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Theres going to be so much new content from all the money they make from f2p


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You fail to see how it is relevant?


Well, the title of the thread pretty clearly explains why, actually. He is assuming that content delivery rate is directly related to how much money a game generates. The fact that WoW has "Always been pretty slow releasing content" by your own words, yet is also the world's most subscribed MMO contradict the belief that more money means faster content.


True. But it helps the content to be better. WoW does take a while to turn out new content...but in my opinion when they do it is damn good. And I agree with you, tho LOTRO turns out content fast, it is not the best content in my opinion. I think Rift has a nice balance of timing and release of good content.

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I understand your concern but based on other F2P games' success I think there's quite a few people who do spend many dimes. That's the beauty of it. You don't need to spend anything if you don't want to. You can just play. And those who do want some fluff item can pay and keep the servers running.


This is a very unicorns and rainbows analysis of how the F2P/Fremium model pans out which bears little resemblence to what I've seen in practice.

Edited by AidenCast
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i am confused....


these people that supposedly left because they didnt think 15 dollars a month (ergo around 50 cents a day avg.) was "worth it" are somehow supposed to come back, and spend more than 15 dollars a month on supposedly fluff/cosmetic/xp boosts only from cash shop?


and that somehow means the game will make MORE revenue and thus more content?


really, help me out here because i dont see any possible way that this is in any way true or even possible





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I understand your concern but based on other F2P games' success I think there's quite a few people who do spend many dimes. That's the beauty of it. You don't need to spend anything if you don't want to. You can just play. And those who do want some fluff item can pay and keep the servers running.


Wait til your health pots and stat buffs are PvE only crafter items.


THEN they add OP & PvP Health and buff pots, only™ 1,000 coins or $2 each! Scary! :(

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Yet there is a real money Auction house in Diablo 3 where people can buy items from each other..... Obviously people use the cash shops, otherwise the f2p model wouldn't exist.


lol diablo 3...


that game failed so hard that its become its own meme


srsly , thats THE perfect example of how cash shops ruin games, 2 months later NO ONE is playing it, thats not even to mention the completely ruined economy due to botters , hackers and chinese farmers....AND THAT WASNT EVEN A FREE GAME!!! thank you for proving my point though

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It is going to be amazing! Darth Maul's Lightsaber! Darth Revan's Mask! Darth Malak's Armor! Luke Skywalker's Speeder! For very reasonable amounts of Cartel Coins!


So true! :(


Guild leader: Now if we can only get each guild member to donate 100,000 coins each, we can buy... A DEATH STAR!

Guild officer: Awesome! And we can fly around destroying things and...

Guild leader: WAIT! It does nothing. It just looks good that we have it!




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lol diablo 3...


that game failed so hard that its become its own meme


srsly , thats THE perfect example of how cash shops ruin games, 2 months later NO ONE is playing it, thats not even to mention the completely ruined economy due to botters , hackers and chinese farmers....AND THAT WASNT EVEN A FREE GAME!!! thank you for proving my point though


The way Blizzard did D3 is totally diff than whats going on here and you know it.

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The way Blizzard did D3 is totally diff than whats going on here and you know it.


yet it still proves my point PERFECTLY ...


even one of the biggest franchises/ips in recent gaming history can be DESTROYED by corporate greed and pay2win cash shops, did you miss the part where that game got RUINED and its economy irreparably damaged by botters farmers and exploiters? make no mistake, i wouldnt trust anything that comes out of bioware or EA simply because of the fact that THEY ARE TRYING TO SELL ME SOMETHING!


i HOPE im wrong and i have to come back here and eat my words, i truly do , because i want this game to be succesful , but i wouldnt trust EA with a potato , let alone with my wallet, so i will give the game a fwe more months, maybe partake in a month after f2p hits to check it out, but im not holding my breath for EA/BW to pull their head out of the sand anytime soon tbh

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yet it still proves my point PERFECTLY ...


even one of the biggest franchises/ips in recent gaming history can be DESTROYED by corporate greed and pay2win cash shops, did you miss the part where that game got RUINED and its economy irreparably damaged by botters farmers and exploiters? make no mistake, i wouldnt trust anything that comes out of bioware or EA simply because of the fact that THEY ARE TRYING TO SELL ME SOMETHING!


i HOPE im wrong and i have to come back here and eat my words, i truly do , because i want this game to be succesful , but i wouldnt trust EA with a potato , let alone with my wallet, so i will give the game a fwe more months, maybe partake in a month after f2p hits to check it out, but im not holding my breath for EA/BW to pull their head out of the sand anytime soon tbh


Except what SWTOR is doing isn't PTW. you can't but raid gear you can't buy pvp gear you can't buy mats with these coins.. Also this is a business they are in it to make money as with any and every game if you think other wise your naive.


Every game is a cash grab period. No one makes AAA games for the hell of it.

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Supposedly, 40% of the people that left wrote that the sub was the reason. If this is, indeed, true, then going F2P makes perfect sense.


That 40% were willing to pay a sub at some stage tho, just turns out TOR was a product they deemed unworthy a full sub.


And instead of digging in and making it worth a sub they're basically going into cruize f2p mode.


F2P doesn't kill games. It does however kill their potential.

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That 40% were willing to pay a sub at some stage tho, just turns out TOR was a product they deemed unworthy a full sub.


And instead of digging in and making it worth a sub they're basically going into cruize f2p mode.


F2P doesn't kill games. It does however kill their potential.


It was all spin though.


If that 40% wanted free thats fine. But what about the other 60%? Ignore the 60 because it's less than 40... EA = pure genius! :p

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After reading that article from joystiq. I find it funny.


The quote below about how free to play people can't invest to the level we can invest. haha. And can't create something of the size and scale of something we can create. HAHA. We're in big trouble now. Basically the content we're going to get at a faster pace is going to be medicore content. Fluff materials. Here's a pet for 200 cartel coins. If you want a christmas white and red stripe light saber it will cost you 200 cartel coins. :-)




""The free-to-play people can't invest to the level we can invest, and can't create something of the size and scale of something we can create," he said. The idea that free-to-play will take over all other MMO business models, he said is, "from a business perspective, ridiculous.""




From a Business Perspective going F2P is actually the most ideal way to make money. A Subscription Model is the worst model ever. People have different spending budget. Somebody might have $1 or $5 or none at all. Another might have a spending budget of $1000. The idea of a F2P model is selling things/services anything really to people who are willing to spend it. You want to maximize getting money from as many people as you can and all their money if possible. Since this game is an MMO. It's okay to have freebies or people who spend little amounts because those people are there as cannon fodders for the guys who are paying. More specifically they're around to populate the world so it doesn't seem like a ghost town for somebody else who is actually paying to play. With a subscription model, you can't maximize this because you're only getting $15 from the guy who could and probably would pay $1000. And then those guys who can't afford $15 wont pay or play at all. So now you got 1 guy paying $15 but nobody's around to play with. And he'll just end up quitting and the company makes no money. So this scenario on a large scale hits the game pretty hard. Look at Farmville. How Zanga has made millions from people spending farmdollars. Yet the game is F2P.



I'm all for F2P. Just so that I can have more people to play with. But I'm not holding my breathe for any 'faster content' and 'better content'. More money doesn't mean faster and better content. Since WoW has already proven this to me.

Edited by RonBorg
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OP is right. You guys obviously dont understand how F2P models are more beneficial for the game. A lot of AAA mmos that offer a f2p version have been able to release content much quicker after the transition.




I nearly fell off the couch laughing at the naivety of this post.


Dont worry, when a year goes by and the only content we get is Cash Store updates, and you come back here hollering about "where's mah contentz????" I promise we won't laugh at you.........too hard.


Go do some research on STO and AoC. Then come back here and tell us the same story.

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I kinda hope the F2P cash shop will open up new fluff content. While it will never be 100% true if they have a cash shop which brings in revenue they can hire people for just fluff content. If the number of subcribers does not drop they can continue to get main content out at the same rate.
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This is a common disrepresention of the F2P option. The company really does not make all that more money. They make maybe the same amout if they had a striving player base. As for free content or all new content that will not happen. They will barely have enough to keep the game floating. Well I do not know if i will play it once it goes F2P. I am not sure but Bioware really has not done a good enough job to get mmo players to play this game. that is the problem with the game. If it had half the subs some of the other big MMO had it would be better off. It would have never went F2P.
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You forget that most f2p mmos weren'y 500 million $$$ projects nor built around story with cutscene and voice acting being part of the core.


Wasn't cheap to make, isn't cheap to sustain. So eh, Skeleton Crew farting out vanity items and standard mmo warzones and whatnot until they´ve milked enough out of us to pull the plug.

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