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Sorcs in PvP....


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Remove undying rage from mara/sent classes and we may stand a chance if equal geared. Same with the assassin's immunity ability. Without it we might actually compete in 1on1 vs those.


Rather than removing it, I suggest that you change it so that while active, the Marauder's DPS is cut by 99% as well. It is supposed to be used to run away/buy time for a healer to save you.

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You won't solo me and another competent sorc at once unless we're stupid enough to stand together for your lolsmash crits. I can take most mars/sents to at least half health unless my CDs are all spent. The real problem I have is undying rage. At that point they are low health, but DPSing is a waste - and my defensive/cc's are all blown so I'm stuck. Force speed run if it's up, undying rage smartly used is very powerful.


Warzones aren't about solo-ing. Even rateds.


If you annihilate two sorcs at once, they are bad (at least then), bottom line.


PS: Bioware please buff sorcs/sages thanks




I am wholly confident that I can annihilate two sorcerers as either Carnage or Annihilation spec, fully war hero'ed gear, optimized. If I'm on my powertech it doesn't matter what spec they are, both are dead. If I'm on my marauder the lightning/madness hybrid is not possible due to the sheer number of exploding blinding bubbles.


I can burst down 19K HP pretty easily. The first sorcerer I kill I wont drop below 75% health. In 3 GCDs with Pyro PT or a Carnage Marauder I will eat at least 12K HP (factoring your 3.5K HP Bubble). The 25% of the health I will loose is due to the 3-6 seconds where everything is on cooldown and I have to kill you with softer hitting skills. When you burst the first sorcerer it is important to pop a defensive CD right after you've unloaded your burst because the first sorcerer will throw out hard stuns/roots to save himself. The Defensive CD's will prevent him from doing any serious damage in the 4 seconds you are stunned or 2-3 seconds you are rooted.


If you are lucky one of the sorcerers will fill your resolve bar so you can rolfstomp the second.


I will spend about 65% of my HP rebuilding rage or working on keeping my heat below the point where I overheat. In this time I will kill the second sorcerer. He can kite all he wants I have leap/slow/root on my marauder. and grapple on my powertech. I'll be one CC/Stun/Knockback away from a full resolve bar with a CC-breaker in the worst case. In the best case I'll already have a full resolve bar.


The only way the second sorcerer survives is if he abandons the objective or runs to more of his team-mates who realize he's inches away from death and they need to stun/root/slow/kill me.



As an annihilation marauder it is a little trickier as DOT's wont work too well because Sorcerers will clense it. However all is not lost. If you stack enough DOT's they cannot possibly purge the slow effect from rupture - not to mention the crippling slash you can use to reduce their movement speed too. An annihilation marauder will loose more HP on the first sorcerer because the 3 stacks of annihilate have not yet been built up.


The advantage you have going as an annihilation marauder is that beserk-critted DOT's will heal yourself. Whether you're annihilation or Carnage popping bloodthirst is neccessary. I recommend you do it on the first sorcerer to kill him as fast as possible. A dead sorcerer means less overall damage being taken.



The trick with a sorcerer is real simple - you keep them slowed. If they are slowed by my marauder they have to waste a GCD purging it, allowing me to root/slow again. If they are facing my powertech, they cant clense it anyways so its a moot point. The most competent sorcerers at kiting Powerttechs and Marauders will try to prevent filling their resolve bars. But they also know that they cant do much against slows.

Edited by Yeochins
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Fair analysis all in all, but it sounds like you're one of the top 5% of players individually on the server.

There's no solution for slows, no sorcerer is going to waste his time purging that unless he's desperate and is just trying to escape not fight back. Also, the fact that force run doesn't work when rooted is a huge PITA.

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I am wholly confident that I can annihilate two sorcerers as either Carnage or Annihilation spec, fully war hero'ed gear, optimized. If I'm on my powertech it doesn't matter what spec they are, both are dead. If I'm on my marauder the lightning/madness hybrid is not possible due to the sheer number of exploding blinding bubbles.


I can burst down 19K HP pretty easily. The first sorcerer I kill I wont drop below 75% health. In 3 GCDs with Pyro PT or a Carnage Marauder I will eat at least 12K HP (factoring your 3.5K HP Bubble). The 25% of the health I will loose is due to the 3-6 seconds where everything is on cooldown and I have to kill you with softer hitting skills. When you burst the first sorcerer it is important to pop a defensive CD right after you've unloaded your burst because the first sorcerer will throw out hard stuns/roots to save himself. The Defensive CD's will prevent him from doing any serious damage in the 4 seconds you are stunned or 2-3 seconds you are rooted.


If you are lucky one of the sorcerers will fill your resolve bar so you can rolfstomp the second.


I will spend about 65% of my HP rebuilding rage or working on keeping my heat below the point where I overheat. In this time I will kill the second sorcerer. He can kite all he wants I have leap/slow/root on my marauder. and grapple on my powertech. I'll be one CC/Stun/Knockback away from a full resolve bar with a CC-breaker in the worst case. In the best case I'll already have a full resolve bar.


The only way the second sorcerer survives is if he abandons the objective or runs to more of his team-mates who realize he's inches away from death and they need to stun/root/slow/kill me.



As an annihilation marauder it is a little trickier as DOT's wont work too well because Sorcerers will clense it. However all is not lost. If you stack enough DOT's they cannot possibly purge the slow effect from rupture - not to mention the crippling slash you can use to reduce their movement speed too. An annihilation marauder will loose more HP on the first sorcerer because the 3 stacks of annihilate have not yet been built up.


The advantage you have going as an annihilation marauder is that beserk-critted DOT's will heal yourself. Whether you're annihilation or Carnage popping bloodthirst is neccessary. I recommend you do it on the first sorcerer to kill him as fast as possible. A dead sorcerer means less overall damage being taken.



The trick with a sorcerer is real simple - you keep them slowed. If they are slowed by my marauder they have to waste a GCD purging it, allowing me to root/slow again. If they are facing my powertech, they cant clense it anyways so its a moot point. The most competent sorcerers at kiting Powerttechs and Marauders will try to prevent filling their resolve bars. But they also know that they cant do much against slows.


I kinda lol'd when I read this. Sorcs are a fairly decent 1v1 class although rwz has nothing to do with 1v1 so it makes sense that my team is r1 and we mostly ran double sorc(madness) mara(carnage) pt(pyro) double oper(med) double sin(tank) this being said I have dueled the best mara on the server hundreds of times and our win/ loss is about 50/50% but only if he plays Annih, carnage is unbeatable if played properly. As for our ptech he beats me maybe 35% of the time, if that and he is by far best on server As well. All this being said I would just love to see a mara or ptech 1v2 where both players aren't just having a backpeddle-fest. Here is how it goes when my partner and I go against a cd spammin mara. First thing split up 20yrds apart, mara charges on X sorc while Y sorc pulls him, mara has to invis or eat damage untill UR is needed. If he was too force camo the second he comes out ill say on skype I got first stun get him after trinket.(they mostly die in a stun.) My point being, yea mara/ptech is by far one of the best 1v1 classes and their burst is some of the highest ingame, but rwz aren't 1v1 its team fights and what wins you team fights is playing on your opponents mistakes, good communication, respect for your teammates and listening to Target calls and hardswaps. Now I'm not trying to disrespect the guy I quoted but there is simply no Wat you 1v2 two sorcs who actually have brains. My guess is they backpeddled and got chewed up after max resolving you for no reason.

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I kinda lol'd when I read this. Sorcs are a fairly decent 1v1 class although rwz has nothing to do with 1v1 so it makes sense that my team is r1 and we mostly ran double sorc(madness) mara(carnage) pt(pyro) double oper(med) double sin(tank) this being said I have dueled the best mara on the server hundreds of times and our win/ loss is about 50/50% but only if he plays Annih, carnage is unbeatable if played properly. As for our ptech he beats me maybe 35% of the time, if that and he is by far best on server As well. All this being said I would just love to see a mara or ptech 1v2 where both players aren't just having a backpeddle-fest. Here is how it goes when my partner and I go against a cd spammin mara. First thing split up 20yrds apart, mara charges on X sorc while Y sorc pulls him, mara has to invis or eat damage untill UR is needed. If he was too force camo the second he comes out ill say on skype I got first stun get him after trinket.(they mostly die in a stun.) My point being, yea mara/ptech is by far one of the best 1v1 classes and their burst is some of the highest ingame, but rwz aren't 1v1 its team fights and what wins you team fights is playing on your opponents mistakes, good communication, respect for your teammates and listening to Target calls and hardswaps. Now I'm not trying to disrespect the guy I quoted but there is simply no Wat you 1v2 two sorcs who actually have brains. My guess is they backpeddled and got chewed up after max resolving you for no reason.


I can tell by your post you do not play very competent marauders or Bastion has an incredibly low skill-cap.


It doesn't matter if you back-pedal because I can keep you slowed or rooted as a Marauder. If you are not slowed or rooted 90-100% of the time you are facing a terrible marauder. Secondly from your post it seems like they're using their breaker without a full resolve bar - which tells me you really are facing a baddies on your server.


Good pyro powertechs never loose to sorcerers. To even suggest you are winning against them tells me Bastion has very little skill.



Also your statement about 1v1 and 1v2 situations being invalid tells me you are not in any significantly skilled rated team. It tells me you lack understanding of player-trading at the off-objective.

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cing a baddies on your server.


Good pyro powertechs never loose to sorcerers. To even suggest you are winning against them tells me Bastion has very little skill.



Also your statement about 1v1 and 1v2 situations being invalid tells me you are not in any significantly skilled rated team. It tells me you lack understanding of player-trading at the off-objective.


I have to say this is true. I have never lost to a sorc on my Pyro PT in a pure 1v1 ever. Not since the day I got most BM gear. Have never lost ever since even against fully WH Sorc from the best rated team (somehow they trust him enough to let him solo defend nodes). I slapped him hard in ALL 1v1s.


I dont know what's going on at Bastion maybe simply have extremely low skill cap overall? Ive seem their mara/sent sucking hard and get sorc kited to death (I play anni marauder which is the spec thats most susceptible to kiting and they can cleanse my bleed BUT i can still kill ANY sorc 1v1 assuming all cds available.) as well as pyro PT losing a straight up DAMAGE TRADE against a madness sorc. Go figure.

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I have to say this is true. I have never lost to a sorc on my Pyro PT in a pure 1v1 ever. Not since the day I got most BM gear. Have never lost ever since even against fully WH Sorc from the best rated team (somehow they trust him enough to let him solo defend nodes). I slapped him hard in ALL 1v1s.


I dont know what's going on at Bastion maybe simply have extremely low skill cap overall? Ive seem their mara/sent sucking hard and get sorc kited to death (I play anni marauder which is the spec thats most susceptible to kiting and they can cleanse my bleed BUT i can still kill ANY sorc 1v1 assuming all cds available.) as well as pyro PT losing a straight up DAMAGE TRADE against a madness sorc. Go figure.


Just FYI, nothing you say matters after this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=523342

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Just FYI, nothing you say matters after this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=523342


Dont know about posting a wz with 15 mana/sents has anything to do with my reply.


Did I hurt your feeling tho? Or you are also one of the bads out there thinking pyro PT cant beat a sorc?


Learn 2 Play? It really doesnt get anymore easier than powertech/VG.

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Dont know about posting a wz with 15 mana/sents has anything to do with my reply.


Did I hurt your feeling tho? Or you are also one of the bads out there thinking pyro PT cant beat a sorc?


Learn 2 Play? It really doesnt get anymore easier than powertech/VG.


I don't remember saying anything of the sort, but perhaps you should take some time off the forums to work on your photoshopping. That last thread was pretty weak... I noticed you didn't respond to anyone that called you out there...

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I still play my healer sage. I enjoy the class in terms of lore as well as play style. It can be quite difficult in warzones where I am getting focus fired especially in rateds... But if I am playing with a tank we can usually manage to overcome this. I've also found that statting and gearing for survivability over output had been very helpful.


That being said, there are a few things I'd love to hear dev responses on. Please note I am asking these questions from a perspective of seeing how devs came to their vision of how a sage healer would operate, and what the difference between a good sage and a bad sage would be. I am not implying we are a weak or broken spec.


1. Do the devs believe a healer should be able to live against 1 dps indefinitely? In other words, should 1 healer vs 1 dps be a stalemate, a toss up, or..?) if both are fully geared and of equal skill?


2. In what types of situations did/does the developer envision a good use for the "Egress" talent?


3. Did the devs consider giving the "health for resource" mechanic (noble sacrifice) to a healer with medium or heavy armor? Or did they have a particular reason for giving this mechanic to the light armor healer?


4. Could the devs explain how they envisioned our mobility survival mechanics synergising with our lack of instant abilities? (we have many abilities suggesting we are intended to kite enemies (force speed, confound, force slow) yet we lack the ability to do much while we are moving since we have few instant abilities).


5. Do the devs feel that releasing the next tier of pvp weapons before releasing the next tier of pvp armor is going to further balance the game? (weapons being released before srmor is confirmed). Are you releasing them early because you feel the damage being done is in need of a buff compared to the mitigation our armor is doing?


6. Is the balance philosophy of the swtor devs that balance should be done in a paper-rock-scissors manner or a blanket manner?


Thanks in advance if a dev is willing to answer some of these :) I'm interested to see the conception of the Seer Sage.

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I don't remember saying anything of the sort, but perhaps you should take some time off the forums to work on your photoshopping. That last thread was pretty weak... I noticed you didn't respond to anyone that called you out there...


i simply stated what i knew sorry kiddies like u get offended.

called me out on what? like what ur doing with ur newblet non-sense?

care to link them for me kiddo?


oh and since newb like u think pt cant kill a sorc i suggest u spend less time on the fourm and be a fourm warrior and seek out all the newbies pointless call out and put more time actually playing the game and ultimately one day you would finally learned 2 play.


typical fatman kids post sigh thats pointless to the peak. look i just replied you without bothering putting down my coffee with 1 hand so i cant even hit shift sorry dude. actually i dont even know why i am wasting time replying to your nonsense callout that has nothing to do with anything.

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i simply stated what i knew sorry kiddies like u get offended.

called me out on what? like what ur doing with ur newblet non-sense?

care to link them for me kiddo?


oh and since newb like u think pt cant kill a sorc i suggest u spend less time on the fourm and be a fourm warrior and seek out all the newbies pointless call out and put more time actually playing the game and ultimately one day you would finally learned 2 play.


... what?


1) Any somewhat decent PT should easily kill a sorc

2) You're the one that had to fake your way to being right, not me

3) Fail troll is fail, I don't plan on responding to you any longer, but if you happen to post in a thread I'm following I'll be sure to alert everyone to your sweet photo shop skills.


P.S. I already linked your thread in a previous post, feel free to follow it, kiddo


edit: here you go

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... what?


1) Any somewhat decent PT should easily kill a sorc

2) You're the one that had to fake your way to being right, not me

3) Fail troll is fail, I don't plan on responding to you any longer, but if you happen to post in a thread I'm following I'll be sure to alert everyone to your sweet photo shop skills.


P.S. I already linked your thread in a previous post, feel free to follow it, kiddo


dont see it link here plz kiddie. sigh fatman thesedays.

aww so if u dont reply me its coz ur liar and wont respond call out eh using ur own failogic.

gg kiddie

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Rather than removing it, I suggest that you change it so that while active, the Marauder's DPS is cut by 99% as well. It is supposed to be used to run away/buy time for a healer to save you.


Exactly what I have been thinking. It would still be a high powered Ice Block, still being able to move, still being able to stop people from capping objectives. Remove the health cost to activate it.

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I still play my healer sage. I enjoy the class in terms of lore as well as play style. It can be quite difficult in warzones where I am getting focus fired especially in rateds... But if I am playing with a tank we can usually manage to overcome this. I've also found that statting and gearing for survivability over output had been very helpful.


That being said, there are a few things I'd love to hear dev responses on. Please note I am asking these questions from a perspective of seeing how devs came to their vision of how a sage healer would operate, and what the difference between a good sage and a bad sage would be. I am not implying we are a weak or broken spec.


1. Do the devs believe a healer should be able to live against 1 dps indefinitely? In other words, should 1 healer vs 1 dps be a stalemate, a toss up, or..?) if both are fully geared and of equal skill?


2. In what types of situations did/does the developer envision a good use for the "Egress" talent?


3. Did the devs consider giving the "health for resource" mechanic (noble sacrifice) to a healer with medium or heavy armor? Or did they have a particular reason for giving this mechanic to the light armor healer?


4. Could the devs explain how they envisioned our mobility survival mechanics synergising with our lack of instant abilities? (we have many abilities suggesting we are intended to kite enemies (force speed, confound, force slow) yet we lack the ability to do much while we are moving since we have few instant abilities).


5. Do the devs feel that releasing the next tier of pvp weapons before releasing the next tier of pvp armor is going to further balance the game? (weapons being released before srmor is confirmed). Are you releasing them early because you feel the damage being done is in need of a buff compared to the mitigation our armor is doing?


6. Is the balance philosophy of the swtor devs that balance should be done in a paper-rock-scissors manner or a blanket manner?


Thanks in advance if a dev is willing to answer some of these :) I'm interested to see the conception of the Seer Sage.


errr, lol dunno if this is your first time on swtor forums, but devs hardly steps out of their developer fortress to adress whats going on with the rest of us "villagers"


Devs stated with 1.2 changes that they made it to increase the level of difficulty of sorcs. No more easy mana regen system and no more just spamm our big heal only with reduced cast time.


Problem is our flash heal isnt enough now to counter the big hits around wzs and our big heal gets interupted everytime unless the dps is total moron.


Okay so take it up a notch on skill you say. Lets start using fake casting, which would be fine if we werent so damn squishy. You dont got time to stand in front of a dps and hope he falls for fake casting. In fact you dont have time to stand still at all when a dps is on you.


I havent logged my sorc healer for weeks now theres no point atm and going in just to be the "hey its a sorc focus him" guy, nah, done that for 90 valor levels, time to have some fun with other classes far less broken.


Hurts though seing all the op healers run around just spamming instant heals and staying alive.

Or the mercs standing total immune to interupt under their shield. And then you spot a fellow sorc getting charged at during force speed >.<


If you want to know how the devs really feel about our class, go read the 4 part pvp set bonus.



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errr, lol dunno if this is your first time on swtor forums, but devs hardly steps out of their developer fortress to adress whats going on with the rest of us "villagers"


Devs stated with 1.2 changes that they made it to increase the level of difficulty of sorcs. No more easy mana regen system and no more just spamm our big heal only with reduced cast time.


Problem is our flash heal isnt enough now to counter the big hits around wzs and our big heal gets interupted everytime unless the dps is total moron.


Okay so take it up a notch on skill you say. Lets start using fake casting, which would be fine if we werent so damn squishy. You dont got time to stand in front of a dps and hope he falls for fake casting. In fact you dont have time to stand still at all when a dps is on you.


I havent logged my sorc healer for weeks now theres no point atm and going in just to be the "hey its a sorc focus him" guy, nah, done that for 90 valor levels, time to have some fun with other classes far less broken.


Hurts though seing all the op healers run around just spamming instant heals and staying alive.

Or the mercs standing total immune to interupt under their shield. And then you spot a fellow sorc getting charged at during force speed >.<


If you want to know how the devs really feel about our class, go read the 4 part pvp set bonus.




Ha, i know the devs rarely comment on threads, but I've seen a few rare exceptions so I figure asking politely may get it done. :)


I don't use the pvp 4 pc bonus currently because of the necessity of having healing trance on a shorter cooldown through the 2 pc pve bonus.


However, once I farm enough commendations I do plan to have a 2nd pvp set just for the pvp 4 piece. The pvp 4 piece is useful when I need to mitigate incoming damage, but 2pc pvp/2pc pve I seems more effective when Im not getting attacked and need to heal allies for long periods of time without running out of force.


Anywho, it's a shame you gave up on the class if you enjoyed it. I'm 95 rank valor, and I agree that we definitely have a lot of squishiness issues right now. Much (not all) of this can be overcome with defensive statting. But yes I do think some survivability tweaks could be useful.


One thing that really hurt us is the patch where they fixed the noble sacrifice bug as well as changing the effect of conveyance. I totally am ok with the bug fix - I don't want to be good because of a bugged mechanic. I think, however, they should have fixed the sacrifice bug and see how much that affected us before simultaneously changing conveyance. I think we were OP pre 1.2, I just don't see the logic of fixing a bug and changing conveyance.... Why not just fix the bug and see if that would achieve their desired effect?


If after they fixed the bug they still felt conveyance needed to be changed, I'd be ok with that.

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The problem I have personally, is that when I'm on my rated team they want me in lightning hybrid (21 point corruption). It's ironic, I finally get into a guild with active quality PvPers, and I end up having to abandon what I'm best at for the team. I'm cool with it, don't get me wrong - it's just less fun/rewarding.


I honestly feel I'm more effective with corruption/madness. I do like 4 times more damage, and have more dynamic cc at my disposal ( 2 instacast). I sacrifice a bit of root CC from the knockback and I still put out 50-65% of my healing number. In voidstar full length combining for 500k output is normal.


I just find the heal/lightning hybrid remarkably boring to play, and I go back to hitting like a wet noodle/get smacked everywhere. It's no fun having to not actually fight anyone.


Ah well, going down to part time playing this weekend anyway.


PS: just for the record, am I wrong? Is objectively speaking, the 21/20 (or similar) the best corruption spec to use for rateds, just doing healing/bubbling?

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The problem I have personally, is that when I'm on my rated team they want me in lightning hybrid (21 point corruption). Whereas I honestly feel I'm more effective with corruption/madness. I do like 3 times more damage, and have more dynamic cc at my disposal ( 2 instacast). I sacrifice a bit of root CC and about 100k healing.


I just find the heal/lightning hybrid remarkably boring to play, and I go back to hitting like a wet noodle/get *****spalpped everywhere. It's no fun.


Ah well, going down to part time playing this weekend anyway.


Honestly, my KB root is my only defense against the 3 people that leap at me in ranked. I feel I'm most useful just staying alive against 3 people as long as possible rather than actually trying to kill them. Throw some bubbles out on people and maybe get a heal or two in every now and then (halfway through innervate maybe?). That being said, the lightning/corruption hybrid is a throwback to the unlimited force days pre 1.2 in unranked.

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The problem I have personally, is that when I'm on my rated team they want me in lightning hybrid (21 point corruption). It's ironic, I finally get into a guild with active quality PvPers, and I end up having to abandon what I'm best at for the team. I'm cool with it, don't get me wrong - it's just less fun/rewarding.


I honestly feel I'm more effective with corruption/madness. I do like 4 times more damage, and have more dynamic cc at my disposal ( 2 instacast). I sacrifice a bit of root CC from the knockback and I still put out 50-65% of my healing number. In voidstar full length combining for 500k output is normal.


I just find the heal/lightning hybrid remarkably boring to play, and I go back to hitting like a wet noodle/get smacked everywhere. It's no fun having to not actually fight anyone.


Ah well, going down to part time playing this weekend anyway.


I tend to agree with you in the fact that it's a shame you have to resort to a spec you don't necessarily prefer in order to be effective.


If you like the class, stick it out the best you can. Nerfs come and go and usually it comes back around so that you'll be able to be the spec you want. That's just my advice (not that you were asking for it) :D


Being in a good guild of high quality players is awesome, it just means that your performance comes before your preferred spec. Obviously you realize this, I'm just saying its the unfortunate price we pay to be competitive :(

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Honestly, my KB root is my only defense against the 3 people that leap at me in ranked. I feel I'm most useful just staying alive against 3 people as long as possible rather than actually trying to kill them. Throw some bubbles out on people and maybe get a heal or two in every now and then (halfway through innervate maybe?). That being said, the lightning/corruption hybrid is a throwback to the unlimited force days pre 1.2 in unranked.


My mindset is probably wrong then. It just works in non-rated because I pretty much fit right in with DPS output with just the 20 points in corruption.


I just feel like the faster you kill people, the sooner you cap things. If it's 4 on 3 with you being the 4th, the faster you focus down one of the three the faster the other 2 die. With the lightning side, there's no steady DPS. Dots are crap. I just find the inability to solo anyone less worthwhile. Bubbles can only be recast every 17 seconds. It's a lot of down time with worthless dps options available in lightning. Lightning DPS is awful.

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Being in a good guild of high quality players is awesome, it just means that your performance comes before your preferred spec. Obviously you realize this, I'm just saying its the unfortunate price we pay to be competitive :(


Oh yeah. Without a doubt!


I just don't actually believe i'm more effective that way, that's all. I just need to learn how to mix in some DPS during down GCD times. It's hard using lightning strike/disturbance though, waiting on a cast time for offense in my/our role is a no-no, rated or not imo.


There's also little things, like in my corruption hybrid with madness, in HB I can actually solo another sage or smuggler who's camped out on the offense end after I've died. Now? Basically call for someone else to do it.


That's why I loved unlimited force lightning (in your case pebbles whatever its called). Channeled, instant first tick, break it off when needed, not a total loss of time. I'm trying to work on hitting random teammates with resurgence now during the slow periods. I'll keep at it.


Really, we just need dual spec someday so I can have my 'work' spec and my 'fun' spec. It's going to get expensive hotswapping.

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