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The Fatman


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Down to a standard population at 10:00 pm eastern. That should just tell you the whole picture there EA. LOL I told you so 450k subs and counting down


Nono. This game is doing great. Going F2P after 8 months is just the way the way the MMO-industry is going.


Just wait and see how BEAware will churn out new content every six weeks with less subs and less employees !

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Down to a standard population at 10:00 pm eastern. That should just tell you the whole picture there EA. LOL I told you so 450k subs and counting down


Cynical hyperbole again.


Rest of the servers are heavy/veryheavy.


Considering every social misfit in the game skip jumped to Fatman for PvP action before server transfers, It's not surprising at all that a lot of them have either gone back to their old characters (which then transfered to other servers and can play in heavy pop again), or they have burned down their PvP candle and moved on to a more suitable games for PvP (because we all know PvP is a bolt-on in this PvE game). Then again, there really isn't a good PvP game other then perhaps EVE if you like pretending to be a space ship.


Any Fatman hopper that did not see this coming was not really looking ahead.

Edited by Andryah
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Cynical hyperbole again.


Rest of the servers are heavy/veryheavy.


Considering every social misfit in the game skip jumped to Fatman for PvP action before server transfers, It's not surprising at all that a lot of them have either gone back to their old characters (which then transfered to other servers and can play in heavy pop again), or they have burned down their PvP candle and moved on to a more suitable games for PvP (because we all know PvP is a bolt-on in this PvE game). Then again, there really isn't a good PvP game other then perhaps EVE if you like pretending to be a space ship.


Any Fatman hopper that did not see this coming was not really looking ahead.


Hey...HEY damn it!


Keep that rational thought and common sense off these forums damn you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's Saturday Night at 10pm.


You're playing a video game.


I went out drinking and partying. I suppose most normal people with active social lives do the same.


You aren't drinking and partying, you are posting on a forum. Shut up.

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It's Saturday Night at 10pm.


You're playing a video game.


I went out drinking and partying. I suppose most normal people with active social lives do the same.


Saturday Night also means prime time for MMOs, where it has the most people playing out of the weekend.

But good job trying to impress people that you somehow have a life in an internet forum lol.

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And that surprises you. Most of the fatman population was people with alts who rolled there while servers were dead. Once server transfers hit they started playing their mains on the new full servers hence fatman 'died' with the transfers, but good job trying to spin it.
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Cynical hyperbole again.


Rest of the servers are heavy/veryheavy.


Considering every social misfit in the game skip jumped to Fatman for PvP action before server transfers, It's not surprising at all that a lot of them have either gone back to their old characters (which then transfered to other servers and can play in heavy pop again), or they have burned down their PvP candle and moved on to a more suitable games for PvP (because we all know PvP is a bolt-on in this PvE game). Then again, there really isn't a good PvP game other then perhaps EVE if you like pretending to be a space ship.


Any Fatman hopper that did not see this coming was not really looking ahead.


Dont downplay PVP in this game, there's still lots of potential for it if it were actually expanded upon, and PVP was harped up a lot pre-release (ilum especially). And, there really aren't any alternatives besides Spreadsheets Online...excuse me, i mean EvE.

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Saturday Night also means prime time for MMOs, where it has the most people playing out of the weekend.

But good job trying to impress people that you somehow have a life in an internet forum lol.


I was out drinking and playing RL..... can I post now or do I need to ask your permission ?? :D

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Dont downplay PVP in this game, there's still lots of potential for it if it were actually expanded upon, and PVP was harped up a lot pre-release (ilum especially). And, there really aren't any alternatives besides Spreadsheets Online...excuse me, i mean EvE.


Yep Illum was hyped alot pre-launch.. now where is it again... oooh yeah lost and forgotten along with pretty much every Open World PvP area in game unless of course you think that Open World PvP is nothing more than "I see you Imps riding past, but I can ride faster than you".... it's simply just a bit of extra fluff they put in to try and eek out the content at launch just to try and keep players in game for longer... except the subs decline hit faster and heavier than they predicted. There big win in story line just wasn't able to keep players interested and PvP became old and tiresome very quickly (when it was playable)

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