged DPS working very well together and being a major factor in the WZ's I've had against them. I wanted to be that annoying to the enemy team and so far.... mission accomplished.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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It's tough on force management, I believe that's its main drawback.


Yes if you're playing Balance correctly, you're always OOF. It's part of the skill requirement of this tree. Most sages want to pad scoreboard with either over healing or ineffective damage, which doesn't burn a healed target down but looks good at the end of the match...while balance sages/madness sorcs have the most team utility of any other AC IMO.


Adding that the hybrid heal spec is a strong spec. But if you have been Balance for a while, it's very hard to give up the root. Just my perspective.

Edited by Jaiyne
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What I've seen and what made me go for this little experiment was 2 ranged DPS working very well together and being a major factor in the WZ's I've had against them. I wanted to be that annoying to the enemy team and so far.... mission accomplished.


Its funny that you said this because last night in civil war they left me, dps sage, so protect snow on my own, so I sarcastically typed in ops, please don't leave the sage alone guarding a node. To my surprise someone actually turned back, a smuggler, two ranged guarding a node. after a while a sith marauder runs over and of course, targets me, the scoundrel helping me defend started healing me, so the marauder get's pissed, leaves me alone and attacked the scoundrel, so I started healing the scoundrel while he dps'ed the marauder. We took him down and he came back for seconds. After failing a second time he came with help, and with the scoundrels stuns we where able to hold off. Was preatty cool, until 4 came our way and we both called incoming at the same time, LOL, after that I remember a faint haze of being rezzed on a ship :confused:

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