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Lifetime option?


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rofl you pay for that and then the game shuts down 6 months later ok


Your opinion, and you are entitled to it.


I however disagree. I am in no way happy with the F2P move, but I also have no problem taking advantage of offers like this.

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rofl you pay for that and then the game shuts down 6 months later ok


They said the same thing about STO and it's lifetime sub, and it's still going strong and I would venture to guess that Star Wars has a much larger loyal fan base.


So yeah, you should probably just not talk anymore, ever.

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And that affects you how? I like the idea as long as it's a reasonable price.


It doesnt affect me because I wont be silly enough to pay for a lifetime subscription and then find out the game will be shut down (i am not talking about swtor). unless of course the price is reasonable yeah.

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What do you think should be a reasonable price?


I paid for a lifetime for TSW, iirc that was ~$150/180... I'd have to look at my CC receipt to be sure.


SWTOR has sadly made it off my willing to pay monthly for list, (still subbed due to 6 mo sub) but with summer for me comes extra cash flow from my business, and I would be willing to pay a one time fee for long term access when I chose to play, without having to decide to pay for a month or not.

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Yea dudes, definitely not paying for a Lifetime even if they offered it. Not because I wouldn't pay for it or enjoy it; far from that. Unfortunately, with EA at the helm, they could easily charge a Lifetime fee, have all the most stalwart players buy it and then cancel the damn game months from now. They've done it before and they'll do it again, hopefully not for this game but I wouldn't take that chance.
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With the F2P announcement, is there an option on the table for a Lifetime subscription?


I truly hope they do not offer this, imho its what turned LOTRO into a monumental grind fest.


F2P here is not going to be free and peeps need to understand that there is going to be huge restrictions on access from 1-50 with no money payed per month. Bottom line you are paying a sub and playing the game, or you are drifting around the planets with nothing but mobs to kill.


The store will no doubt focus around legacy and purchasing the Chaff from that, the grind for credits already exists in the game, and i hope that is where its limits stay. If lifetime is offered then expect all the Deeds, Rep, Legendary Weapon, Relics, Tiers that exist in LOTRO to emerge in one form or another. Turbine made a huge mistake with lifetimes and it was one of the main reasons the grind that is in LOTRO exists.


They had to find a way to get Life-timers to contribute cash. Everything about this F2P is going to force players into a Sub, like it or not you are not getting anything out of EA for nothing, and if you think your going to dwindle through the game on £2-£3 a month, think again.


As i mentioned in another thread, the Free to play model is on these boards, You will be able to play the class story from 1-50....It mentions nothing about planetary quests, heroics or bonus series....


IMHO i would expect all that to come at a cost, with the option to get it all under a sub... End of the day EA wants commitment to the game and a regular fee.

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I do hope they offer it. If they have enough people purchasing the sub, they can sustain those subs for quite some times. I purchased a lifetime sub with STO and don't regret even though they are F2P. Since the lifetime sub was not offered, I would suggest they give everyone who wants to get a lifetime a discount based off how many people had subbed for this game for. I would think the lifetime should cost maybe $200-$300.
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Bumping for more conversation/exposure.




Normally, if something like this is offered, it is done at launch and only lasts a few months. Also typically only done by smaller companies who can benefit by the cash flow it generates for them. EA is pretty flush with cash, so there is no incentive for them to do this.


When the are offered, it's usually in the 200 dollar range. I don't see it being offered for this game.


What they might do however is offer some significantly discounted 1 year subs from time to time to incent an influx of players (new and returning). You could hop on one of those when it pops, and they are usually renewable too by companies that offer them.

Edited by Andryah
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LoTRO Lifetime Subsription. The gift that keeps on giving, year after year. :D


My thoughts exactly. You get LOTRO's equivalent of coins every month, whether you log into the game or not, you get full access to all the features. The only thing you need to buy are expansions, but you can buy them for your coins if you managed to save up enough of them. Pure win.


So yes, I hope there will be a lifetime option for SWTOR as well, though it's not very likely, considering how greedy EA is.

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