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Why do people hate SWTOR, really?


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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.

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I LOVE this game. But I suspect they are destroying it and whatever rich, epic content I was expecting to see with my monthly sub just got thrown under a bus in favour of the fast and easy profit in a Cartel Coins store. Edited by ProsaicProse
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I truly believe no one hates the game itself, rather what potential it has/had, and how it's fallen WAY short .....




This !


Given the resources they had, they only managed to make a very, very mediocre game, based on design philosophies from 2004.


Also it often does not feel like Star Wars or KOTOR - see armor design.

Edited by HammersteinSW
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Trolls....hate anything they do.


Plus beyond high expectations. People expected TOR to be the Second Coming or something...everyone wanted "EVERYTHING NOW!!!!!!!" all the time. Very unrealistic playerbase...that is what happened.

Edited by Eillack
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I truly believe no one hates the game itself, rather what potential it has/had, and how it's fallen WAY short .....




In that regard I think MMOs fall victim to our instant gratification mentality. It's an MMO so it's a marathon not a sprint. There is little point in judging the quality of an mmo that has been out less than a year. If it winds up like any of the many other MMOs that have been around a while, we haven't seen a fraction of what this game will be, nor should we have by now.

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Its because so many people are coming from different MMO's that they all want something, but Bioware couldn't give them everything they wanted when they wanted it. Yeah there are a few things that should have been there since launch, but from what I've read about WoW is that in the very EARLY stages of its construction has the same problem. Now people are complaining that SWTOR doesn't have this or that when WoW didn't have it when it first started. Bugs the crap out of me and because of these people, about 85% of general discussion is filled with negative feedback. Anyone can say this game blows or this game is bad etc, but none of them can provide a legitimate solution to the problem theyre complaining about. Should have, could have, would have, whatever they say, I'd like to see them come up with content with the least amount of bugs, and something that satisfies everyone in the time period theyre asking for...
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MMO newbies who don't realize MMOs have to grow and evolve. Impatience. Stupidity. TOR's naysayers are ungrateful, spoiled babies basically. And they are largely the reason the F2P option was added. They filled the Internet with so many negative comments that new players stopped coming. They killed TOR before a year. They killed it before it had a chance to evolve and grow. 8 months. Edited by undeniablyjeff
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It just became the popular thing to bash. People are strange creatures.


It made itself a "popular" thing to bash. Super hype, lots of talk of content to be released on a frequent schedule which never came to fruition, opened 100+ servers that were shut down in months, and now it is free to play.


Im sure they had a lot of content developed for release, but saw the massive downward drop in players, and knew a long time ago that F2P was imminent. So that content became part of the F2P transistion, and a lot of it will be "pay for it if you want it" content.


I will call it now, the first round of Pay content will be things players have been asking for all along. Armor that actually looks like Star Wars attire, customizable ship layouts, maybe even mini games.

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Given the resources they had, they only managed to make a very, very mediocre game, based on design philosophies from 2004.


Also it often does not feel like Star Wars or KOTOR - see armor design.


What do you mean by design philosophies from '04?


My Consular looks like a Jedi (custom armor FTW)

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It made itself a "popular" thing to bash. Super hype, lots of talk of content to be released on a frequent schedule which never came to fruition, opened 100+ servers that were shut down in months, and now it is free to play.


Im sure they had a lot of content developed for release, but saw the massive downward drop in players, and knew a long time ago that F2P was imminent. So that content became part of the F2P transistion, and a lot of it will be "pay for it if you want it" content.


I will call it now, the first round of Pay content will be things players have been asking for all along. Armor that actually looks like Star Wars attire, customizable ship layouts, maybe even mini games.


MMOs need more than 8 months to gain momentum. Impatient people like you killed it.

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It made itself a "popular" thing to bash.


How? The first "SWTOR is gonna fail" post came after we found out they spent a lot on voice actors (which is a complaint the entire Warcraft series has consistently recieved).


Would it be different if we never knew how much was spent on voices?

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MMOs need more than 8 months to gain momentum. Impatient people like you killed it.


You think the players killed this game? I gave them my money, they took it and your money too, and laughed all the way to the F2P bank. Look at EA and Bioware if you want to see who "killed" the game.

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In that regard I think MMOs fall victim to our instant gratification mentality. It's an MMO so it's a marathon not a sprint. There is little point in judging the quality of an mmo that has been out less than a year. If it winds up like any of the many other MMOs that have been around a while, we haven't seen a fraction of what this game will be, nor should we have by now.


So by that logic all MMOs should come out a year later to have finished baking? If you can't judge a product (or service-MMOs tend to be both) by what you can directly experience how are you supposed to judge it? Wait a year for the first rounds of subscribers (aka paid beta testers) to fund the growing pains until it's more like what it's supposed to be? If everyone did that I presume that MMO would die from lack of funds.


Under your model the early subscribers are investors as well as testers-what compensation do they get for this? In this game they get a 'Founder' title and nothing else, even though they allowed the game to live long enough to go f2p rather than shutting down completely.

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You think the players killed this game? I gave them my money, they took it and your money too, and laughed all the way to the F2P bank. Look at EA and Bioware if you want to see who "killed" the game.


I'm done here. You obviously haven't played enough of these games to know how they work. It's not console gaming. It's not plug and play. It's an investment by both developer and player. 8 months is not long enough. Go do some reading about the big MMORPGs of the industry's history and get an estimate of how long it generally takes a game to gain momentum.


Here's a hint: it's longer than 8 months.

Edited by undeniablyjeff
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So how long are players supposed to twiddle their thumbs on the fleet waiting for this momentum to build, all while paying for the privilege?


You too. Stick to consoles and instant gratification models. This isn't the right gaming genre for you.

Edited by undeniablyjeff
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I'm done here. You obviously haven't played enough of these games to know how they work. It's not console gaming. It's not plug and play. It's an investment by both developer and player. 8 months is not long enough. Go do some reading about the big MMORPGs of the industry's history and get an estimate of how long it generally takes a game to gain momentum.


Here's a hint: it's longer than 8 months.


So it's ok to charge full price for a half-baked game in hopes that it will eventually blossom into the game it's supposed to be? I don't get anything for my 'investment' other than an unfinished game and a meaningless title. It's not like I get shares in EA stock for each month of investing in their product (although I wouldn't want them at this point anyway).

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I've been gaming here since Beta, and have interacted with many players on a few servers, and I think the word "hate" is inaccurate. The word most use to describe their feelings toward TOR is frustration. The massive disconnect between the game developers (and other higher ups) and players was pretty pathetic. BW would rather throw a "discuss this" thread up, and rarely address the important questions, matter of fact they chose to ignore the most popular questions/concerns all the time. Whether it was BW, EA or LA who are to blame, the game had/has a ton of potential, but when you choose to ignore the glowing issues plaguing the game, the massive PvP popularity that grew about, and rarely discuss important issues within the game with your player base (The weekly Q/A threads were a joke lol)....you get F2P option and cancellations.


It amazes me to this day, how big companies like EA still don't get it, congrats on your failure.

Edited by Pistols
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People who honestly think that the ones who rave on negatively about the game forced it into a ftp model are just so blind.

The game did it to itself

The main reason all games in the last 5 is 3 main reasons

-lack of content

-lack of class balance

-horrid lag/unplayable circumstances


swtor hit on all three and that why people left

lack of content I think is pretty obvious and coupled with the fact that we were blatently lied to when they said they would be rolling out content every month (which we have gotten nothing since that interview btw) pretty simple to say they failed in this regard


lack of class balance-the class balance in this game is worse now then it was in the beginning of the game, and thy have made absolutely no attempt to address it, not even the canned "we are working on it"


horrid lag/unplayable-still bugs in "raid content" since day 1-Ilum I'm sure we are remember. Again those bugs since day 1 not addressed. Open world pvp which was an advertizing feature gets shut down and nothing on it since. That was months ago btw


1 or all of these things happened in previously failed games like Aion, Vanguard, Warhammer, AoC etc etc And this game has all three.

That is why people talk negatively about this game just like they talked negatively about those games.

When you combine a gaming company with a great rep BW with arguably the most popular IP in the world Star Wars, and make a game that costed more then any other game in history and you lose more then 1/2 your subs in 8 months (and that will again spiral down for the 3rd quarter) it becomes completly clear that it is the game

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So it's ok to charge full price for a half-baked game in hopes that it will eventually blossom into the game it's supposed to be? I don't get anything for my 'investment' other than an unfinished game and a meaningless title. It's not like I get shares in EA stock for each month of investing in their product (although I wouldn't want them at this point anyway).


You too. You're playing the wrong type of game.

Edited by undeniablyjeff
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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


Some people are just miserable little creatures with nothing positive going for them at all anywhere in their lives. And these miserable little creatures have no power or authority or money or influence and so they go online and they gnash their teeth and wail and moan about how EVERYTHING sucks.


But it's not really the game these people hate, it's their lives.


Go look through post history on the LOUDEST and rudest people, whenever I see a new "THIS GAME SUXORZ GG BW!!!" thread I do just that. In the vast majority of cases, these people have been here playing since December, and COMPLAINING since December.


Some of them have created HUNDREDS of "I QUIT" and "THIS GAME SUCKS" threads. I can only conclude that:

1. They are trolling, some of them even admit to it but this does not account for all.

2. Have NOTHING going on their lives to the point they can waste their free time playing games they HATE

3. Are ragers that simply get on to post about how stupid the game is after EVERY wz loss

4. Hate themselves and think they should suffer by forcing them to do things they know they hate

5. Delusional and self absorbed.

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