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Top 5 NON-FORCE USER characters.


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YES, I SO WENT THERE! Come at me. :p Alright post ya top 5 non-force user characters and give short explanations as to why, they can't also be any that became a force user at a later date....and go!



1. Han Solo- Wit, took on Vader, eluded Boba Fett for quite some time, has a wookiee as a co-pilot. Who needs the Force, when you got Solo luck?


2. Dash Rendar- I like his ship, plus he seems to be the only actual smuggler who doesn't join any faction and instead only works for the money.


3. IG-88 series- 4 sentient walking guns? Hell yes, not to mention they took over a planet without even stepping foot on it, their arsenal of weapons is pretty sweet too. A shame they didn't last long though...


4. Admiral Piett- The only officer aside from Veers, who didn't get choked by Vader. You know your a BA, when you can avoid a sith lord's wrath and reputation for killing officers for failure.


5. R2-D2- What can I say about the little blue astromech?....Hes got a ton of gadgets, a mobile swiss army knife and then some!

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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1. Han Solo- seems pretty obvious. He is the boss. And he's got a wookiee co-pilot

2. Grand Admiral Thrawn- almost took out the New Republic

3. Grievous- probably the greatest Jedi killer that wasn't Force-sensitive

4. Chewbacca- He can pull your arms off... need I say more

5. R2- he was there from the beginning

Edited by Aurbere
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Got to throw in my two credits here.


I will admit this is all based on my personal enjoyment of characters and nothing else. Though I will say that my number one is a universal truth. I also know only a tiny bit about the Extended Universe, so take that for what it's worth.


1. Han Solo - The Man, The Myth, The Legend. Any Top 5 that does not include him is fundamentally flawed.


2. R2-D2 - Don't really like or dislike it, but it's there from the beginning and is an essential to the adventures.


3. Chewbacca - This needs no explanation.


4. Lando Calrissian - People aren't going to get this but Lando's one of the best and most complex of the SW characters, particularly the movie characters. He's also cool as hell but he's not as central to the story so he's only number 4.


5. Tie: Carth Onasi/T3-M4 - Couldn't choose between these two, which I admit is a cop-out. T3 is everything R2 is AND is armed. Carth Onasi is the (as far as I know) original double blasting gunslinger who seems to get a rep fro being a wuss despite being the best non-force using character in KoToR for mowing down scores of Sith Troopers.


Honorable Mentions: Ackbar, Thrawn, Wedge Antilles, and Mission Vao.

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My top 5 are:

1.Grand Admiral Thrawn, the only artist to almost take over thegalaxy.

2.HK-47, the most BA assasin ever.

3.Chewbaca, for obvious reasons. (If you can't work them out then you should go back to bed)

4.Boba Fett, one of the coolest bounty hunters to ever grace the big screen.

5.Jub Jub, the Ewok.

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Is this, who is our opinion would be best in a fight, or just our favorite?


Cause if its favorite my list is this.


1. Giliad Pellaeon: The unwilling hero of the empire. Gil was thrust into a position of power that he had no ambition to hold and was given the monumental task of holding the empire together. He succeeded, despite all the setbacks and hardships and Yuzahn Vong, he persevered and held the new order he believed in together. All this without being a war criminal. I just find him inspiring (and yes, I was super mad when he was murdered, and even more super mad when Tahari got to weasel out of the death sentence she so heartily deserved)


2. Boba Fett: I loved Boba from the first moment I saw him in empire, almost all of my early star war reading material was about this guy. Not just a BA in BA armor doing BA things, Fett may be a coldhearted ahole to generally everybody, but he’s a coldhearted ahole with principles and a difficult past.


3.R2-D2: It is impossible to put into words how awesome R2 is. His presence is felt in a big way in all six movies and I’ve lost count of how many times he’s saved everyone’s behinds. Also he has the rare distinction of being the only astromech unit to destroy a planet and two super weapons at the same time.


4. HK-47: HK is cheerfully sociopathic, yet in a way that comes of as endearing instead of creepy. (Skadge should take lessons from this guy), is quite philosophical for a droid killing machine, and has unique speech patterns. He’s the real deal, and don't you meatbags forget it.


5. Ackbar: ITS A TRAP!!!!- I could add more, but do I really need to?


If is best in a fight, the list would be different.

Edited by TheBentOne
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1. Wedge Antilles - Arguably the greatest (Non-Jedi/Sith) Starfighter pilot in galactic history.

2. Mon Mothma - This lady held the fledgling New Republic together while dying.

3. Thrawn - Cut it any way you want, he was a pretty amazing character.

4. Chewbacca - He had to have a moon dropped on him.

5. IG-88 - Almost took over the galaxy.

Edited by Aximand
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1. Wedge Antilles - Arguably the greatest (Non-Jedi/Sith) Starfighter pilot in galactic history.

2. Mon Mothma - This lady held the fledgling New Republic together while dying.

3. Thrawn - Cut it any way you want, he was a pretty amazing character.

4. Chewbacca - He had to have a moon dropped on him.

5. IG-88 - Almost took over the galaxy.


Yay, finally someone who put's Mon Mothma there.


I would do two seperate lists, one for the movie times and one for the old republic time. I don't want to compare one to the other. And since it's about favorite characters, many characters who might be awesome are not included because I don't know much about them.


0. Han Solo - this was mentioned as being obligatory, so I'll include him here.


1. Mon Mothma and Bail Organa - they ended Palpatines rule. Well, of course others did it directly, but they started it. I love the rebels, so those who founded them are on top of the list.

2. Grand Moff Tarkin - He is everything the Empire stands for and he's a perfect non-Force using villian. And he shows that to be evil, you don't need the dark side. I "love to hate" him.

3. Admiral Ackbar - rebel, admiral, Mon Calamari, "It's a trap"; that's enough qualification

4. Admiral Piett - since Tarkin isn't available anymore in ESB and ROTJ, I have to go with Piett

5. Lando and Wedge - Lando because of his story and Wedge because he's cool (and a rebel pilot, I like their starfighters and suits)



And for the KOTOR and TOR era:


1. Zenith - fought the Empire for many years, sometimes completely alone. His "dark side alignment" is very believable, and he has a great character depth.

2. Canderous Ordo - he represents what I like about mandalorians

3. Grand Moff Kilran - the Tarkin of TOR

4. Supreme Chancallor Saresh - a former imperial slave who made it up to Supreme Chancallor

5. Hallow Voice - I like old species, and since the Rakata are Force sensitive, I have to go with the Esh-ka.


So, you probably see that some of these are not in the list because not only because I like them as characters, but also because of what they represent.

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1. Han Solo

2. Chewbacca

3. HK-47

4. "Sev" Delta 07

5. Canderous Ordo


But to be honest there are other characters worthy of this list: Atton Rand, Carth Onasi, Archiban Kimble (Doc), PROXY, T7-O1.


Atton Rand... that's a real problem. There are so many awesome companions in Kotor 2 that are worthe of this list as non-Jedi and non-Sith, but they are Force sensitive and you can train them. I would have included Atton and the Handmaiden otherwise.

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Atton Rand... that's a real problem. There are so many awesome companions in Kotor 2 that are worthe of this list as non-Jedi and non-Sith, but they are Force sensitive and you can train them. I would have included Atton and the Handmaiden otherwise.


Yup, i feel for you. I couldn't put Zuckuss on this list, because as a Gand findsman he is force sensitive.

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No Darth Nihilus?? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS???
It's a non Force user list. That's why they didn't mention Revan or Nox or anything. Here's my list:


HK-47: Arguably most powerful assassin droid ever.

Han Solo: Best Smuggler ever to exist in Star Wars.

T7-01: This little droid accompanied the Hero of Tython to Dromund Kaas, and helped defeat Emperor Vitiate.

R2-D2: Shortest hero ever.

Mandalorian Deathwatch Leader (name escapes me, Clone Wars series): Accomplished swordsman, skilled tactician, Mandalorian. Owns a Black-Silver Lightkatana, which I really want in SWTOR, lol.

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1. Wedge Antilles - Arguably the greatest (Non-Jedi/Sith) Starfighter pilot in galactic history.

2. Mon Mothma - This lady held the fledgling New Republic together while dying.

3. Thrawn - Cut it any way you want, he was a pretty amazing character.

4. Chewbacca - He had to have a moon dropped on him.

5. IG-88 - Almost took over the galaxy.


And we have a winner :D

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