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Carnage: 100x better than Annihilation


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That is how my character is being designed. If you look at my character in-game you'll see that he has 96% of all the items listed in the character builder.


Next, VINDICATION VINDICATION VINDICATION. Every one of you guys who have made the mistake of getting the full Weaponmaster Armor all I can truly say to you is I'm sorry. 10% more damage after force charge is the way to go, not 15 seconds off the Undying Rage CD.


My average crit on geared players is between 4600-5200 with Force Scream. My highest force scream crit of all time was 6500 on a recruit geared player while I had Bloodthirst and Beserker up. I can burst wave after wave of players down. Guarded healers no problem solo.


With the above gear setup, while being Carnage spec I can put out 20k burst in seconds if left unchecked. In fact with heals I become an unstoppable monster that makes PT's look like cuddly teddy bears. I just watched that Annihilation Marauder video below, (He's alright, didn't like his occasional backpedaling) but it takes him AGES to kill targets who are standing still where I can burst down fully geared moving targets in seconds.


Not to mention Carnage has so much more utility than Annihilation. Solo, group play, doesn't matter, Carnage all the way.

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Thanks for the laugh, I guess maybe this will help some fotm marauders :/. Didn't like to hear the calling out of the marauder youtube video. He is not "alright." As someone who has played with --for and against-- him for months, it's quite easy to say that he has mastered his class. We all know that carnage is better for team play, for many reasons just than better burst (deadly saber dots go on the tank not healer) etc. But for solo q'ing annihilation is a much more enjoyable spec because it flows much better as a lone wolf, and easily wins 1v3/1v4 fights.
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I've tried basically the exact same build as you except with 58 armoring for the belts/bracers (not that big of a difference) and i'm not a fan of the all power build when the only guaranteed crit from Carnage is Force Scream and thats only when Blood Frenzy is up. A lot of your dmg comes from Massacre which is an ability that you basically spam so the more it crits the more damage you do (think 2 out of 3 Massacre's critting for high 2k's-3k while the third non crit for high 1k's-2k).


Also, i don't understand why you put 1 pt into Malice when the only force attack from Carnage is basically Force Scream (which has a guaranteed crit). I think that point would be better spent else where. An extra point into accuracy wouldn't hurt seeing that 98% of Carnage damage is white/weapon damage


Not sure about the 1200 expertise build, you'd be about as squishy as a full bm geared player (+1 war hero piece) and in rateds survivability plays a pretty big role. I'm pretty sure if a fully geared/expertise/BiS powertech opened up on you before you could pop a CD you'd be insta dead. Can't dps if you're dead right :p I'm also from POT5 but i don't think i've seen you in wz's at least not in rateds? I could be wrong though.

Edited by M_Ngc
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That is how my character is being designed. If you look at my character in-game you'll see that he has 96% of all the items listed in the character builder.


Next, VINDICATION VINDICATION VINDICATION. Every one of you guys who have made the mistake of getting the full Weaponmaster Armor all I can truly say to you is I'm sorry. 10% more damage after force charge is the way to go, not 15 seconds off the Undying Rage CD.


My average crit on geared players is between 4600-5200 with Force Scream. My highest force scream crit of all time was 6500 on a recruit geared player while I had Bloodthirst and Beserker up. I can burst wave after wave of players down. Guarded healers no problem solo.


With the above gear setup, while being Carnage spec I can put out 20k burst in seconds if left unchecked. In fact with heals I become an unstoppable monster that makes PT's look like cuddly teddy bears. I just watched that Annihilation Marauder video below, (He's alright, didn't like his occasional backpedaling) but it takes him AGES to kill targets who are standing still where I can burst down fully geared moving targets in seconds.


Not to mention Carnage has so much more utility than Annihilation. Solo, group play, doesn't matter, Carnage all the way.


For the bold, italicized statement, it's even better for Annihilation than Carnage, because of the 12 second refresh, and no minimum range.

I'll stick with Annihilation myself. I find it more fun. And anyone can perform well with a pocket healer watching over them.

Carnage spec marauders get "tilted" easier than Annihilation marauders. All it takes is something like a knockback, stun, or Obfuscate to shut down your Gore window of opportunity or your Ravage. Sure, we can get hit with cleanses for removing our bleeds.


Carnage brings two additional roots and a speedy predation. Annihilation brings an additional snare option, quicker refreshing interrupts(Disruption/Force Charge(basically two interrupts that can be used in melee range)), and a quicker refreshing defensive mechanic with Obfuscate. Oh, and the ability to throw some heals out with Berserk.


I believe that an Annihilation marauder can outlast a Carnage one if equally or closely geared.


Is Carnage better than Annihilation? Not necessarily. Each spec has its strengths and its weaknesses. Annihilation can have its dots cleansed, and its damage is backloaded. It all truly depends on what occupies that space between chair and keyboard though, for determining what's better for that person.

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I would like to take this moment to express my hesitation towards the statement that Carnage is a 100 times better than Annihilation.


Could someone please provide footage of such a marauder defeating around 100 Annihilation ones?





Edited by Twin
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Finally got the Vindicators Set bonus on my marauder and tried 3 specs.


33/8/0, I chose this annihilation based one because I get unlimited range for force charge in 30mtrs and the 10% for 5 seconds, so essentially every 7 seconds I'm doing +10% damage, including dots. I did not take ravager because the CD is not necessary and if I were to Charge > Deadly Saber > Ravage thats +2% damage technically. This spec was fun! Annihilate hitting ppl for an instant 4400 after Charge > DS > Battering Assault > Rupture > Annhilate. All that in 5 seconds. Good for PvE as well but haven't tested the consistent charge yet in Ops.


5/5/31 Le Smash, Frenzy > Berserk > Charge > Smash.. Thats how u get ur 2.5k and 5k medal within 15 seconds of a wz gate opening. I probably dont need to explain in detail because of the simplicity. Biggest hit today 7155, non-bloodthirst.


5/34/2 My carnage super root spec, the 10% bonus means I can target someone not bubbled and Charge > Gore > Ravage(Hopefully get blood frenzy even without the masssacre, 2/3 times) > Scream and they go POOF. Plus its good for Berserk > Charge > Massacre Spam.



And I run Carnage in rated because it is a Team Spec, I root ppl in huttball without filling resolve bars, I become a very competitive ball carrier with my predation, even as support for a tank, the speed wins. Civil War/Novarre I can reach the closest enemy node, stop them from capping and burst them down. Voidstar I predate when we get a door, helps with the Time alot.


But annihilation MIGHT become superior if a new Warzone is TDM based because of their survivability, and a smart equally geared annihi will beat carnage because of Obsfucate and various ways to interrupt gore and gore>ravage


From what I've seen 2 Le Smash Maras in sync dominate, no matter what spec you are.

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Not to mention Carnage has so much more utility than Annihilation. Solo, group play, doesn't matter, Carnage all the way.


LOL! I don't pvp, but thanks for letting us know that Carnage does more burst than Annihilation. /rolleyes


You can't beat Annihilation in a boss fight.... in fact I've yet to be beaten by any class on a boss fight in overall dps.

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Ya know... that kinda bothers me, especially for annihilation, having 10% damage boost 5 out of every 12 seconds is insane for PvE and PvP... And I did not know about the vindicator thing.


There is NO way I'm grinding out 4 BM->WH pieces now. I can see how powerful this is just by the math (it's a 4.16 % damage boost to an already high DPS class) That kinda boost instantly causes mara's to out DPS any and all other DPS by a longshot with that boost.


EDIT:ADD: it sucks cause it also makes me feel like a noob when you say I made a "mistake" for choosing to buy the gear designated for marauders by Bioware...

Edited by BOTADoodles
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LOL! I don't pvp, but thanks for letting us know that Carnage does more burst than Annihilation. /rolleyes


You can't beat Annihilation in a boss fight.... in fact I've yet to be beaten by any class on a boss fight in overall dps.


Irrelevant, bosses have 100's of thousands of hit points to burn through. PVP players have just 15 - 20,000. Can any of the Annihilation marauders down a 100% health (but badly geared) enemy in 3 seconds? That's just long enough to get off deadly saber, rupture and annihilate.


Carnage gets more roots and the best speed buff in the game, not to mention its a little less easy to play, Annihilation is just a faceroll fest.

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Ya know... that kinda bothers me, especially for annihilation, having 10% damage boost 5 out of every 12 seconds is insane for PvE and PvP... And I did not know about the vindicator thing.


There is NO way I'm grinding out 4 BM->WH pieces now. I can see how powerful this is just by the math (it's a 4.16 % damage boost to an already high DPS class) That kinda boost instantly causes mara's to out DPS any and all other DPS by a longshot with that boost.


EDIT:ADD: it sucks cause it also makes me feel like a noob when you say I made a "mistake" for choosing to buy the gear designated for marauders by Bioware...


dont feel bad. Ive been here since beta & didnt know either, but unlike you I will grind that out :)

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Irrelevant, bosses have 100's of thousands of hit points to burn through. PVP players have just 15 - 20,000. Can any of the Annihilation marauders down a 100% health (but badly geared) enemy in 3 seconds? That's just long enough to get off deadly saber, rupture and annihilate.


Carnage gets more roots and the best speed buff in the game, not to mention its a little less easy to play, Annihilation is just a faceroll fest.


I have to disagree with Carnage being a little less easy to play. Anni requires you to watch your cooldowns (like when Pulverize procs), and time your Deadly Saber/Rupture to sync up to 30 Fury so when you use Berserk, you're not left sitting on a few stacks of Berserk or Deadly Saber. If you don't, your damage suffers much more than messing up a Carnage-spec rotation.


Carnage on the otherhand, while not exactly simple, is comparatively more straightfoward. Root ball carriers, Predation when it's up or when team needs a boost, otherwise Massacre spam with Gore/Berserk and never Scream without Blood Frenzy up.

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That is how my character is being designed. If you look at my character in-game you'll see that he has 96% of all the items listed in the character builder.


Next, VINDICATION VINDICATION VINDICATION. Every one of you guys who have made the mistake of getting the full Weaponmaster Armor all I can truly say to you is I'm sorry. 10% more damage after force charge is the way to go, not 15 seconds off the Undying Rage CD.


My average crit on geared players is between 4600-5200 with Force Scream. My highest force scream crit of all time was 6500 on a recruit geared player while I had Bloodthirst and Beserker up. I can burst wave after wave of players down. Guarded healers no problem solo.


With the above gear setup, while being Carnage spec I can put out 20k burst in seconds if left unchecked. In fact with heals I become an unstoppable monster that makes PT's look like cuddly teddy bears. I just watched that Annihilation Marauder video below, (He's alright, didn't like his occasional backpedaling) but it takes him AGES to kill targets who are standing still where I can burst down fully geared moving targets in seconds.


Not to mention Carnage has so much more utility than Annihilation. Solo, group play, doesn't matter, Carnage all the way.


What's the rotation look like now? My first character was a marauder and got him to 50 one week after release. After hitting hit I rolled an alt and never touched my marauder again, lol. I basically completely forgot how to play the class and am curious about getting into PvP with him.

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What's the best solo build these days?


My annihilation build varies from most others, so after I post mine I expect people to chime in as well. This is the build I use for solo qing as annihilationhttp://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRrcsZuMZM.2


A lot of people pick up empowerment instead of enraged charge because they tell me that they are rage starved a lot. However enraged charge is a necessary part of my rotation, and with 1 point in cloak of carnage I am rarely rage starved, and using assault just to put a stack of deadly saber on.

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My annihilation build varies from most others, so after I post mine I expect people to chime in as well. This is the build I use for solo qing as annihilationhttp://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRrcsZuMZM.2


A lot of people pick up empowerment instead of enraged charge because they tell me that they are rage starved a lot. However enraged charge is a necessary part of my rotation, and with 1 point in cloak of carnage I am rarely rage starved, and using assault just to put a stack of deadly saber on.


Interesting, thanks. :)

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My annihilation build varies from most others, so after I post mine I expect people to chime in as well. This is the build I use for solo qing as annihilationhttp://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRrcsZuMZM.2


A lot of people pick up empowerment instead of enraged charge because they tell me that they are rage starved a lot. However enraged charge is a necessary part of my rotation, and with 1 point in cloak of carnage I am rarely rage starved, and using assault just to put a stack of deadly saber on.


I don't "hate" your build, but I question it, since you say you use it for soloing...

2 points in Seeping Wound = useless for PVE

2 points in Phantom = useless for PVE


Since Annihilation is based on bleeds and crit bleeds, you want 2 in Empowerment, and 3 in Malice,but it's not mandatory obviously... it would just give you a stronger build.

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I don't "hate" your build, but I question it, since you say you use it for soloing...

2 points in Seeping Wound = useless for PVE

2 points in Phantom = useless for PVE


Since Annihilation is based on bleeds and crit bleeds, you want 2 in Empowerment, and 3 in Malice,but it's not mandatory obviously... it would just give you a stronger build.


I said solo qing. Qing meaning Queue-ing or pvping by myself. For pve you are definitely correct but 2 points in seeping wound = slow = good for pvp, and ofc xtra stealth + speed = good for pvp as well. I understand the miscommunication though :)

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I don't "hate" your build, but I question it, since you say you use it for soloing...

2 points in Seeping Wound = useless for PVE

2 points in Phantom = useless for PVE


Since Annihilation is based on bleeds and crit bleeds, you want 2 in Empowerment, and 3 in Malice,but it's not mandatory obviously... it would just give you a stronger build.


Seeping Wound is far from useless for PVE.


It gives you a very reliable way to use Savage Kick on CD.


Savage Kick is, for all intents and purposes, free damage, and definitely a hard enough hitter to be worth the GCD due to the 0 rage cost.

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