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Fear of Cartel Items


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Is it a shame yes, and for very little long term revenue unless Bioware can keep coming up with flying mounts and the like that people are willing to pay for.


Usually this continues into P2W. but there are still baddies in serious denial that said no game will ever do it.

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Its simple, because the person that purchases the guild ship will also get 2 more tabs for the bank storage as a bonus... its easy to throw in virtual goodies in a F2P game. Now I am a GM, and I really want that cool looking Yamato Ship. Its on sale for only $50 and I can save my guildies and myself 200 million credit and about 100 Flashpoint grind. AND I get 2 more tabs worth of storage? Hell Ya. There you go simple as that, its sold.


Also, I said in my previous posts I played a game called Mabinogi (one of the most profitable P2W MMO from Asia). Guess what, I can send my GASH (cash shop currency) to ANYONE I wish, they even wrap up my GASH in a nice little ingame Gift Box. At the time of play Mabinogi is full F2P, no subscription... no stipend to worry about. my $20 is just as good as anyone elses $20... no reason why you couldnt trade it... which they do let you openly trade GASH. Ive actually sold my GASH points as well as shop exclusive items for ingame currency as well.


Its easy and have been done many times on different game. Ive seem so many kids know nothing about F2P model and thinks that they will NEVER EVER FORNEVEREVER put F2P in the game, its laughable.


Just because you have zero clue about something doesnt mean they dont exist.


An ingame currency called GASH? /snicker

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really... did I attack him personally, or just suggest 15 bucks a month is chumps change... illogical fallacy?


should I learn spanish and french too?


Yes, I think you attacked him personally by assuming he isn't able to earn that money and should get his life/earnign capacities in order. This is an unfounded attack - you don't know anything about the financial situation of people posting here.


being unwilling to pay for a game because feeling it is not worth it, or being no fan of p2w is not like being not able to afford it. And "being to expensive" wasn't the point of the OP anyway, it was the break of lore he addressed, not the cost.

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An ingame currency called GASH? /snicker




Thats one of the few sites US players have to go thru in order to purchase GASH with foreign credit card.

All games developed using that currency are usually refered to as GASH games.

After purchase GASH is freely tradable which is also part of the ingame economy.

People also grind ingame stuff to trade for GASH and they can resell GASH at a discounted price to make some quick $$ if they choose.


Most Gash games are P2W modeled disguised in F2P form. They even got options to buy ingame currency with GASH officially OR you can sell your GASH to ingame players directly for higher exchange rate (or exotic items).


GASH games are the most dominating company in Asia region.


In fact some of the GASH games are currently running in US as well, under the name Nexon (Mabinogi is one of the games they run in US as well).


In fact here's some rumor from Forbes and Pcgamer.com (theres more sources out there as well)






Nexon has enough capital that can can EASILY BUY OUT EA.

Tell me again in serious face F2P+P2W model does NOT work.

I hate it but saying EA will not take the P2W route is totally illogical (knowing EA).

Edited by warultima
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ahhh, I wasn't refering to the OP, I actually find his post valid... it was the fella that implied "baddies" were in denial that I responded to.


the part where I said "this baddie" was your first possible clue as to whom I was responding.


either way, my apologies are offered.

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The cash shop has to sell for F2P to make money.


This mean they'll stick anything on to sell in the end.


This, there will be lots and lots of items that are store-exclusive, sure, you don't need them.. but there it is.

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Anyways here's the quote from pcgamer... comparsion of the revenus in comparsion to company like EA to a dedicated F2P game publisher and sadly most of their successful games are all... relatively... Pay to Win.


"EA is the kind of company most people’s grans have heard of, whereas Nexon sit firmly in the big-in-Asia category. But Nexon makes a lot of money from its free-to-play games – they reported an operating income of £714.51 million last year, which eclipses EA’s mere £191.65 million."


Nexon made 1.2 BILLION in revenue in 2011. EA made about a quarter of that.

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Anyways here's the quote from pcgamer... comparsion of the revenus in comparsion to company like EA to a dedicated F2P game publisher and sadly most of their successful games are all... relatively... Pay to Win.


"EA is the kind of company most people’s grans have heard of, whereas Nexon sit firmly in the big-in-Asia category. But Nexon makes a lot of money from its free-to-play games – they reported an operating income of £714.51 million last year, which eclipses EA’s mere £191.65 million."


Nexon made 1.2 BILLION in revenue in 2011. EA made about a quarter of that.


well jeez, if every person in china paid $1 into that game it would be a billion.

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I'm not here to complain, just to express my concerns and see what you guys think. Anyway, I was kind of shocked to see that one of the very first showcased items for the Cartel shop was Darth Nihilus' mask. I was kind of hoping they would stay away from adding lore breaking items like this to the game (i.e everyone running around with the supposedly unique mask of a story character.). I know they have added stuff like Bastila's lightsaber and such, but considering you can't really tell what specific weapon someone has just by looking at them, those weren't really an issue for me.


Another thought that this brings to mind is that they are either out of ideas for new, interesting gear or that they are afraid to make actually new stuff because of the rage from the community last time they added new gear.


Either way, I feel worried that they are just going to be piling on a ton of stuff based on gear from already established characters (like Revan's mask, etc.)


Anyway, what do you guys think?


The game breaks lore left and right (from an original movie lore perspective) BECAUSE IT IS A PREQUEL the lore of the movies. In fact, since it is prequel to the movies, the movies are the lore breakers because they come after in the timeline and they are not following SWTORs lore precisely.


Besides, you don't think Lucas Arts has Lore Cops all over anything with their IP on it???? Seriously, they are the most lore enforcing and policing of modern IP.


You need to let it go IMO.

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The Lore was broke from the beginning...


Dark Jedi, and Lightside Sith...

Explain how a dark jedi can use, much less only use lightside force powers, and how a lightside sith can use darkside force powers.


MY newest toon, a Shadow, has already killed 4 Jedi Masters... she is already Dark II, yet her lightside powers have only improved, yet her face shows darkside corruption.


You dont just learn the Dark Powers out of thin air

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Cash Shop Escalation is a well observed outcome of F2P models.


Today - EA sells a cosmetic mask

Tommorrow - EA sells another cosmetic mask that looks cooler

Next Day - EA sells another mask... but sales are dropping because the customers are getting bored or have the mask they want with a hundred different colours of Revans Mask being charged at the cost of an entire new game


Next Day - EA sells a mask that has enhanced stats

Next Day - EA sells a mask that has enhanced stats better than the one before


Repeat ad nasuem.


Without fail you will see TOR testing the waters by adding items that toe the line while shifting the scale further and further along until eventually people are content to be seeing full sets of shop exclusive endgame wargear being sold for a years salary.

Greed is a powerful motivator and EA are the masters of greedy wallet gouging.


You really think they are going to let puny concepts like game balance or lore interfere with making a fast buck ?

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Cash Shop Escalation is a well observed outcome of F2P models.


Today - EA sells a cosmetic mask

Tommorrow - EA sells another cosmetic mask that looks cooler

Next Day - EA sells another mask... but sales are dropping because the customers are getting bored or have the mask they want with a hundred different colours of Revans Mask being charged at the cost of an entire new game


Next Day - EA sells a mask that has enhanced stats

Next Day - EA sells a mask that has enhanced stats better than the one before


Repeat ad nasuem.


Without fail you will see TOR testing the waters by adding items that toe the line while shifting the scale further and further along until eventually people are content to be seeing full sets of shop exclusive endgame wargear being sold for a years salary.

Greed is a powerful motivator and EA are the masters of greedy wallet gouging.


You really think they are going to let puny concepts like game balance or lore interfere with making a fast buck ?


:( thats not good...i make a decent salary at my part time nursing job,plus a little extra on the side with computer repair....but it has its limits

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The Lore was broke from the beginning...


Dark Jedi, and Lightside Sith...

Explain how a dark jedi can use, much less only use lightside force powers, and how a lightside sith can use darkside force powers.


MY newest toon, a Shadow, has already killed 4 Jedi Masters... she is already Dark II, yet her lightside powers have only improved, yet her face shows darkside corruption.


Powers are not dependant on the force alignment of the user, in he EU there are a few examples of LS force users being able to master powers such as lightning (quote from wookiepedia "Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use. ")


Therefore powers used are a result of where the user trained with the force, since powers like lightning are purely offensive they are usually associated with sith but not in anyway restricted by alignment

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Yeah, that has always bugged me that your alignment as a force user didn't affect your powers in any way :confused:


When TOR was in testing I think alignment affected abilities to an extent, can't recall though. I know the "companions try to kill you" aspect was pulled early on.

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