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People left because the game is terrible


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I see a lot of rather silly debate raging on these forums right now about all the F2P business


No one quit over sub prices and none of those people are going to come back even if the game is F2P. Why? Because the game is terrible, they left because the game is really really bad.


I am not saying it did not have some fun points because it did and I am willing to totally overlook any issue to due to lack of content.


1. The game engine is terrible


2. Questing is very very linear.


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B


4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needed a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.


The game failed because the game is terrible, maybe you dont think its bad but you are clearly in the minority.


Yes I played and yes I subbed. I was lucky enough to have a great group of people to play with. I am not sure what we will do after the transition. Though its not likely any of the glaring issues that caused the game to fail will ever be changed.

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I agree. I'm sure some did but most signed up to pay the sub fee and I think really what people were saying was.


"This game is not worth the $15 a month..." so EA lowered the price...


Yeah you are prob right, I guess they had to spin it to make it sound better.

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I see a lot of rather silly debate raging on these forums right now about all the F2P business


No one quit over sub prices and none of those people are going to come back even if the game is F2P. Why? Because the game is terrible, they left because the game is really really bad.


I am not saying it did not have some fun points because it did and I am willing to totally overlook any issue to due to lack of content.


1. The game engine is terrible

No the people coding the game did a bad job,but they have done a good job after launvh improving the game



2. Questing is very very linear.

Very true and most players hate it.They should have made a thempark/sandbox hybrid were only your

storyline in very linear but with better choices that have more meaning.


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B

Again you nr 2 point, very true.Not to mention to many copy paste mobs all over the place that

you will not find in the real star wars universe.


4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar

No it is not pointless after the first time, 8 class stories and most players enjoy the VO in all the storylines.

And only Black talon and Esseles have to much VO after one have done them more then 2 times.


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.

Really what bugs ??


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.

True, lack on fixing Raid bugs in the beginning.


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.

Yes fail resolve system, expertise,bad class balance and lack of open world pvp at 50 are main issues.


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needs a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.

Old and over with ! move on.


The game failed because the game is terrible, maybe you dont think its bad but you are clearly in the minority.

Game is not terrible, i played them all and this is the most fun i ever had in a MMO, but maybe thats because

i'm a star wars fan.All MMOs have good and bad things about them.


...........So valid complains only thanks,seems to me you just wanna hate just for the hating............

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I must agree with the OP. Going F2P will not fix the fact that the game is very shallow.


...........so valid complains only thanks,seems to me you just wanna hate just for the hating............


All his complaints are valid. At some point the fanboys need to realise that this game is nothing but waisted potential. And the constant bleeding of subscribers would seem to prove the OP correct.

Edited by agamemnon-
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I see a lot of rather silly debate raging on these forums right now about all the F2P business


Thats why they announced F2P right before the call.


Its so everyone talks about F2P and the good and bad about it. Instead of how for the third straight call they have lost over 300k+ each time. Remember its not just 300k each time its 300k plus all the additional sales they made during that time.


They also hope everyone will just talk about F2P and not about when they are going to fix things in the game or when they plan on adding content.


They say they are going to do a world event this month and I think they think its ok for that to be the only thing they do.

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7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.


Yeah sure, in this Forum you are going to hear negative stuff no matter what, from PVP to the way Lightsabers look, and everything in between.


You are right however, the game has many flaws and people left because of it, what was the best thing EA could have done?


1) Bring the customers back by discarding this engine and create a new game with a different engine?

2) Bring customers back by completely redisigning the quest system from lvl 1 to 50?

2) Bring customers back by lowering the price of the game


Yeah I think even a blind deaf and mentally challenged executive would realize 2 of those options are out of the question, there is nothing they can do bring back the people that hate the fundamental structure of the game because it would take so much resources that you might as well make a new game.


I dont like EA but going F2P was their only choice at this point

Edited by ChazDoit
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I don't think the game is terrible. Did most of the people who left think so? Maybe, probably, not at all?. The answer to that is unknown to any of us despite what some self-proclaimed guru's may spew out as 'fact'.


TOR is a lot of fun for my guild and I. We still pvp every night and raid twice weekly. We still help each other with fp runs and keep each other company during 'dailies'.


I don't agree wtih most of your points (ah, the joys of subjectivity) but even though I thoroughly enjoy playing this game if I think of 5 yrs development time and a budget that would shame some countries I wonder why this is the best they came up with. The potential was incredible imo and I very much doubt the game managed to come close.


That said, if the 'faster content' promise of every few weeks is kept after the F2P model kicks in then I'll happily stay subbed as again, my friends and I still enjoy logging in.


My 2 CartelCoins :w_cool:

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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1. The game engine is terrible

Opinion, everyone has one. I didn't think it was that bad.


2. Questing is very very linear.

Questing is fun, nothing inventive besides the voice acting but nothing terrible. Again, opinion


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B

There are many open areas to explore. Not sure exactly what you mean by corridor

4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar

It's not an issue if you are proactively searching for a group that wants to skip through them. Stop being lazy.


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.

Not full, but yes there are some. If you are actively reporting bugs and giving them sufficient time to fix said bugs than they will eventually get to them.


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.

I have no exp with OPs but I assume it's the same as FPs that I mentioned above. Are you reporting bugs?


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.

PVP is fine in my opinion. It was a lot of fun and I think by having 50s get their own WZs it got a lot better but people continued to rage. Don't get it their way they tend to overreact. Nothing new


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needed a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.

It's not just the Guild summits or other events where BIO get their ideas from. It's also this forum. From the start people have had their opinions and BIO has listened. Ala the Jedi Wizard fiasco. It's not the same now because only the dedicated are the ones who remain and Bio doesn't need to have a giant team of people to listen when there only remains a small group of individuals.


Again, your thoughts are yours and are very opinionated. I could give my opinion why this game is doing bad but those aren't the facts.

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People I know left because the game's content isn't accessible to most that have work / families / lives. Grind destroyed the end-game. Unless they play for 3+ hours a day, most players had to decide wether to play PvE or PvP because they had simply no time to grind gear in order to enjoy either. And I just have to say it that MOST of the players from my servers are absolutely stupid and can't handle the easy raid tactics. Leads to wipes and loads of frustration - one person screwed up in the raid and the entire party is down. Many people who unsubbed are those who had to spend 3-5 hours in a simple ops because of stupid players they were grouped up with. The end-game is just not accessible to everyone.
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Why are you still here posting if you hate this game?


Must really suck to not have a real life and only hang around to complain, sad, so sad......


I see a lot of rather silly debate raging on these forums right now about all the F2P business


No one quit over sub prices and none of those people are going to come back even if the game is F2P. Why? Because the game is terrible, they left because the game is really really bad.


I am not saying it did not have some fun points because it did and I am willing to totally overlook any issue to due to lack of content.


1. The game engine is terrible


2. Questing is very very linear.


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B


4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needed a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.


The game failed because the game is terrible, maybe you dont think its bad but you are clearly in the minority.


Yes I played and yes I subbed. I was lucky enough to have a great group of people to play with. I am not sure what we will do after the transition. Though its not likely any of the glaring issues that caused the game to fail will ever be changed.

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If this game isnt terrible, why did it lose 40% of subscribers, and why has it gone f2p within 8 months of release?


40% werent put off by the sub fee, they were put off with the game. There is no end game content.


Do you even know what subjectivity means? Numbers don't automatically determine something's quality...or Justin Bieber would be considered the new Mozart and the Twilight author would be lauded as the new Shakespeare.


The game had trouble keeping a high number of subs, very true.

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1. The game engine is terrible

Opinion, everyone has one. I didn't think it was that bad.


2. Questing is very very linear.

Questing is fun, nothing inventive besides the voice acting but nothing terrible. Again, opinion

It can be fun for some people but its still linear. By linear that means to go from level 10-16 you can only goto one planet and to advance in that planet you need to start in a certain aread then advance to the next. Most of the later quests on a planet do not become available until you have completed the ones before. So if you wanted to goto the last area of a planet then you might get 1-2 quests instead of the 15-20 that are in that area.


But like most people that want to argue for the game you didnt answer the question but answered a different question that wasnt asked.


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B

There are many open areas to explore. Not sure exactly what you mean by corridor

You cant just explore the planet. A good example is alderaan. For the empire they block off thfe west side of the map so you cant go into the southern area untill you follow their path of going from quest hub to quest hub untill you finally get there. Also you have to love how you can be traveling in the middle of the map and enter an exhaustion zone. Ever goto tattoine and try to ride from one area to another without using the flight paths? Guess what you cant because you hit an exahustion zone.


4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar

It's not an issue if you are proactively searching for a group that wants to skip through them. Stop being lazy.

Once again you avoided answering the question but put in your two cents. He is saying one person can make you wait and double the time it takes to complete a FP or even more time. I would think in a time that no one has that much time to play games since they have a real life, family and a full time job that this would be an bigger issue (that is unless 99% of the people are lying about it, which is most likely the case).


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.

Not full, but yes there are some. If you are actively reporting bugs and giving them sufficient time to fix said bugs than they will eventually get to them.

Some is close enough to full in as there are some in almost every FP. The bugs have been reported serveral times and many have not been fixed at all.


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.

I have no exp with OPs but I assume it's the same as FPs that I mentioned above. Are you reporting bugs?

SOA is the same as FP. It has bugs that have been reported serveral times and not ever been fixed. Most likely they will never be fixed, they try to fix it for 15 mins then stop because they dont want to waste the time.


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.

PVP is fine in my opinion. It was a lot of fun and I think by having 50s get their own WZs it got a lot better but people continued to rage. Don't get it their way they tend to overreact. Nothing new

PVP isnt suppost to be just warzones, expecially on a PVP server but it is. Thats why the PVP servers are basically dead. Also you remember ilum?


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needed a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.

It's not just the Guild summits or other events where BIO get their ideas from. It's also this forum. From the start people have had their opinions and BIO has listened. Ala the Jedi Wizard fiasco. It's not the same now because only the dedicated are the ones who remain and Bio doesn't need to have a giant team of people to listen when there only remains a small group of individuals.

Here I will disagree with the OP. The game would not need a group finder and definitly not a cross server one if the game was designed correctly. If the games didnt pput solo play over group play then it would be more of an MMO and much better. Its the click to get a group things that hurt the game. If you dont spend the effort to find a group you should do one. Remember at launch when the group finder wasnt even talked about. It was only ontill people started quitting that it was needed, if millions of people didnt quit this game(and they did for good reasons) you still wouldnt need a group finder.


Again, your thoughts are yours and are very opinionated. I could give my opinion why this game is doing bad but those aren't the facts.


Even you think this game is bad but will keep giving excuses that its not :rak_02:

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I see a lot of rather silly debate raging on these forums right now about all the F2P business


No one quit over sub prices and none of those people are going to come back even if the game is F2P. Why? Because the game is terrible, they left because the game is really really bad.


I am not saying it did not have some fun points because it did and I am willing to totally overlook any issue to due to lack of content.


1. The game engine is terrible


2. Questing is very very linear.


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B


4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needed a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.


The game failed because the game is terrible, maybe you dont think its bad but you are clearly in the minority.


Yes I played and yes I subbed. I was lucky enough to have a great group of people to play with. I am not sure what we will do after the transition. Though its not likely any of the glaring issues that caused the game to fail will ever be changed.


Stopped reading at "cross server FP finder". Realized that this was just one more complainer thinking they are a game developer and making poorly thought out demands.


The game is fine. Its fun. Its entertaining, all for 50 cents a day. Every game is suffering today and the SWG boards are already in flames about how "bad" that game is.


Its not the game people, its the players.

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No one quit over sub prices and none of those people are going to come back even if the game is F2P. Why? Because the game is terrible, they left because the game is really really bad.


I've left many games, guess they were "really really bad", but that's how I felt about those other games, and my opinion.


I am not saying it did not have some fun points because it did and I am willing to totally overlook any issue to due to lack of content.


No game will ever have "enough content" for some people, they just always want more, and it is easier to go through the content faster than it can be created.


1. The game engine is terrible


Old opinions and it is still being worked on anyways.


2. Questing is very very linear.

Most every game is the exact same linear quest system, except for those few sandboxes. Admit it, even if a game has different "starting zones you can play" it runs into the same "linear" quests after a short while or on another game just sit in a major city using LFG/LFR and never doing anything different while skipping all "quests", and even SWTOR has 2 starting zones per faction, Hutta and Korriban or Tython and Ord Mantel.


3. The planets are a series of corridors that you must travel through to get from A to B


This is what you claim as linear, but there are plenty of things to do and explore outside of the Story Quest Line and Planet quests you can pick up, even Area quests from finding a certain are.


4. The voice acting is fine the first time but after that its pointless. This is even more of an issue after you have done a FP 25 times and are forced to sit there while someone refuses to spacebar


Rush Rush Rush, some people don't care that this is a story driven MMORPG that has 8 main character class stories that can also differ on what you answer with, besides the outcomes of the Light Side / Dark Side options.

If you don't care about stories, lore, and the reasons for quests you can [spacebar] and even form groups with other people that skip all story based information, but you would do that on any game that throws a wall of text at you without reading the reason you are being sent on a quest.


5. FPs are well done in design but are full of bugs.


There were some bugs, early on, but I have yet to run into more than one since they put some effort into fixing the bugs. I have even had contact to discuss in detail some of the problems in explicit detail to try to make sure it could be resolved.


6. OPs are still bugged, Soa for example, to this day has bugs reported in the beta.


And they are working on this bug as they have others, within the parameters of all the details that people who report them, to fix them.


7. I dont PVP do I dont know but i have heard a lot of negative stuff there as well.


I have suffered PvE affects that crossed over from PvP, but that is because almost all the PvPers that lose and are perma-bads QQ that so and so is OP. They will always complain, and I take their complaints at much less than face value.


8. Bio listened to a tiny minority of people at the guild summit who lived in some sort early days of MMOs vacuum. We absolutely needed a FP finder and cross server fromt he very start. Not after the game was well in decline.


BW listens to people wherever they can get clear and coherent advice and suggestions. They do not always implement what the people suggest as they have their own plans for the game that they created. Or maybe EA has too much to input there as well.


The game failed because the game is terrible, maybe you dont think its bad but you are clearly in the minority.


I feel that the minority are those that keep jumping to the "failed game syndrome". People try out games and go on their merry way. People rush the content to end game, which is not where I think that the game really lies (my opinion, end game is only part of the game), and then go off to the next shiny to try to play and possibly rush to beat, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, and so on, this is just what some do. Others are very much happy with the game and the fact that is is being updated in many ways, from fixes to added content.


Yes I played and yes I subbed. I was lucky enough to have a great group of people to play with. I am not sure what we will do after the transition. Though its not likely any of the glaring issues that caused the game to fail will ever be changed.


These supposed "glaring issues" are a matter of opinion. The game is changing and continuing onward no matter what your opinion may be.


If you all came together as a group, you may move on to the next "shiny" as a group, or may move back to a game you remember that has had no content changes in half a year or more. If you only met the people on SWTOR, then maybe you will move on, maybe some of the others, and maybe some will still stay and enjoy their game plat. I know that I and many others will.

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Even you think this game is bad but will keep giving excuses that its not :rak_02:


You're putting words into other's mouths again? Well at least you're consistant. Not everything is black/white. If the person says what parts of the game he doesn't like that doesn't mean it doesn't like it overall as you're trying to imply.


Stop attempting to read between the lines and just...read :w_cool:

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If this game isnt terrible, why did it lose 40% of subscribers, and why has it gone f2p within 8 months of release?


40% werent put off by the sub fee, they were put off with the game. There is no end game content.


Its not 40% that have quit. Over 60% of the subs have quit and most likely about 85+%


It also hasnt been 8 months yet. Its only been 7 1/2 but the F2P was in the planing long before today

Edited by Emeda
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Even you think this game is bad but will keep giving excuses that its not :rak_02:


Not excuses, I have my opinions and I don't always tend to let them out but if I see something that sets of a spark in me I say what comes to my mind. Is it always right? Of course not but even if I didn't say anything it won't change anything. You can't stop the inevitable.

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Hello guys,

First I want to say that I am casual player who enjoyed KOTOR I , II and love SW Universe. Today my subs ends and I won't resubs only because whole my guild left. I can find another but I don't want. It is not interesting anymore. I played with all of them for 2 years back in WoW and half an year here in SWTOR and is not easy to go to other guild. Anyway this game has nothing more to give me. It was fun and great game ... and it is still but it is not single player game... it is MMO. For this you need happy community. I hope SWTOR will see better days. Thank you for all fun and game. Wish You all the best.


P.S. Sorry for my English ;S.

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You're putting words into other's mouths again? Well at least you're consistant. Not everything is black/white. If the person says what parts of the game he doesn't like that doesn't mean it doesn't like it overall as you're trying to imply.


Stop attempting to read between the lines and just...read :w_cool:


This time I did misread what he said.


He said why the game is DOING bad and not why the game is bad.


See I will admit when I was wrong (or misread/misunderstood)

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