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Sorcs in PvP....


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You are going to find out 2 things.


That DPS Sorcs/Sages dominate in the 10-49 bracket.


and that once you hit 50 Combat Sentinals and Kinetic Shadows (both late blooming classes) will melt you and for the most part laugh at your damage/cc/escape tricks.


Shocker... the 75th Nerf Marauder Brigade showed up...


I've seen them excel over and over in post 50... should I have to repeat that to YOU of all people? You pop up in every one of my posts no matter what the subject is to tell me that marauders need to be nerfed. :D


I could post about how much I love pancakes and you would pop up out of nowhere like some miracle of nerf magic and tell me to nerf marauders.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I agree to a degree. We definitely are squishy and we do have access to some cc and that Sorc is a good support dps. Dots and sustained dps only go so far. In terms of the 'elite' sorc players who can muster dps and stuns to avoid being owned or have competent friend to aid in matches....does the Sorc need 1 or 2 changes to combat?


Many Sorc players hate that you have to always stop to use 80% of your abilities, so you can't really run n gun. Affliction, shock and creeping terror only do so much vs other classes firing on the move, so Sorc aren't mobile dps as some think. Do you think other players wanting changes to wrath, shock, lightning strike needing cd, proc, cast or damage changes?


While Sorc has some great cc does it work for you or against you? The overload kb + root get removed due to a dot or teammate breaking it? Does the blind from shield allow you to aoe cc and control mobs of players or does it fill thief resolve allowing them unrestricted movement? Does it not apply to the player you wanted it too? Do you feel force run under performs since it doesn't stop application of root/snare or you get pulled back or jumped to before you get to los? Do you feel FR needs a cc block during its duration? Should barrier apply a X% defense like a Agents cover shield can? Does force lift not last as long as the Flashback aoe effect although it is a single target use an issue?


Sustained dps is the norm with this class but where does it fit in with the AC match up. Agent sniper, Merc Arsenal are the other ranged and are turret styled at times, no? The lack of burst, the lack of run n gun attacks, no anti interrupt like agent, no high crit attacks like TM+HSM; so, Sorc dps is 3rd rate and the scoreboard for damage belies this fact. Spreading affliction unnoticed all throughout a match to pad your damage stat is easy, but masks the fact of overall meh. Sure Deathfield with Recklessness can get a 4k crit or higher with min/max stats....innately I see the inadequacy do you feel there is one there?


Does the easy interrupt of lightning force you to have to run away from a fight or limit your defense of a node since you have no other strong attack to use for 2-3 GCD's...LS is ok, Does CL and TB get interrupted as well to often a competentplayer? Do you feel other players are right in that we need a flammable rapid shot wannabe ability? CD, CT, LS should hit for more damage?


Ido what your build is but how is your force management? Casting in PvP can drain quickly and avoiding death takes you out of the fight or make you have to be a hybrid vs pure build to maintain it?


Lastly it is nice to have a friend fight with you and focus fire and time cc! Have you truly lugged and tried to play as a team player and reach your same conclusions?

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I've found a similar experience in that my Sorceror (corruption) is about as useful as a drunk squirrel on his own, but can work wonders when near even one teammate.


lol, drunken squirrels are so OP! :D

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Shocker... the 75th Nerf Marauder Brigade showed up...


I've seen them excel over and over in post 50... should I have to repeat that to YOU of all people? You pop up in every one of my posts no matter what the subject is to tell me that marauders need to be nerfed. :D


I could post about how much I love pancakes and you would pop up out of nowhere like some miracle of nerf magic and tell me to nerf marauders.


I love pancakes - I always think of pancakes when I'm on my sentinal because I'm steamrolling all around me...


How was that?

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Sorc can be fun as a fresh 50, I didn't have the problems most of the people are talking about. I'm sure you will save coms anyway and start with some WH/BM gear. I recently brought back my sorc, hadn't played him since before 1.2. Was in Champ/centurian gear a few weeks back, still getting top damage here and there with over 300k a couple of times. I had around 14k HP.


With the right team Sorc can be crushing on dps. Survivability is up there too with all of the off heals from dot crits. If you play well you'll have 125k heals without casting a single heal.


That being said my other dot toon, lethality sniper, still does 25%-50% more damage in a match. But that may be a gear gap.

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The reason your "melting faces" is bc lightning is elemental & resistance is lowest of all dmg types, unlike sage/shadows "mirror" attack that's kinetic and mitigated by armor. I really don't understand why BW would have "mirror" classes and choose to give one a huge advantage.



http://www.torhead.com/ability/a0biEva/force-lightning Energy damage


http://www.torhead.com/ability/hvB6RtQ/telekinetic-throw Kinetic damage


Energy = Kinetic ----> mitigated by armor


Elemental = Internal -----> not mitigated by armor


Please keep yourself out of threads in the future.

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Ido what your build is but how is your force management? Casting in PvP can drain quickly and avoiding death takes you out of the fight or make you have to be a hybrid vs pure build to maintain it?


Lastly it is nice to have a friend fight with you and focus fire and time cc! Have you truly lugged and tried to play as a team player and reach your same conclusions?


Like I said... still low level. Force management isn't too bad yet... I've played a couple pugged solo and it was still fun and still did well but didn't dominate nearly as much. With 2 of us focusing targets and timing stuns, KB's I feel like it's safe to say we're controlling each WZ we're in.


I just wanted to remind people that this is a team based game... and seriously. I don't get the complaints. I drop quick if I can't get away but damn this is fun. :D

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Sorc can be fun as a fresh 50, I didn't have the problems most of the people are talking about. I'm sure you will save coms anyway and start with some WH/BM gear. I recently brought back my sorc, hadn't played him since before 1.2. Was in Champ/centurian gear a few weeks back, still getting top damage here and there with over 300k a couple of times. I had around 14k HP.


With the right team Sorc can be crushing on dps. Survivability is up there too with all of the off heals from dot crits. If you play well you'll have 125k heals without casting a single heal.


That being said my other dot toon, lethality sniper, still does 25%-50% more damage in a match. But that may be a gear gap.


I know the sniper has a ton of potential but, honestly what started this was being teamed up on by sages in 50 PvP. The rocks coming at me double time made me feel useless if me cloak wasn't up or I couldn't leap to something. The slow that comes with it, is beyond frustrating. As annoying as that was on the other end of it I figured it had to be fun to annoy people in the same way...


I was right. :D

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I know the sniper has a ton of potential but, honestly what started this was being teamed up on by sages in 50 PvP. The rocks coming at me double time made me feel useless if me cloak wasn't up or I couldn't leap to something. The slow that comes with it, is beyond frustrating. As annoying as that was on the other end of it I figured it had to be fun to annoy people in the same way...


I was right. :D


Are you still Annil? Go carnage, annoying people with rocks is certainly fun, but it's even more fun to see a sorc burn his force speed durning a master strike. Good times!!!!

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honestly what started this was being teamed up on by sages in 50 PvP. The rocks coming at me double time made me feel useless if me cloak wasn't up or I couldn't leap to something. As annoying as that was on the other end of it I figured it had to be fun to annoy people in the same way...


I was right. :D


It's fun. And once you start having force issues you'll need to trust in your dot crit heals. Pop consumption often as you dare to stay in a fight. Nothing worse than sitting out of a fight.


Oh yea, instant cast whirlwind is a very sexy way to remove healers from a fight. Or sometimes solo cap a node/door

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Are you still Annil? Go carnage, annoying people with rocks is certainly fun, but it's even more fun to see a sorc burn his force speed durning a master strike. Good times!!!!


Carnage now... the burst is so much more effective when killing healers. Less survivability for sure, but I feel like TTK is much quicker now. Over all damage is down but effectiveness is up.


It's fun. And once you start having force issues you'll need to trust in your dot crit heals. Pop consumption often as you dare to stay in a fight. Nothing worse than sitting out of a fight.


Oh yea, instant cast whirlwind is a very sexy way to remove healers from a fight. Or sometimes solo cap a node/door


Yeah, Whirlwind cracks me up.... if my stun and KB is on break I'll kite whatever melee is on me way out of the fight. Throw him in a whirlwind and walk away. :D

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I know the sniper has a ton of potential but, honestly what started this was being teamed up on by sages in 50 PvP. The rocks coming at me double time made me feel useless if me cloak wasn't up or I couldn't leap to something. The slow that comes with it, is beyond frustrating. As annoying as that was on the other end of it I figured it had to be fun to annoy people in the same way...


I was right. :D


no the sniper has no potential... Nothing to see there, keep moving. :cool:

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Yeah, Whirlwind cracks me up.... if my stun and KB is on break I'll kite whatever melee is on me way out of the fight. Throw him in a whirlwind and walk away. :D


Ya that cracks me up too.. Whats even more laughable is when I let the sorc think he's got me cc'ed in whirlwind with no cc break, i wait till he turns his back, pop my cc break, drop into cover, hunker down, root him off resolve and light his *** up for more than 1/2 to 3/4 of his life in a couple global cooldowns..







i... mean... wait.. uhm... nothing to see here, keep moving.

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The slow that comes with it, is beyond frustrating.




As annoying as that was on the other end of it I figured it had to be fun to annoy people in the same way...


I was right. :D


Until you run into a Vengeance Jug and your Force Lightning plays right into their hands with Pooled Hatred and they hit you with a Vicious Throw for 7200.


Full BiS geared Sorc with 20k hp 1900 WillP, all War Hero everything.


The dude pops me for over 7k.


That was fun.


That Jug was a good friend, I couldnt believe it when I looked back at the killing blow.

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Until you run into a Vengeance Jug and your Force Lightning plays right into their hands with Pooled Hatred and they hit you with a Vicious Throw for 7200.


Full BiS geared Sorc with 20k hp 1900 WillP, all War Hero everything.


The dude pops me for over 7k.


That was fun.


That Jug was a good friend, I couldnt believe it when I looked back at the killing blow.


Note to self: Whirlwind jugs and run....


Good to know... thanks. I normally don't look into trees much until I have a problem with one and I've only ran into one vengeance jug that really became a problem so haven't looked into the tree much yet.

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nah, im on harbinger. I think we'd have some good laughs playing together tho.


That's exactly what I was thinking. I have a 'class X' ;) in my guild that puts up RIDICULOUS DPS. With the 2 sorcs and 2 'class x' working together the DPS and control of the map could be ridiculous. We actually played a few with him last night after the jug logged off that I brought up earlier. Even with one 'class x' it was pretty devastating.

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Note to self: Whirlwind jugs and run....


Good to know... thanks. I normally don't look into trees much until I have a problem with one and I've only ran into one vengeance jug that really became a problem so haven't looked into the tree much yet.


Meh we're both in the top of our server in skills and gear so chances are you wont ever run into the situation, but just be aware it's possible :p


Most players arent any good so try to kill everyone, if you find out later you cant win, at least you know his name now :p

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Meh we're both in the top of our server in skills and gear so chances are you wont ever run into the situation, but just be aware it's possible :p


Most players arent any good so try to kill everyone, if you find out later you cant win, at least you know his name now :p


LOL! Good to know little things like that though. Things I've read at one point or another but forget soon when it becomes something I don't NEED to know. I came in a little late... didn't start on release or beta so even though I do well... I know there are certain things I still have to learn when it comes to countering certain classes. SO it all helps, especially when rolling a new class.

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I came in a little late... didn't start on release or beta so even though I do well... I know there are certain things I still have to learn when it comes to countering certain classes. SO it all helps, especially when rolling a new class.


Eh, things have changed so much and pretty much all come full circle, so you really havent missed much thats even relevant any longer.


Old specs that got nerfed, etc, dont matter if you know how to combat them, theyre different now.

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That's exactly what I was thinking. I have a 'class X' ;) in my guild that puts up RIDICULOUS DPS. With the 2 sorcs and 2 'class x' working together the DPS and control of the map could be ridiculous. We actually played a few with him last night after the jug logged off that I brought up earlier. Even with one 'class x' it was pretty devastating.


Whats even more entertaining is im playing the "gimped" spec in that "class x" tree. What tree is your buddy in?


I had some guy tell me i was playing a worthless build after I told him i'd join his ranked wz group. Karma hit him in the face about 20 mins later when we got matched up against each other and i dropped 37-1 600k dmg on his "screened" group while we were short 1 man the entire match.


I asked him shortly after if it hurt or did I use enough lube, I've not seen him spaming for ranked warzone groups since.

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Assuming that you're a good/decent sorc you will notice a couple of things:


Spec: Other classes are complaning about how some of their dps trees suck. Sorcs don't have a single good tree, you pretty much have to go hybrid. And it's not the hybrid that gives you the most dps, it's the one where you won't run out of force every 30 seconds. This is not a problem for people who suck and die once/minute so they don't have to bother with it.


Other sorcs: There arent many dps sorcs around on my server but whenever I see one, or a sage, he's usually faaaaar down in the dps list. So while you might be doing ok, great even, in the top with 400K you will quickly realize that you are not the one they have to fix the class for. It's the sorc with 60K/game they have to worry about and those are IMO in majority out of the few dps sorcs that still remain. It just shows that that class requires a situational awareness that other classes can get away with not having, there's no safety button (defensive CD or stealth), so when that "average" sorc finds himself with an "average" player from another class he's going to get owned.


Another thing that has really become a pet peeve of mine:

* People that you would out dps with a good 200K per game re-rolled and instantly narrowed down the gap. If they sucked on sorcs, which mechanics'wise is one of the easiest classes to play, I find it hard to believe that they all of a sudden improved on a much more technical class. Yet here they are, all of a sudden in top 3.

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