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WoW Loses 1.1M Subscribers, Down to 9.1M


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WoW is making more money than anyone else in the business, by huge margins. By the time they're ready to go F2P - if they ever do, which I doubt - they'll have Titan ready to go. And if you don't think that thing will sell, well...I don't know what to tell you, except, "Wake up! It's time to go to school!"


Only thing I would point out is that as of yet, nothing at all is confirmed of Titan. We have no idea what it is beyond that it is Blizzard's next project.


I wouldn't call it a guaranteed success before it's out. Chances are unlikely that it would be something absolutely off the wall, but what if they try a new venture and it really doesn't work?


WoW is something people like and are used to - They're going to have to make it similar enough that it has the same pull-and-stay feel, but different enough that it isn't a clone. All of this in addition to not killing it's own WoW creation.


It's kinda a tall order to call that a guaranteed success before we even know anything about it.

Edited by Silkule
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Guys, let's bring the matter down to basics, shall we


1)The subs lost by WoW certainly did not go to us. Oh boy.


2)Even admitting your rather racist ''Asian don't count'' policy, WoW have around 4.5 millions ''real subs''. Let's put it down to 3 million subs to please you (that number including people that were stupid enough to pay for annual pass while hating WoW)


The success of WoW is still staggering. It's 8 years old, it never server merged (LFD and LFR, X-server BG and Arenas...yes, they are cheating for you, but), and it would still have between 3 times and 6 times more sub than it's biggest competitor....


....who basically thrown the towel by even refusing to tell how many subs it have.

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Wait a min, so i cant say that even though they have stated in black and white we will but you can sit there and tell me they wont as if its fact with nothing as proof.


Arguing with people that say your assumptions are incorrect and think their arguments and perceive their assumptions are accurate is a waste of time and effort that could be spend wisely otherwise. So, just don't bother mate.

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The reason why people are loving seeing subs dropping for wow on a big scale is because WoW is old news and dislike it. I loathe wow, have put some time into the game, but it got old so I moved on.


Maybe others should to :)


BTW, I think the free to play option ALONGSIDE the subscription plan for this game is a brilliant way to get more people playing in the star wars galaxy

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And this ?


We currently define digital online channels-related sales as revenues from subscriptions and licensing royalties, value-added services, downloadable content, digitally distributed products, and wireless devices.


Isn't talking about WoW specifically, which I showed you in that link. Online Subscription Revenue IS which is why Online Subscription Revenue specifically says World of Warcraft while your Digital Online Channels does not.


Digital Online Channels is a red herring you are cherry picking to try and prove your point, which is illogical and misleading.


If we're talking about WoW, then we should be looking at Online Subscription Revenue. Did you read what you posted and what it says in my links? Did you even read the links? Why are you trying to post misleading data instead of accurate data?

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Only thing I would point out is that as of yet, nothing at all is confirmed of Titan. We have no idea what it is beyond that it is Blizzard's next project.


I wouldn't call it a guaranteed success before it's out. Chances are unlikely that it would be something absolutely off the wall, but what if they try a new venture and it really doesn't work?


WoW is something people like and are used to - They're going to have to make it similar enough that it has the same pull-and-stay feel, but different enough that it isn't a clone. All of this in addition to not killing it's own WoW creation.


It's kinda a tall order to call that a guaranteed success before we even know anything about it.


A recent interview a while back with Blizzard they did come out with some things about Titan. Mainly it will appeal more to casual players and be easy to play, but at the same time the player will feel epic. It will not be like WoW. It is not going to be WoW 2. One thing WoW has taught Blizzard is..the larger % of thier player base is casuals and that is where most of thier profits will come from.

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A recent interview a while back with Blizzard they did come out with some things about Titan. Mainly it will appeal more to casual players and be easy to play, but at the same time the player will feel epic. It will not be like WoW. It is not going to be WoW 2. One thing WoW has taught Blizzard is..the larger % of thier player base is casuals and that is where most of thier profits will come from.


I used to have real high hopes of titan but its starting to look like the wow film, they fired the dev team in charge of titan which is never a good sign. I hope titan is great but i doubt it will ever see the light of day. I mean when was titan 1st leaked ?


And i aint shy of having 2-4 subs going at once so im not in the i play only this or only that camp.

Edited by Shingara
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I used to have real high hopes of titan but its starting to look like the wow film, they fired the dev team in charge of titan which is never a good sign. I hope titan is great but i doubt it will ever see the light of day. I mean when was titan 1st leaked ?


And i aint shy of having 2-4 subs going at once so im not in the i play only this or only that camp.


Atleast 4 yrs ago. I think they will get Titan released. They need to. And they have the bucks to make it happen. Time will tell if it will be good however.:cool:

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Eve has between 400k and 500k active subscribers which is a smaller number than the one released for SWTOR.


GIve it 6 months. That will take out the initial 6 month subs and the F2P furor will prove itself out.


Of course at that 6 month mark you'd need to count only the SWTOR players who contribute financially (through cash shop or subscription) if you want an accurate comparison. And at that point, I'd put good money on "under" if the comparison is SWTOR paying players to EVE subscribers.

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Eve has between 400k and 500k active subscribers which is a smaller number than the one released for SWTOR.


You mean a game that was released in 2003 still have 400k subscribers in 2012 and is still on monthly subscription model and have not gone F2P yet like SWTOR is about to be?


Are you saying if SWTOR stay monthly subscription based like we do now. SWTOR will remain profitable to EA (which they certainly disagree) for the next 9 years and will still have 400k subscribers by 2021?


Not really, you can twist it all you want... not every MMO in the market needs at least 500k subs (which is HUGE) to remain profitable.


I bet EVE have made more profit to date than SWTOR did. Heck, I know for a fact, Rift is more profitable (and is still monthly subscription only model) than SWTOR with smaller player base.

Edited by warultima
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Atleast 4 yrs ago. I think they will get Titan released. They need to. And they have the bucks to make it happen. Time will tell if it will be good however.:cool:


They dont have the bucks to do blizzcon, but enough of that. To sack an entire dev team, and they wernt some nobodys either is never a good sign.

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GIve it 6 months. That will take out the initial 6 month subs and the F2P furor will prove itself out.


Of course at that 6 month mark you'd need to count only the SWTOR players who contribute financially (through cash shop or subscription) if you want an accurate comparison. And at that point, I'd put good money on "under" if the comparison is SWTOR paying players to EVE subscribers.


The argument was that SWTOR has fewer subs than Eve, as of right now. That is patently false. If you want to argue about the future, well I have some Tarot cards I could break out for you.

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You mean a game that was released in 2003 still have 400k subscribers in 2012 and is still on monthly subscription model and have not gone F2P yet like SWTOR is about to be?


The person I quoted said that SWTOR had fewer subs than EVE, that is completely untrue and the reason I posted that data. I don't know or care what point you're trying to make, but it is not even remotely related to my argument so I don't know why you quoted me for your red herring of a statement.

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Eve has between 400k and 500k active subscribers which is a smaller number than the one released for SWTOR.

There wasn't a number released for TOR, actually, but EA claims it's at least 500K.


CCP only reports active numbers - people actually logging into their game. EA reports trial subscriptions, cancelled subscriptions that haven't yet expired, etc. Goldman Sachs, during the conference call, brought up this very point, more or less, and EA not only declined to specify, but hung up on them.


EVE's got a larger player base than TOR.

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The person I quoted said that SWTOR had fewer subs than EVE, that is completely untrue and the reason I posted that data. I don't know or care what point you're trying to make, but it is not even remotely related to my argument so I don't know why you quoted me for your red herring of a statement.

No, I said EVE had a larger player base. Not more subscriptions. EVE, as I said above, reports active numbers rather than absolutes.

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A recent interview a while back with Blizzard they did come out with some things about Titan. Mainly it will appeal more to casual players and be easy to play, but at the same time the player will feel epic. It will not be like WoW. It is not going to be WoW 2. One thing WoW has taught Blizzard is..the larger % of thier player base is casuals and that is where most of thier profits will come from.


I didn't mean to suggest it would be WoW2 or too similar, sorry if I gave that impression!


It probably will be decent. If they can get millions of people to keep with WoW for so long, chances are they know what they are doing.


I suppose my real qualm was - There's all this talk of SWTOR being a disaster when it becomes F2P, then statements like Titan will be a guaranteed success before we even know what it really is.


...I'm just noticing a lot of prescience and wondering if I should buy stock based on it ;)

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There wasn't a number released for TOR, actually, but EA claims it's at least 500K.


CCP only reports active numbers - people actually logging into their game. EA reports trial subscriptions, cancelled subscriptions that haven't yet expired, etc. Goldman Sachs, during the conference call, brought up this very point, more or less, and EA not only declined to specify, but hung up on them.


EVE's got a larger player base than TOR.


Lol. So when I show you actual physical evidence that EVE has fewer numbers you say it's a lie because the numbers for tor weren't released by tor but the company that owns tor?


and you're wrong about EVE, scroll to the bottom, they include trial accounts in their numbers as well.

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I didn't mean to suggest it would be WoW2 or too similar, sorry if I gave that impression!


It probably will be decent. If they can get millions of people to keep with WoW for so long, chances are they know what they are doing.


I suppose my real qualm was - There's all this talk of SWTOR being a disaster when it becomes F2P, then statements like Titan will be a guaranteed success before we even know what it really is.


...I'm just noticing a lot of prescience and wondering if I should buy stock based on it ;)


I don't think it's a guaranteed success; I do think it has a far, far better chance of being a massive success than anything put out by EA, owner of...God, how many failed MMOs is it now?

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Man, looking at those stats, I really feel for Warhammer Online. 800k within like, a month or two, then straight back down a few months later.


Thats at the feet of GOA, i really loved war but could i hell stay online.


Edit on that note im really interested with what EA are testing out with war, they currently are just starting a F2P arena game based on it.

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