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Downgrading to Free-to-Play Account


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So, my character is in Full War Hero. Does that mean if I go F2P I lose access to my WH gear? I mean, I dont care if they dont let me raid. (I never do.) Or if I cant queue for fps's or if they limit the number of warzones I can do a week. (Hell, I already have the gear.) But F2P sounds good for me, just to log in once and a while and do a couple wz's. But why should I lose access to the gear I aleady grinded out??


Because the entire point of F2P is to get people to either buy the stuff or subscribe to the game.. If they give away the keys to the castle.. What is the point in asking people to pay for a subscription or individual parts??


This isn't rocket science people.. If you choose to go F2P you will lose access to all the perks they have decided won't be included with the F2P accounts.. If you don't want to lose access to those things, then don't go F2P.. It is really that simply..


Like countless people have said that got ignored.. F2P isn't actually free.. Just a different form of payment.. If you want access to things then you will pay for them.. This game is out to make money, just like every other MMO on the market, past, present, and furure.. GW2 will also be F2P.. You will still have to pay for stuff to get full access to the game..


The wrongful belief that F2P was actually free is why so many argued against F2P.. I hope F2P works for Bioware and EA.. Maybe at some point they will actually turn it off or limit it to level 20 again.. Who knows..

Edited by MajikMyst
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So, my character is in Full War Hero. Does that mean if I go F2P I lose access to my WH gear? I mean, I dont care if they dont let me raid. (I never do.) Or if I cant queue for fps's or if they limit the number of warzones I can do a week. (Hell, I already have the gear.) But F2P sounds good for me, just to log in once and a while and do a couple wz's. But why should I lose access to the gear I aleady grinded out??


It would be very strange removing gear from people's bodies but stranger things have happened.

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It would be very strange removing gear from people's bodies but stranger things have happened.


They won't remove.. Like the quote in the OP says.. You will still be able to see your characters and gear.. You just won't be able to use them.. Nothing is being deleted.. You just won't have access..

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Because the entire point of F2P is to get people to either buy the stuff or subscribe to the game.. If they give away the keys to the castle.. What is the point in asking people to pay for a subscription or individual parts??


This isn't rocket science people.. If you choose to go F2P you will lose access to all the perks they have decided won't be included with the F2P accounts.. If you don't want to lose access to those things, then don't go F2P.. It is really that simply..


Like countless people have said that go ignored.. F2P isn't actually free.. Just a different form of payment.. If you want access to things then you will pay for them.. This game is out to make money, just like every other MMO on the market, past, present, and furure.. GW2 will also be F2P.. You will still have to pay for stuff to get full access to the game..


It would be in BW/EA's better interest not to take away things people have already grinded out. If I go F2P and lose what gear I already have I wont bother playing at all, which means they lose whatever potential cartel coin sales they may have gained from me in the future. As I am sure many other people who are downgrading to the F2P option will as well.

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It would be in BW/EA's beeter interest not to take away things people have already grinded out.


They are not taking it away per say.. They are not deleting your stuff.. You will just not have access to your premium gears.. No.. It actually would be in their best interest.. They want you to pay for the game.. Not play it for free.. Free play to 50 is nothing more than a trial to 50.. You will have limits.. If you wish to exceed those limits then you will pay for it.. Either with a monthly subscription.. Which will most likely be the cheapest way in the long run.. Or by individual perks and items.. Whatever system they decide to use to make you pay for it..


Just because you have already ground out your gear is irrelevent.. You did that while paying for a subscription, which gives you unlimited access to the game and all it's features and perks.. If you decide to go free to play and not pay them any money, then they can limit your access and game features any way they want.. Paying for something has it's privileges..


There really is no such thing as F2P.. I fail to see why so many people actually thought they would be able to play for free.. You are not going to have the same access and perks as someone that is paying a subscription..


Simply put.. You can either go F2P and accept the limits they give you.. Stay subscribed to the game and enjoy unlimited and unrestricted access to the premium content.. Or you can rage quit because you had the unrealistic idea that they would actually let you play for free without restrictions..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I won't hold my breath, but there is time for more details. Keep in mind though that we are getting cartel coins for buying and subbing, and I'm sure part of the reason is for people who want to go F2P can buy some of the perks if they want to keep them.


How about they keep their coins and lower the sub price instead?

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They are not taking it away per say.. They are not deleting your stuff.. You will just not have access to your premium gears.. No.. It wouldn't be in their best interest.. They want you to pay for the game.. Not play it for free.. Free play to 50 is nothing more than a trial to 50.. You will have limits.. If you wish to exceed those limits then you will pay for it.. Either with a monthly subscription.. Which will most likely be the cheapest way in the long run.. Or by individual perks and items.. Whatever system they decide to use to make you pay for it..


Just because you have already ground out your gear is irrelevent.. You did that while paying for a subscription, which gives you unlimited access to the game and all it's features and perks.. If you decide to go free to play and not pay them any money, then they can limit your access and game features any way they want.. Paying for something has it's privileges..


It isn't irrelevant. I put in the time and paid them the money to gain access to those things. This F2P option is a way to try to recoup money via cash shop purchases from people who don't believe the game is worth paying $15 bucks a month for. If you take away the option for people who go free to play to use things they already have grinded out, like gear, then why bother playing at all? By that token, the F2P option does NOTHING to stop the bleeding of subs and increase the money that BW/EA are trying so hard to recoup.

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How about they keep their coins and lower the sub price instead?


But then those %40 that many of claimed would return for F2P wouldn't return! :p


Seriously though, I do not know why ~$15 a month is the "magic number" for subscription prices. I am guessing someone, somewhere, did some maths and determined a MMO cost something like ~$5 per person to run, and the industry went "~$15 a month, up to ~$10 a month for bulk!" and everyone ran with it.


My point is, reduced subscription price is considered more of a business killer than F2P.

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It isn't irrelevant. I put in the time and paid them the money to gain access to those things..


It is irrlevent.. You never purchased those things.. They are not yours.. They do not belong to you.. You were paying a subscription fee.. Fail to pay your subsciption fee and they can limit your access to whatever they want..


I realize you do not want to lose your gear.. I am sure a lot of people feel the same way.. But the reality is, you were paying a subscription.. You do not own anything.. They can and will take it away if you fail to pay your subsciption.. It doesn't matter that you took the time to grind out your gear.. You cancelled your subscription.. That is all that matters.. If you cancel your subscription then you must accept the limits they impose on the free accounts.. Like it or not.. Your subscription only allows you access for the time that your subscription covers.. When your subscription expires you lose access..


You want access to your gears.. Then keep paying a subscription.. It is really that simple..

Edited by MajikMyst
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How about they keep their coins and lower the sub price instead?
That doesn't relate to what I wrote, which is that every you has been subbing but drops to F2P come this fall will have some coins to grab some stuff. Besides, the coins will give people access to the store and make them happy, which doesn't cost BW for the coins or whatever gets bought with them.
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But the reality is, you were paying a subscription.. You do not own anything.. They can and will take it away if you fail to pay your subsciption.


As a general rule of thumb: people still haven't caught on that software licensing is renting, not buying.


It runs counter to so much of their daily lives (and software companies seem to be going out of their way to not reveal this) that is just hasn't sunk in yet.


It will take a few more years before it has a chance to be considered common knowledge (and even then I am not so sure...).

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As a general rule of thumb: people still haven't caught on that software licensing is renting, not buying.


It runs counter to so much of their daily lives (and software companies seem to be going out of their way to not reveal this) that is just hasn't sunk in yet.


It will take a few more years before it has a chance to be considered common knowledge (and even then I am not so sure...).



So true, so true.. This is why so many people were against the F2P model.. Because it really wasn't free and we all knew that these threads would take place when they realized that free wasn't really free..


It seems people would rather get nickle and dimed to death to play this game rather than pay a simple low cost subscription.. To each their own I suppose.. I know a lot of people that are doing the F2P thing and are paying more per month than I am for SWTOR..

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It is irrlevent.. You never purchased those things.. They are not yours.. They do not belong to you.. You were paying a subscription.. Fail to pay your subsciption fee and they can limit your access to whatever they want..


I realize you do not want to lose your gear.. I am sure a lot of people feel the same way.. But the reality is, you were paying a subscription.. You do not own anything.. They can and will take it away if you fail to pay your subsciption.. It doesn't matter than you took the time to ground it out.. You cancelled your subscription.. That is all that matters..


You want access to your gears.. Then keep paying a subscription.. It is really that simple..


Your logic makes no sense. Then why bother with F2P at all? Just stay with a subscription model. F2P to 15 vs F2P to 50 won't make a difference in helping this game make money. In fact your position doesn't do anything except discourage people who might have continued to play for free and spend money in the cash shop to not bother playing at all.


Frankly, that does nothing to encourage people to stay around. I did unsub, you are right, and I will stay unsubbed. However, I would have continued to play on a F2P model occasionally and maybe even have dropped some money in the cash shop given I didnt loose access to something as fundamental as gear I worked my *** off for. Additionally, I dont think I am the only person who feels that way. The whole idea is to make money, and what you are suggesting doesn't make money.


Agree to disagree, but if EA/BW go down the path you are suggesting. It will be *in my opinion* more hurtful to this game then all the other things they have already done. Especially with a true F2P model like GW2 releasing and MoP around the corner. And before someone says, 'By all means leave, you wont be missed,' I would add that any more subs lost for this game would be extremely detrimental for its future.

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They could do it smart way, and make character slots/inventory/etc unlock permanently once you subscribe. This way if you unsub for whatever reason, game won't make you hate it afterwards so much that you'll never come back.


But hey, they could lose some other cash those people could possibly spend on unlocking that crap, so it won't happen.

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Your logic makes no sense. Then why bother with F2P at all? Just stay with a subscription model. F2P to 15 vs F2P to 50 won't make a difference in helping this game make money. In fact your position doesn't do anything except discourage people who might have continued to play for free and spend money in the cash shop to not bother playing at all.
First, we don't know if there will be the kind of gear restrictions you are talking about or any way to bypass them. That said, plenty of people will be content to play most of the game without needing purples or whatever might be restricted and still pay for stuff in the cash shop. Plenty of people will want access to everything and be content with paying $15 a month for it. If you can't see that people look for different things in a game and these hybrid models open it up to more players than you need to think about it some more.
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They could do it smart way, and make character slots/inventory/etc unlock permanently once you subscribe. This way if you unsub for whatever reason, game won't make you hate it afterwards so much that you'll never come back.


But hey, they could lose some other cash those people could possibly spend on unlocking that crap, so it won't happen.


They could make it so that when your magazine subscription runs out you keep getting the magazine.. That way if you unsubscribe or stop paying them money you won't hate them afterwards and never subscribe again.. That is your logic..


See the issue you there?? Why charge a subscription fee in the first place if they are going to give it all way for free??


And as for people resubscribing?? Why resubscribe if they are getting it all for free?? Seriously?? Do you really think that people are just going to feel all warm and fuzzy for EA or Bioware and give them money when they are giving it all away for free??


If you don't pay for it.. You don't get it.. People are just upset because they are finally coming to terms with the thought that F2P isn't actually free in the first place.. Some actually had the misguided view that free meant full access for free.. That is not how it works and it never worked that way.. No F2P game is actually free.. None..

Edited by MajikMyst
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It's a retarded system devised by greedy EA corporate suits. I already paid for my extra inventory and bank slots with credits not to mention the monthly fee I've paid till now.


Wrong.. You did not.. You were paying a subscription fee.. You do not own anything..


WOW is free to level 20.. This game is free to level 50.. Both have large amounts of restrictions.. If you go F2P on WOW you lose access to all your high level characters.. Not to mention their gears..


Your monthly fee only covers for a specific amount of time.. Not forever.. When your time expires you lose access.. Does the rent on your house our appartment allow you to live there forever or just as long as you keep paying your rent??


It isn't retarded.. It is called reality.. There are countless things that have subscriptions.. When you stop paying your subscription fee, you lose the benefits and perks that were being provided.. This is why we pay a monthly subscription.. If you stop paying you lose the ability to play..


Nobody seemed to have issue with that when people were unsubbing for various reasons.. Everyone knew that when you unsubbed you lost access to the game.. Now that Bioware is allowing people to cancel their subs and keep playing with limited access.. People are complaining.. I don't understand that.. Perhaps in their mind it is better to have no access to anything rather than partial access to some things??

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So, my character is in Full War Hero. Does that mean if I go F2P I lose access to my WH gear? I mean, I dont care if they dont let me raid. (I never do.) Or if I cant queue for fps's or if they limit the number of warzones I can do a week. (Hell, I already have the gear.) But F2P sounds good for me, just to log in once and a while and do a couple wz's. But why should I lose access to the gear I aleady grinded out??


likely what they would remove would be character slots, bag space, things of that nature, and the ops, and very limited wz and fp access.

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They could make it so that when you magazine subscription runs out you keep getting the magazine.. That way if you unsubscribe or stop paying them money you won't hate them afterwards and never subscribe again..


See the issue you there?? Why charge a subscription fee in the first place if they are going to give it all way for free??


It's entirely different issue. Comparing MMO subscription with F2P option to magazine subscription is just idiotic.


Nobody here is talking about acces to whole content after you unsub, only about gear, character slots, inventory. Things that quite likely you'll be able to unlock permanently anyway with cartel coins. Things that should also be unlocked by subscribing for at least month. Some people will use this option instead of just buying cartel coins for money? So what? This way some of them will experience endgame otherwise unavaible for them and maybe subscribe for longer time. But at least people that unsub for month or two due to lack of new raid content will be able to play during that time, without looking at "you can't usee this character, subscribe now to do so", "you can't use your 2kk credits, free accounts may only use up to 100k", or "you can't use that gear, enjoy playing naked or resub".

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It's entirely different issue. Comparing MMO subscription with F2P option to magazine subscription is just idiotic.


No it isn't.. 3 months ago when someone unsubbed they had no access.. Where are all the threads crying about that.. Why now when you unsub and are bumped down to partial access with limits people QQ about it??


It is exactly the same.. You stop paying your subscription fee you lose access, stop getting magazines, or get an eviction notice, or your telephone is turned off.. It is all the same.. You stop paying your subscription fee and you lose service.. There is no difference here.. Your subscription pays for a service.. Nothing more.. You are entitled to nothing when you stop paying for it.. Which is what you used to get 3 months ago.. Nothing.. Strange that people didn't complain then..


There is nothing idiotic about that?? What is idiotic is the belief that you actually own anything in this game and that somehow Bioware/EA deciding to go F2P means you are entitled to keep all your subscription perks and privileges..


F2P was never free.. You can play, but you must accept the restrictions they choose to impose.. After all.. Something is better than nothing.. Isn't it?? Or would you rather unsub and not have access to any part of the game.. We certainly had less people complaining about it.. In fact there were no complaints about it.. When someone unsubbed they knew they wouldn't have access to their gear or any of their characters.. How is that different now?? F2P does not mean you can have unrestricted access and full privileges.. There isn't a single for profit MMO out there that is F2P that gives unrestricted access and privileges for free.. None exist..


I fail to see why this isn't common sense.. It was 3 months ago..


You don't have to like the restrictions they are imposing.. But as a player that is paying no money to the company.. You will have little choice and little say.. If you want more, then you will have to pay for it.. That is the same everywhere.. At least this game lets you play to 50, which is current max level.. WOW only lets you play to 20.. I don't see many folks complaining about that..


I have 5 characters on WOW.. I can make a new toon and level it to 20 for free and have no access to the toons I spent 5 years making.. No access to their gear.. Nothing.. Not even posting access to their forums.. That is the reality of F2P..

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No it isn't.. 3 months ago when someone unsubbed they had no access.. Where are all the threads crying about that.. Why now when you unsub and are bumped down to partial access with limits people QQ about it??


It is exactly the same.. You stop paying your subscription fee you lose access, stop getting magazines, or get an eviction notice, or your telephone is turned off.. It is all the same.. You stop paying your subscription fee and you lose service.. There is no difference here.. Your subscription pays for a service.. Nothing more.. You are entitled to nothing when you stop paying for it.. Which is what you used to get 3 months ago.. Nothing.. Strange that people didn't complain then..


There is nothing idiotic about that?? What is idiotic is the belief that you actually own anything in this game and that somehow Bioware/EA deciding to go F2P means you are entitled to keep all your subscription perks and privileges..


F2P was never free.. You can play, but you must accept the restrictions they choose to impose.. After all.. Something is better than nothing.. Isn't it?? Or would you rather unsub and not have access to any part of the game.. We certainly had less people complaining about it.. In fact there were no complaints about it.. When someone unsubbed they knew they wouldn't have access to their gear or any of their characters.. How is that different now?? F2P does not mean you can have unrestricted access and full privileges.. There isn't a single for profit MMO out there that is F2P that gives unrestricted access and privileges for free.. None exist..


I fail to see why this isn't common sense.. It was 3 months ago..


Three months ago this game had way more subscribers then it currently does. Common sense says if its broke, do something to fix it. What your posts sound like are, "I like the game, I will continue to subscribe. Anyone who doesn't do what I do should get nothing." Which is fine, but thats why ToR is dying, because most people don't feel this game is worth the money. Which is why they have added the F2P option. You are niave to think that if they continue to use a sub model that this game wont be dead in the next year. Honestly, this F2P is just the beginning IMO. Chances are even with your subscription, you will still have to pay money for things off the cartel vendor. Dont think for one second your subscription will give you free access to that.

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Three months ago this game had way more subscribers then it currently does. Common sense says if its broke, do something to fix it. What your posts sound like are, "I like the game, I will continue to subscribe. Anyone who doesn't do what I do should get nothing." Which is fine, but thats why ToR is dying, because most people don't feel this game is worth the money. Which is why they have added the F2P option. You are niave to think that if they continue to use a sub model that this game wont be dead in the next year. Honestly, this F2P is just the beginning IMO. Chances are even with your subscription, you will still have to pay money for things off the cartel vendor. Dont think for one second your subscription will give you free access to that.


How exactly does letting people play for free with all their perks fix anything??


Then you are not reading my post at all..


They added the F2P option because it works.. GW and GW2 are both F2P.. Not to mention a number of other games..


I am not saying that people should get nothing.. But you don't get to demand what you should get.. As a free to play player.. You have to accept what the company gives you.. 3 months ago that was nothing.. You would think that anything more than nothing, someone would be thankful..


This game won't be dead in the next year.. You are entitled to your opinion.. But F2P doesn't mean the game sucks.. It is simply a different payment option.. People will have the choice to simply pay for the things they use.. If you don't raid, then don't pay for access to the ops.. If you don't PVP then don't pay for the PVP stuff.. It all makes sense to me and there is nothing niave about it.. Subs people will have access to it all..


Subs people will not have to pay for anything extra.. We will be given an allowance of Cartel coins.. Which will include back pay from when the game was released.. Your speculation about something is just an opinion..


You are entitled to your own opinions on this issue.. There is nothing wrong with my posts.. They entirely based on fact that is backed up by Bioware and this website.. Read the FAQ's yourself.. Read the TOS yourself..


F2P players are not entitled to anything.. You will be paying no money.. Why should you be?? It doesn't matter than you subbed for 6 months and did the work to gear your toons.. You are no longer paying and no longer entitled access to the things that Bioware has decided to restrict... Like it or not, that is just fact..

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