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disable xp for pvpers who love pre-50


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Sure, just as long as you get placed in a separate queue with others who have turned off XP.


But that would defeat the purpose of rolling newbies in greens with little knowledge of pvp in full augmented purple's at lvl49.

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i would love a disable xp function for those who love pre-50 pvp and hate re-rolling toons to enjoy the fun in pre-50 pvp/


oh, you mean you enjoy having an advantage over others because you suck?


I can't wait until Bioware implements the awarding of XP automatically so you twinks can't quit a match and stay 49 forever.

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oh, you mean you enjoy having an advantage over others because you suck?


I can't wait until Bioware implements the awarding of XP automatically so you twinks can't quit a match and stay 49 forever.


I actually support the idea of twinking because it keeps the lower level items relevant to the game's economy (I'd even recommend twink brackets every 10 levels). I do not support the idea of twinks sharing a queue with regular players.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I actually support the idea of twinking because it keeps the lower level items relevant to the game's economy (I'd even recommend twink brackets every 10 levels). I do not support the idea of twinks sharing a queue with regular players.


yeah lets ruin lowbie PvP'ers experience because we want the pre-50 economy to get a sweet boost. get out of here lol.


Until bioware purposefully implements some super-twink feature, twinking is an abuse of the system.

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I do not support the idea of twinks sharing a queue with regular players.


These guys will QQ about how their queue time will take so long as well as it completely 100% defeats the purpose that these guys just want to wtffaceroll Lv11 newbies to feel how special they are.

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yeah lets ruin lowbie PvP'ers experience because we want the pre-50 economy to get a sweet boost. get out of here lol.


Until bioware purposefully implements some super-twink feature, twinking is an abuse of the system.


Read sentence #2 of the post you quoted.

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i would love a disable xp function for those who love pre-50 pvp and hate re-rolling toons to enjoy the fun in pre-50 pvp/


naaa, not untill they make 10 level brackets






Cause right now lvl 40-49 players just have almost a i win button over the level 10-30/39 players because of skills and equipment.


The pro rating nice but decked out in full purple item equipment my then 20 Bounty Hunter was pro rated to 13k hps.


Trust me, at 49 my BH will be pushing 16k minimum and have many more skills then the 20 bh had.


The pro rating doesnt truely work and if they allowed players to stop xp at 49 as op suggesting, the lower level players would suffer for it.


IMO they should introduce brakets for PVP (every 10 levels as shown above) and then by all means allow players to stop xp at 49 then.


I suspect if it was done that way, less people would be inclined to stop xp at 49 as its wouldnt be such a steam roll anymore.

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yes, but you support making a separate queue for twinks, decreasing the total pool of players for pre-50 pvp, thus my comments.


Not really. If anything the pool of queuer for regular pre-50 will go up now that the twinks aren't going to be rolling everyone causing mass frustration. Queues in WoW got better once they made twinks use their own battlegrounds. I see the same thing happening here.

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Not really. If anything the pool of queuer for regular pre-50 will go up now that the twinks aren't going to be rolling everyone causing mass frustration. Queues in WoW got better once they made twinks use their own battlegrounds. I see the same thing happening here.


Cept for we only have like (well over 500k subs / well over 5% of the WoW population). Everything in wow is easier to to the enormous subscribers. They can out out a "meh" content that only 5% of the players find it fun to play... guess what thats like the entire population currently exist in swtor...


Twinking is not that much of a popular feature. I dont see how 49 twink queues will pop frequently enough without cross server queue.

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[quote name='Darth_Philar']Not really. If anything the pool of queuer for regular pre-50 will go up now that the twinks aren't going to be rolling everyone causing mass frustration. Queues in WoW got better once they made twinks use their own battlegrounds. I see the same thing happening here.[/QUOTE] On low levels there was nothing like getting into a warsong gulch match with multiple pimped out rogues on each side. No one didn't even get across the midfield before *snap* :)
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As stated it completely defeats the viability of the sub 50 bracket. Right now you don't have too many level 45+ characters roaming around with over the top gear because its not worth the time and cost to deck out your character for the sake of at most 40 or so WZs.


This is what keeps it doable for all of those sub 30 characters queuing up who put up reasonable numbers despite the limited allocation of skills/talents.


You give reason for someone at level 49 to go full 22 purple mods with everything augmented and it becomes far worse for the average player then the current war-hero v. recruit complaints people are tossing out.




I know just keeping reasonably geared (HP around 13300-13500 with bolster) my seer/balance hybrid sage was pretty beastly for those last couple of levels

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Actually, he wasn't talking about War Hero gear at level 50- he was clearly talking about pre-50 pvp.


He wants to be level 49, gear out his character to the max, then wreck level 10's with it. So yeah... ADVANTAGE.

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oh, you mean you enjoy having an advantage over others because you suck?


I can't wait until Bioware implements the awarding of XP automatically so you twinks can't quit a match and stay 49 forever.


I love how everyone assumes the people who do this suck... maybe they just like to have fun?

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I love how everyone assumes the people who do this suck... maybe they just like to have fun?


Sure some will do it just for the lower key nature, just as I have about 5 alts between 20 and 36 that I run wz's on as a change of pace from my 50's.


But the temptation will be too much for some to make 49 characters and lock them there while giving them all the gear advantages they possibly can. Only takes a handful of these to kill the bracket for those who don't wish to twinkle out a character and just want to enjoy leveling in the 10-49 bracket

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oh, you mean you enjoy having an advantage over others because you suck?


I can't wait until Bioware implements the awarding of XP automatically so you twinks can't quit a match and stay 49 forever.


The WHs have an advantage over us. One that is much bigger.


In all my times of farming (I went fifty now), I got max 3k Rails shot crit. I'm being 4.7k crit'd by rail shot from people in full WH.


Fresh fifties are to full WH are full BM fifties are to 50s in greens.... that is... this WH vs recruit is as bad as 1.2, when lowbies and fresh fifties would get rolled by people in full bm.

Edited by Zunayson
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i would love a disable xp function for those who love pre-50 pvp and hate re-rolling toons to enjoy the fun in pre-50 pvp/


No, its more fun to see them re-rolling to avoid actual competitive PvP at lvl 50 instead of destroying people who are just learning how to play their class.

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