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how many new people will they get for this price


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From the little they have revealed to us, I donot think very many. Thier FTP model is sounding too restrictive. Ether do it right or not do it at all I say. Have to wait and see the details on what the restrictions are besides the little info they have provided so far.
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I think they will get lots of new players.


I can't quantify that though for lack of data, but I doubt they will making lots of money from the f2pers since these probably will be made up of players who play f2p because its f2p (and do not plan to spend money) and gold miners.


The f2pers probably won't stay long, as there possibly will have other new f2p games in the horizon and the gold miners will often get banned. SO there will probably be spikes in the first few weeks and this will probably taper off to a plateau. Whether this plateau is higher than the current plateau remains to be seen. Of course, there may be current subscribers who may unsub, affecting the net figure.

Edited by Ratior
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Anyone who wanted to try the game could already have done so for free, up to level 15. If the 40% they're talking about wanting f2p are those people, then when f2p happens those people will come back and level whatever classes stories they want to see to 50. Then they will leave again.


50 cents a day isn't the barrier to entry here. Nobody with a PC capable of running this game should be challenged by that fee. The barrier to entry is the game's lack of compelling content.


I don't think this is going to work out the way they think it will.

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The problem will not be getting new folks, it will be in player retention. That is the problem we have now, and free to play is probably not going to fix that.


You have to fix the reasons why folks left in the first place if you have any hope they will come back and stay.

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Anyone who wanted to try the game could already have done so for free, up to level 15. If the 40% they're talking about wanting f2p are those people, then when f2p happens those people will come back and level whatever classes stories they want to see to 50. Then they will leave again.


50 cents a day isn't the barrier to entry here. Nobody with a PC capable of running this game should be challenged by that fee. The barrier to entry is the game's lack of compelling content.


I don't think this is going to work out the way they think it will.


I concur. I think they just put a few more nails in the coffin actually. People who left because they couldnt handle the fee, sounded more like, "40% of our former subscribers felt the subscription wasnt worth it.". Because who wants to pay for a buggy game, with a crappy engine that cant handle more than 8vs8, slow patches (content wise), even if they do patch a bug and say it's fixed it's not. Little communication, horrible customer service.


The only thing this game had was the story when you're leveling up. People will either get to end game and leave, or if they can roll an alt and play another story. They're too restricted in the content from the looks of it anyways. If they can only do so many Warzones per week. A WH weapon cost like a little over 3400 Ranked WZ comms, or 10,200 WZ comms total. Even if you get 140 comms each match (which ofcourse you wont), thats 73 (72.85) WZ's right there. And after that, you're done for the week. If they do buy access to WZ's, you'll soon burn yourself out seeing the same WZ's anyways.


That said, who's going to be drawn here anyways? You could Buy2Play the game, and have restricted access until you sub for the game. Or you could Buy2Play GW2, and enjoy everything. Along with that they probably ended up losing a small chunk of subs, just because they either: dont like B2P games in general, they dont trust EA to not add Pay2Win items like the rest of their games (me), they're not sure on the whole Cartel shop to begin with so they want to see how it plays out.


I was already planning to goto GW2, as the PvP here has gotten boring. But I really think they shot themselves in the foot a couple times with this one. GW2 isn't the second coming of MMO Jesus, but if you didnt keep up with games, which would you choose? A game designed for Buy2Play, or a game designed for Pay2Play and then went Buy2Play with limited access? They would have been better off to let GW2's hype die down and announce F2P at the end of the year, and catch the people who tried GW2 and found it just wasnt for them.

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The problem will not be getting new folks, it will be in player retention. That is the problem we have now, and free to play is probably not going to fix that.


You have to fix the reasons why folks left in the first place if you have any hope they will come back and stay.


Yup, give us a endgame.

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