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Starwars?...more like Stunwars


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Can we get away from all the perm-stuns? WZ's are getting mighty boring knowing that you will be perma-stunned half the time...keyboard smashing. I have notice on many occasions that resolve does not work quick like intended either....stunned 3-4 time wihin seconds by multiple players...and still no resolve? Happens quite a bit.


need a fix and resolve and also...mitigate the stuns....starting to make the WZ's boring...


Just my thoughts...i am sure there are people that love getting stunned to death....but not me.

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Can we get away from all the perm-stuns? WZ's are getting mighty boring knowing that you will be perma-stunned half the time...keyboard smashing. I have notice on many occasions that resolve does not work quick like intended either....stunned 3-4 time wihin seconds by multiple players...and still no resolve? Happens quite a bit.


need a fix and resolve and also...mitigate the stuns....starting to make the WZ's boring...


Just my thoughts...i am sure there are people that love getting stunned to death....but not me.


Dear noob, we glad to know that you want to push 3 buttons and dont want to think about anything else, like resolve, positioning, tactics.

But there are some people in this game that have brain and want to use it.

Removing stuns will completely break this game balance. Thats why stuns will be in this game.

Thank you.

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Also, get on some better teams. When your team is bad enough that its members are stuck repeatedly fighting in 1 vs 5 battles, they will be stunlocked constantly. When you are on a team good enough that you are in equal numbers as the opponent, you will not notice this happening nearly as much. Edited by Skolops
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Resolve is nothing but pure garbage, this winter i was in 2 guilds that both died, all veteran players like myself

and i know many of them left because pvp stuns were so bad,some players were alrety tired of perma stuns from wow and they wanted something better, buy the tiny% of bad players hanging around here will keep defending this garbage system,in pvp freedom and movement is king,fast action and lack of any fail cc is king.Pretty sure most mmo developers who work other places will agree that swtor have the worst cc system of any game.

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instead of insulting the OP, at least try to listen to what he said. I actually see a lot of stunning, this is in chains too, in War Zones. Not really fun, when you join a WZ and can't actually take part in said Warzone IMO. I said this before, Bioware should change this so they can't be chained on some one if they have already been hit with one stun already, and should be immune to stuns for at least 60 seconds after the first. Resolve system, isn't effective, and often doesn't help with this at all.


To be stunned, knocked down, then repeat and rinse in succession, is just trying to force players to quit the WZ and not play. This kind of practice is just more like trying to harass people into leaving, so those lamers can get a quick and easy win.

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instead of insulting the OP, at least try to listen to what he said. I actually see a lot of stunning, this is in chains too, in War Zones. Not really fun, when you join a WZ and can't actually take part in said Warzone IMO. I said this before, Bioware should change this so they can't be chained on some one if they have already been hit with one stun already, and should be immune to stuns for at least 60 seconds after the first. Resolve system, isn't effective, and often doesn't help with this at all.


To be stunned, knocked down, then repeat and rinse in succession, is just trying to force players to quit the WZ and not play. This kind of practice is just more like trying to harass people into leaving, so those lamers can get a quick and easy win.


You think life of your character in wz is something unique and should be preserved with police, army and God?


Actually it is the same "resource" as any ability, cooldown or even CC move like stun.


If they used 2 stuns back to back to burn you, they will not use them on someone else for 45 + seconds. They used their resource, the question is was it the right tradeoff in OBJECTIVE play.


And your feelings about dying in videogame are certainluy not the criteria to answer that question.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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the only people that come on here and defend chain stunning etc. etc. are the ones that use it.



Are you saying that given the chance, if you see someone with a less than full resolve bar, currently stunned with half their health left, you would not stun them agian once they came out of it to finish them off?

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There are 2 other active threads with the phrase "stunwars" in the title:





There are 11 active threads with "stun wars" in the title.


There are an additional 204 threads with the word "stun" in the title.


There are 460 other active threads with "resolve" in the title (granted, some are about mods with Resolve in the name).


So you just have to ask yourself one question, was this thread necessary?

Edited by Darth_Philar
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There are 2 other active threads with the phrase "stunwars" in the title:





There are 11 active threads with "stun wars" in the title.


There are an additional 204 threads with the word "stun" in the title.


There are 460 other active threads with "resolve" in the title (granted, some are about mods with Resolve in the name).


So you just have to ask yourself one question, was this thread necessary?


Good effort, now lock the thread Mr. Moderator.


Whot? You're not a mod? Then why bother? G.T.F.O. I'm well pissed off with perma stun and the more posts complaining about it the better.

Edited by MoofKnight
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Good effort, now lock the thread Mr. Moderator.


Whot? You're not a mod? Then why bother? G.T.F.O. I'm well pissed off with perma stun and the more posts complaining about it the better.


what profession and level are you?


and have you looked at the sticky at the top of the forum?



Edited by wessik
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instead of insulting the OP, at least try to listen to what he said. I actually see a lot of stunning, this is in chains too, in War Zones. Not really fun, when you join a WZ and can't actually take part in said Warzone IMO. I said this before, Bioware should change this so they can't be chained on some one if they have already been hit with one stun already, and should be immune to stuns for at least 60 seconds after the first. Resolve system, isn't effective, and often doesn't help with this at all.


To be stunned, knocked down, then repeat and rinse in succession, is just trying to force players to quit the WZ and not play. This kind of practice is just more like trying to harass people into leaving, so those lamers can get a quick and easy win.




Really? People won't even be able to use all their stuns! Wasted cooldown, huh? Classes are balanced around the fact that they have certain cooldowns (One of the reasons that marauds seem op defensively is because all of their cooldowns are actually useful!). Sorcs have more cc than troopers. Too little CC takes away this balance. If you can't use all your tools, then, sure, you may be equal to everyone else, but below par on another aspect.


Also, you're too biased against stuns. When someone gets stunned, the person who stunned him WANTS HIM STUNNED. If breakers and resolve are too prominent in the game, stuns become so weak people won't use them anymore. And DPS/HPS race is boring in PvP. Stuns is a good way to tactically stop their DPS. And if you say they don't, then it's because you haven't figured out how to use stuns tactically.

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Dear noob, we glad to know that you want to push 3 buttons and dont want to think about anything else, like resolve, positioning, tactics.

But there are some people in this game that have brain and want to use it.

Removing stuns will completely break this game balance. Thats why stuns will be in this game.

Thank you.


If you read carefully, I never said get rid of stuns. I do believe stuns are good to have in pvp to be used tactically...but getting perma stunned is what i am talking about coupled with resolve not really kicking in a lot of the times. I have multiple toons dps and heals, but on my sorc and merc healer, once i get that target over my head, it becomes stun city. 10 times more that on my Jug/Maur or Op. Can't even heal my team mates...spend more time trying to keep myself alive....which isnt very successful with the.....yes you called it....perma stuns

...and yes i am strategic when i comes to where i position myself (i.e. around corners / columns, etc...) to avoid getting noticed too much.

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Resolve is nothing but pure garbage, this winter i was in 2 guilds that both died, all veteran players like myself

and i know many of them left because pvp stuns were so bad,some players were alrety tired of perma stuns from wow and they wanted something better, buy the tiny% of bad players hanging around here will keep defending this garbage system,in pvp freedom and movement is king,fast action and lack of any fail cc is king.Pretty sure most mmo developers who work other places will agree that swtor have the worst cc system of any game.


Veteran players do not leave because of ONE mechanic even if that mechanic might be broken. They adapt to said mechanic and try to make themselves better. Noobs on the other hand almost always quit the game over one potentially broken mechanic.

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CC use adds brain usage to pvp? That's a new one. It reminds me of the argument op healers used to make "requiring 3 dps to focus me down adds a tactical dimension to the game" or those fun Wow rogues: "how is the fight fair if I'm stunned the whole time?" : "l2p noob - you were up against a skilled ninja!" (world of roguecraft vids still on youtube).


For me it's not just the stuns and aoe mezzes on short cooldowns, it's the very very excessive aoe knockbacks and roots on shorter cooldowns. And the snares. Plenty of games have a skill/tactics requirement without those things in such abundance. And any fight involving multiple opponents in proximity is going to result in my melee getting hit with a lot of cc because much of it is aoe whether it is 4vMe or 4v4.


There's no special player skill involved with stunning and then focusing an enemy player down - there's no skill counter to that tactic either unless you're one of those players that hangs back out of combat except when your cc-breaker is ready and heals + guard are on you (a lot of waiting in most games). A few nights ago I was fighting a sorc in huttball - i was moving carefully so that a knockback wouldn't push me over a walkway - he notices this, stuns me, walks behind me and knockback/roots me into a fire trap. I was outplayed?


Basically it's no fun losing control of your character and that happens way too often in this game; it makes other games that aren't otherwise better look good in comparison.

Edited by WaywardOne
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Veteran players do not leave because of ONE mechanic even if that mechanic might be broken. They adapt to said mechanic and try to make themselves better. Noobs on the other hand almost always quit the game over one potentially broken mechanic.


That is the problem with solicating gaming advice from veteran players or hardcore players. You've said you are a noob if you don't adapt to the developers bug, mechanic or design decision.


Metrics of active pvpers and looking at the unsubbed complaints on the pvp unsubscribe inquiry would yield results that are driven subscribers to leave the game. I'd look at those.


The fact is being stunned for significant portions of pvp is a negative for many gamers. Being slowed and feeling like the game is unresponsive is not a pleasant gaming experience.


I die in video games all the time. Dying while stun locked and unable to even get 1 attack in during a battle is absurd for a video game.


I love PvP and almost exclusively play it in this game and have for many, many months. I use resolve, I "exploit" stunning and mezzing opponents to kill and apply pressure to the healers and shutdown DPS chains big hits.


The point is not that its not able to be used and have "fun". Its that for many players its not "fun" to play under the CC/Resolve mechanic.


Failure to acknowledge that its worth looking at is going to keep driving people to more friendly pvp games that feel more responsive. That is a fact sub numbers seem to indicate.


You calling people "noobs" is insulting to everyone who wants the game to be better. Wether

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Level 50, 52 Valor Commando Medic. Yes, I've read the article and am aware of how resolve works.


Ha ha ha !!! Another fresh fifty that get's creamed in the big boys league and thinking it happens because of CC :D. Stick in there m8y things will get better. As a second char I play a commando medic and I'm very hard to dispatch if I get proper support. Especially I love when I have full resolve and I can't be interrupted due to my specced reactive shield.


A few nights ago I was fighting a sorc in huttball - i was moving carefully so that a knockback wouldn't push me over a walkway - he notices this, stuns me, walks behind me and knockback/roots me into a fire trap. I was outplayed?




Yeah you were outplayed :cool:. If you'd be a man you'd recognize that and say to yourself "Well played mister sorcerer". Instead you chose to complain that your path to greatness is barred by CC ;). And yes, in this game, proper CC usage requires some brain, maybe you don't see it yet but if you lose the entrenched mentality (CC=bad) you'll get it eventually. One last thing, if you are focused by the enemy team it's your team's job to protect you, it's an 8vs8 match not 8vs1. We are all heroes in that little WZ square you don't get to vanquish a horde of enemies by yourself.


As a great roman general said "Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!" :D


P.S. [edited] I'm sorry that some players find the CC/resolve system not fun to play with. But that's not a good reason for me to dumb the game down. Maybe for EA will be good enough (if you complain some more) but not for me. So I'll stick to my guns when we talk about CC/resolve ;).

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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There's no special player skill involved with stunning and then focusing an enemy player down - there's no skill counter to that tactic either unless you're one of those players that hangs back out of combat except when your cc-breaker is ready and heals + guard are on you (a lot of waiting in most games). A few nights ago I was fighting a sorc in huttball - i was moving carefully so that a knockback wouldn't push me over a walkway - he notices this, stuns me, walks behind me and knockback/roots me into a fire trap. I was outplayed?


"That is why you fail"



Basically it's no fun losing control of your character and that happens way too often in this game; it makes other games that aren't otherwise better look good in comparison.


...to terribads, maybe. There's a dimension to how one handles CCs in both inflicting and receving ends. Don't think others don't understand it because you cannot.

Edited by kweassa
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If you read carefully, I never said get rid of stuns. I do believe stuns are good to have in pvp to be used tactically...but getting perma stunned is what i am talking about coupled with resolve not really kicking in a lot of the times. I have multiple toons dps and heals, but on my sorc and merc healer, once i get that target over my head, it becomes stun city. 10 times more that on my Jug/Maur or Op. Can't even heal my team mates...spend more time trying to keep myself alive....which isnt very successful with the.....yes you called it....perma stuns

...and yes i am strategic when i comes to where i position myself (i.e. around corners / columns, etc...) to avoid getting noticed too much.

Stuns are ok now, im playing on JK and carry the ball for my premade on huttball.

without this amount of stuns i will carry the ball alone on focus of 4 guys without problems.

Now in rwz some civil wars and denovas go like 20-25 minutes cus nobody can get the point. withoput stuns it will be impossible.

stuns are ok and if you will read sticky thread about resolve -> you will get my point.

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