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Totalbiscuit critisizes Swtor Free-to-Play model


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It would only be something else, if indeed, after not paying and going back to F2P they removed storage space, GTN 50 items, and locked characters beyond the 1 character slot etc etc. Which I doubt they would do, so its really $15 for everything, and then what ever it costs for more WZs, FPs and ops after that first month.
They will remove all subscriber perks and you will only get what F2P gets + whatever you buy or bought from the cash shop. Don't know where you are getting that you get to keep everything since the FAQ and community reps have said you lose it.
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I agree the 2 tier systems will not bring that many people, but I to would like a true FTP option without limitations. They should go to a guild wars/ LOTOR system they are a much better FTP system.


From what I have read/understand the F2P option in SWTOR will be almost an exact copy of the system currently deployed in LOTRO.



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If you like the game the way it is right now, you are having fun and you feel you are getting your money's worth: stay on the sub model.


If you don't like the game the way it is now, you aren't having fun, and don't feel you are getting your money's worth: stop playing or decide if the things the F2P model offer DO meet those requirements.


If you just aren't sure, switch to the month to month sub NOW and re-evaluate these same questions each and every month.


It really is that simple.



It really is just that simple. Keep paying and playing the way you want. If you want to pay to play, then the addition of F2Pers will not affect you. And vice versa. Why do people insist on making a mountain out of a molehill? You're all a bunch of whiney totalbiscuits.

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This TB guy is just lame.


I like when he does reviews, but he always seems a little TOO into fawning over the settings and options rather than the game.

When he gets on Soapboxes, I remember I can't stand his rantings and there's a button I can push to shut him up.

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Totalbiscuit supports F2P, next day he opposes it, indecsisive bastard


if u actually listen, he says that he does still support the FTP option however he feels that bioware current style of all in or nothing seems a bit restrictive, espessaly considering that BTH in my opinion the ops and fp arnst really worth subing for if your a new player.


he points out that DDO and LOTR allow u to purchase acess to say eternaty vault and run thougth it. this pay as you go system which he describes does sound like a much more desriable option if u wernt botherd about say pvp end.


thougth im not a fan of his havnt herd much of him at all before this i have to say hes spot on about this move at the moment it makes little sence.

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If you like the game the way it is right now, you are having fun and you feel you are getting your money's worth: stay on the sub model.


Do you honestly expect that the game will ''stay the same'' for subscribers once f2p hits ?


Do you have any experience with games where there are f2pers and subscribers together? Did you ever see what kind of stuff these games sell in their stores? Check out LOTRO, where they did the exact same: store-exclusive stat boosts, store-exclusive food, store-exclusive in-combat rez... You can even buy money inderectly at the store (by paying there for your house upkeep).


And yes, they also call it ''convenience'', lol.

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He makes some good points. The Ops and endgame pvp are really not that good. Done much better in other games. Why charge $15/month for the weakest parts of your game? Like a lot of things about MMOs, BW just dosen't seem to "get it". I see them losing a huge number of subs, and people just doing ftp, leading to panic at BW trying to come up with ways to make the FTP people spend money. Look for them to make major changes to the pricing model from what they have said.
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He makes some good points. The Ops and endgame pvp are really not that good. Done much better in other games. Why charge $15/month for the weakest parts of your game? Like a lot of things about MMOs, BW just dosen't seem to "get it". I see them losing a huge number of subs, and people just doing ftp, leading to panic at BW trying to come up with ways to make the FTP people spend money. Look for them to make major changes to the pricing model from what they have said.


I guess by the time they go F2P they will be close to releasing Terror from Beyond AND Nightmare mode, which will bolster the raiding content for the game.

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Oh no, someone said something bad about SWTOR. Let's all hate on him for having an opinion about the game we pay for and he doesn't, because clearly that makes our opinion more valid then his.


Or maybe we just need to validate to ourselves that it's money well spent...

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why would i care about what some one says with a name as stupid as Totalbiscuit. I don't care if he had good or bad things to say, /shrug

I don't care what any one says about the game I play, in the end it is my opinion that matters to me, and nothing else.

Edited by kevlarto
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why would i care about what some one says with a name as stupid as Totalbiscuit. I don't care if he had good or bad things to say, /shrug

I don't care what any one says about the game I play, in the end it is my opinion that matters to me, and nothing else.


Apparently people like us who think for them selves are a rare breed. It's the reason I don't read reviews. Why do i care what other people think if I'm enjoying myself? To many people are swayed by other peoples decisions.

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I love it.


"What an unconstructive thread. *proceeds to make thread about the community killing the game, or what the single reason is that everyone is upset*"


"Why would I care? *proceeds to try to convince people that I don't care what other people think in order to alter what other people think about me*"


It is truly amazing that so many people are here trying to change how people think in order to somehow prove that they don't care how people think....the math is off somewhere, I feel.


Why do I care what 'Totalbiscuit' says?


You shouldn't. You are supposed to stay here and continue to enjoy the sub-par experience that you have been so content to gobble up thus far. You are exactly the kind of person that should stay here, with ToR, and go down with the ship, you and the tens of other people that are equally conditioned. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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I think this rant somes it all up for both sides..


What is funny is that if you look at the description made by the person that uploaded that video, even people that appear to be "neutral" in this debate can admit that SWToR is mostly a failure.

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