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Sorcs in PvP....


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Whats even more entertaining is im playing the "gimped" spec in that "class x" tree. What tree is your buddy in?


I had some guy tell me i was playing a worthless build after I told him i'd join his ranked wz group. Karma hit him in the face about 20 mins later when we got matched up against each other and i dropped 37-1 600k dmg on his "screened" group while we were short 1 man the entire match.


I asked him shortly after if it hurt or did I use enough lube, I've not seen him spaming for ranked warzone groups since.


LMAO! He's been known to do well with the under powered trees. His consistent top DPS on his arsenal merc is just an example. :D So probably the same tree... I can't remember the name of it right now but I know I've heard him say it.


Assuming that you're a good/decent sorc you will notice a couple of things:


Spec: Other classes are complaning about how some of their dps trees suck. Sorcs don't have a single good tree, you pretty much have to go hybrid. And it's not the hybrid that gives you the most dps, it's the one where you won't run out of force every 30 seconds. This is not a problem for people who suck and die once/minute so they don't have to bother with it.


Other sorcs: There arent many dps sorcs around on my server but whenever I see one, or a sage, he's usually faaaaar down in the dps list. So while you might be doing ok, great even, in the top with 400K you will quickly realize that you are not the one they have to fix the class for. It's the sorc with 60K/game they have to worry about and those are IMO in majority out of the few dps sorcs that still remain. It just shows that that class requires a situational awareness that other classes can get away with not having, there's no safety button (defensive CD or stealth), so when that "average" sorc finds himself with an "average" player from another class he's going to get owned.


Another thing that has really become a pet peeve of mine:

* People that you would out dps with a good 200K per game re-rolled and instantly narrowed down the gap. If they sucked on sorcs, which mechanics'wise is one of the easiest classes to play, I find it hard to believe that they all of a sudden improved on a much more technical class. Yet here they are, all of a sudden in top 3.


I hate when people say this.... because there are literally thousands of people per server. But maybe that's a server thing.... it's not constant but I def see sorcs throwing up 500-600k DPS with a good 200K of heals on top of that. Sorcs see to do pretty well on Bastion, like I said... not as consistent but I def see a number of them on top of DPS.

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Note to self: Whirlwind jugs and run....


Good to know... thanks. I normally don't look into trees much until I have a problem with one and I've only ran into one vengeance jug that really became a problem so haven't looked into the tree much yet.


Also about vengeance juggs, if they are glowing red after a force charge (and will have a shield at their chest), do not use your knockback or stun until the glow is over. They are immune for 4 seconds. That is what most ranged classes do after a force charge, almost like a reflex and that is a waste of getting away from the melee.

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Also about vengeance juggs, if they are glowing red after a force charge (and will have a shield at their chest), do not use your knockback or stun until the glow is over. They are immune for 4 seconds. That is what most ranged classes do after a force charge, almost like a reflex and that is a waste of getting away from the melee.


Gracias senior... also good to know. Having only rolled classes that don't have KB's... that will help I'm sure.


you're the poo poo side, so i think it would be engineer...


That sounds right.

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I rolled a marauder (level 15 now) and its SO overpowered and easy to play. I only have 4 abilities which proves the class is for noobs and facerollers and shows the class is easy to play.


With only a guild group we OWN random noob pug groups. Its not even funny, they dont stand a chance.


I take this as irrefutable evidence that marauders are overpowered. What could level 50 PvP against other teams possibly teach me that this hasnt?

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The reason your "melting faces" is bc lightning is elemental & resistance is lowest of all dmg types, unlike sage/shadows "mirror" attack that's kinetic and mitigated by armor. I really don't understand why BW would have "mirror" classes and choose to give one a huge advantage. I wonder if it has anything to do w/BW's Legacy gimmick aka re-roll to keep subs?


and btw I have 50 sorc & sage-anyone who says you cant be viable in pvp doesn't know what they're talking about.




Is this for real? Sorcerer's lightening is elemental based and bypasses armor?

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I rolled a marauder (level 15 now) and its SO overpowered and easy to play. I only have 4 abilities which proves the class is for noobs and facerollers and shows the class is easy to play.


With only a guild group we OWN random noob pug groups. Its not even funny, they dont stand a chance.


I take this as irrefutable evidence that marauders are overpowered. What could level 50 PvP against other teams possibly teach me that this hasnt?


Is this for real? Sorcerer's lightening is elemental based and bypasses armor?

Not sure if trolling.... or just... (edited for fear of more infractions and the lost ability to post on forums which would therefore give me much less to do at work.)

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I rolled a marauder (level 15 now) and its SO overpowered and easy to play. I only have 4 abilities which proves the class is for noobs and facerollers and shows the class is easy to play.


With only a guild group we OWN random noob pug groups. Its not even funny, they dont stand a chance.


I take this as irrefutable evidence that marauders are overpowered. What could level 50 PvP against other teams possibly teach me that this hasnt?


difference being he never claimed the sorcs were OP, just posting his rebuke about them being UP and worthless as players that cant handle more than 4 buttons often claim.


Overall I would say 4/10 for style, 2/10 for form, and 1/10 for fubaring the landing. You didnt even medal my friend, infact I think you just lost to poor little ting ting.

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As many know... I love this game. As many also know... I have 2 of the FOTM's so since it's about that time to roll a new class, I rolled a sorc. I was going to roll a sniper as I'm guessing they will be the FOTM, their damage is impressive right now, and I need some ranged DPS. I only roll DPS btw, I mean... my Legacy name IS Deepy'ess. :D So anyways... I went sorc. Just to see what all the complaints are about.


I'm SUPER squishy!!!! But as the class is designed it makes sense. I still feel like I can get out of bad situations and somewhat kite even though I'm low level and lacking A LOT of defensive abilities. Grouped with team work though I feel like a beast. Me and another sorc who rolled with me in guild have been melting faces all wkend. It's honestly the most fun I've ever had with the game. We time KB's, stuns etc and between the 2 of us we're owning it. I think we lost maybe 2 out of every 10 played which is pretty good for not rolling a premade on the Imp side of Bastion.


I feel like the class is working as intended so far. Hard to say considering I'm low level but seriously... sorcs are beast. Coupled with some team work and communication I feel godly.


Anyways, my point is.... alone, it's definitely a bit tougher. But I still manage to do well. With some team work... damn near unstoppable. It got to the point that people were marking us cuz they were so frustrated. We were DEFINITELY targeted in about half the matches we played. All it took was some team work...


So, not sure what all the complaints are about. Working as intended I feel and I'm sure it's only gonna get better with the more tools we have at hand. Remember people, this is a team game and not all classes are designed to face tank. But let me repeat... TEAM WORK!!! It does wonders...


Translation: O, hai guyz...I'm lvl 15. Class balance is FINE! U just gotta L2P!

Edited by clearsighted
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Dot classes are usually OP in certain situations and Madness sorc has always been in these situations (even before the pure madness buffs)


Low lvl pvp


Low geared pvp


No healer pvp




Chart padding


And I'm not just qq'n I beat the best ptech on my server as a sorc as far as the chart goes almost every match when playing the madness spec and going for the chart like he did (and he was often on a premade stomping my team). This was also before and after the madness buff / hybrid nerf. On even matches I usually beat him in kills/kbs as well since I had dots on everyone. Now having said that I will admit his dmg was much much more important than mine since his was burst and major pressure where mine was healed in even matches.


If you are stomping the other team it doesn't matter what you do your team would win anyway. What matters is even matches and in even matches burst is king.


Now saying that I'll admit his dmg helped his team out more than mine.


Another example of this is I can get higher dmg on sorc than my vguard or sniper by a bit but I know I am helping out a lot more with them than my sorc

Edited by DarthRaika
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Dot classes are usually OP in certain situations and Madness sorc has always been in these situations (even before the pure madness buffs)


Low lvl pvp


Low geared pvp


No healer pvp




Chart padding


And I'm not just qq'n I beat the best ptech on my server as a sorc as far as the chart goes almost every match when playing the madness spec and going for the chart like he did (and he was often on a premade stomping my team). This was also before and after the madness buff / hybrid nerf. On even matches I usually beat him in kills/kbs as well since I had dots on everyone. Now having said that I will admit his dmg was much much more important than mine since his was burst and major pressure where mine was healed in even matches.


If you are stomping the other team it doesn't matter what you do your team would win anyway. What matters is even matches and in even matches burst is king.


Now saying that I'll admit his dmg helped his team out more than mine.


With 2 of us madness sorcs working together and focusing targets... we are melting people QUICK! Equal to any amount of burst IMO. I'm sure 2 PT's or 2 marauders could do the same and possibly even quicker... but they can't do it from 30 meters away... and I promise it would not be much quicker. THAT's why I say... in my opinion it seems to be working as intended.


We'll see how this translates as I work my way up but I can't see it getting worse. Ultimately my main point is that any class can excel when put with proper team work.

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Sorcs/Sages are arguably the best class in low level pvp. They get a lot of their useful abilities very early on. Burst damage is less of an issues unless there are twinks.


In the 50s bracket, they aren't all bad, They fit well in the fourth dps slot (sent, vanguard, gunslinger, x) and are the second best healer.

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Sorcs/Sages are arguably the best class in low level pvp. They get a lot of their useful abilities very early on. Burst damage is less of an issues unless there are twinks.


In the 50s bracket, they aren't all bad, They fit well in the fourth dps slot (sent, vanguard, gunslinger, x) and are the second best healer.


^ this.


My sage (balance) is my main but just for kicks I rolled a Sorc and am playing lowbies on her. It's a blast to play - no expertise to worry about, no melee train coming after me 24/7. I can pretty much free-cast in lowbies and melt people. It's...dare I say it...easy.


It's very, very different at 50 against good teams.

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I keep seeing "proper teamwork". Should it really be a requirement that you go in with a partner/team for a class to be viable when it's not a prequisition for other classes (refering to 50 bracket, you can steamroll people on a sage solo in 1-49)?


And as people already have stated:


1: A lot of people in 1-49 lack a cleanse ability. Meaning that you can dot the hell out of them.

2. Sorc dots do not scale well at 50.

3. Atleast one of the fotm classes is a total joke until it reaches lvl 30-40. Meaning that in the event that the other team has four of them there's a good chance that only two present an actual threat. This is not the case at 50. One mistake and you will be down to 30 %.

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People who keep thinking sorcerers are good because their outputting 600K damage either:

  1. Suck at PvP
  2. Are baddies
  3. Don't understand focus fire
  4. Don't understand teamwork
  5. Don't understand the mechanics of successful PvP


Any class can put out 600K damage a warzone. An arsenal mercenary could push out those numbers today if they were skilled, and the rest of their team was a bunch of blundering idiots.


The reason why you hit 600K figures is because you didn't deal enough damage. Holly crap! You mean I didn't deal enough damage when I dealt 600K damage!!!!!!!



Yes you didn't deal enough damage to KILL SOMEONE, before they got HEALED.



And there ladies and gentlemen is why DPS sorcerers, DPS mercenaries are no longer relevant in PvP. This is reflected by rated teams, but surprisingly overlooked by the majority of baddies out queuing in warzones. If you're dealing more than 400K DPS a round it means that people aren't dying fast enough. It means that your targets have had more uptime than they should have had if you were a Powertech or Marauder.



When people start figuring out how PvP works they'll understand that DPS figures over 400K show that they were ineffective as a DPS. This fact is very evident when you're surrounded with bad team-mates who can't for the life of them figure out how to hit the same target as you.

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People who keep thinking sorcerers are good because their outputting 600K damage either:

  1. Suck at PvP
  2. Are baddies
  3. Don't understand focus fire
  4. Don't understand teamwork
  5. Don't understand the mechanics of successful PvP


Any class can put out 600K damage a warzone. An arsenal mercenary could push out those numbers today if they were skilled, and the rest of their team was a bunch of blundering idiots.


The reason why you hit 600K figures is because you didn't deal enough damage. Holly crap! You mean I didn't deal enough damage when I dealt 600K damage!!!!!!!



Yes you didn't deal enough damage to KILL SOMEONE, before they got HEALED.



And there ladies and gentlemen is why DPS sorcerers, DPS mercenaries are no longer relevant in PvP. This is reflected by rated teams, but surprisingly overlooked by the majority of baddies out queuing in warzones. If you're dealing more than 400K DPS a round it means that people aren't dying fast enough. It means that your targets have had more uptime than they should have had if you were a Powertech or Marauder.



When people start figuring out how PvP works they'll understand that DPS figures over 400K show that they were ineffective as a DPS. This fact is very evident when you're surrounded with bad team-mates who can't for the life of them figure out how to hit the same target as you.


This is true.


Also, the development team couldn't even grasp that concept when they nerfed being able to use the CL/madness hybrid. Just have to roll with the red headed step child punches until a miracle happens and the class is viable for RWZ teams.

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To characterize the OP,


"omgz u guse .... sorcs are ubah good in premades in the 10-49 pub bracket. thus yall r wack l2p and uh, no buffs needed diggity dawg"





Seriously, who hacked his account because this is the first thing you've written that is completly stupid and utterly lacks perspective. I hope you didn't overpay sir, I hope you didn't overpay.

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So let me get this strait you basing your pre-50 dps sorc experiences as some sort of proof for class game balance???


And people are actually taking you seriously??


My sorc was a god pre 50, always most kills and most damage, almost always got most medals as well.


At 50 I became the punching bag to all other classes.

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Seriously... most of the wkend is what just me and a guildie who rolled a sorc with me and we melted faces ALL DAY! It was insane how quick we dropped people. Huttball quickly became our favorite map... me and him could dominate mid with only 2 of us. Timing KB's and stuns... no one could get close enough to touch us. :D


Late last night we had a healer and a DPS jug from guild grouped up with us and it was simply ridiculous. It wasn't even fair... I mean, it's sub 50 PvP so big deal... but the extent of ownage is a sign of good things to come. :D We started going for 3 caps on NC and CW just cuz we were bored.


I hope people recognize the point of this thread though... it's not brag but to point out that even though they may not be an ideal 1v1 class. That's not what the game is about... it's about using what you have to your advantage and that team work outweighs all.


LOL. You're in for a rude awakening.

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