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Here's a customer Bioware has kept with F2P (we are the 40 percent?)


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Or know something even far better, rather than taking on that second job and spending less time with the kids? Save 60 bucks per month by being able to play swtor with the wife and 2 kids, save 720 a year.


Now that becomes an option, save money, and you can actually call it family time if done with moderation.


However, judging by your post history, I don't think you'll comprehend such line of thought.


You are correct sir. I have a very hard time comprehending getting something for free... that's not really free but others are paying for.

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What they should do is, those things that Free 2 Play players can buy, should also be earnable by subscribers. Whether through their monthly cartel coins, or by playing the game. Like items that only drop in operations for example; that free to play customers can't do.
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First off...THANK YOU for posting this thread. I completely appreciate what you are saying as my situation is not much different than your own on the home front. I thought your example of netflix and paper sub were very good.


SWTOR is about the only game I go play these days (free time permitting) and I sub for 6 mos at a time as I like the savings. I WILL resub on the 17th for another 6 mos as I feel I'm getting my money's worth for the things I'm doing with my 50's while I'm leveling and enjoying the other class story lines. After I get all 8 characters to 50 I might look at the F2P model and see if it makes more sense for me at that point. Maybe for $8 a month I can buy enough comms to support a few ops a week or something (however it all works out) and save myself a couple of bucks until the next big expansion.


I'm excited that now my daughter can play for free, my son can choose to sub or go free and that I can probably get a few other friends to give the game a try because it's free. I honestly cannot find a down side. People who want to sub cause they get their $ worth CAN, those that don't feel they are getting the full $15 worth out of the game due to WHATEVER reason can still play for free. WIN-WIN.

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My fear is that developing fluff for coinshops will take away from dveloping content. Ofc some time will be spend on developing stuff to buy for coins, and that stuff will only be fluff according to EA/BW. So basicly paying custumors will be loosing content when it goes f2p.

Thats what i fear at least.

Edited by Petnil
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You are correct sir. I have a very hard time comprehending getting something for free... that's not really free but others are paying for.


Think of it like this; the allowance, which your parents are paying for ;-).

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Think of it like this; the allowance, which your parents are paying for ;-).


That's awful tough to remember as it last happened over 30 years ago. I like to earn my living and pay for my own toys. Is it wrong to expect other adults to do the same?

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That's awful tough to remember as it last happened over 30 years ago. I like to earn my living and pay for my own toys. Is it wrong to expect other adults to do the same?


F2P accounts pay for the game box, which gives them the 1-50 game and a very limited endgame experience. If they want to do more than a few flashpoints or warzones per week, they have to subscribe. They also have to pay for any new content.


Subscribers get everything, same as they do now. You pay more (or more regularly, anyways), you get more. What about this business model is difficult to understand?

Edited by announcerharris
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the thing is, much of the new content will probably be paid for fluff stuff instead on ops and flashpoint and stuff. so were not loosing any of the current content, but in reality were loosing on upcoming content, unless ea/bw get a lot more money from f2p model Edited by Petnil
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You should turn off Fox News, chief - not everything is a secret plan by Obama to turn us into communists. :p


Really? I mean Really? Where the F&^% did that come from?

Edited by Mancer
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Cool, since that is nothing, do you mind paying my sub for me?


I love idiots there is always one out there that says hey if its nothing then pay for my sub. Do you know where you can save 180 dollars a year? Dont go out and by fast food for dinner every night, brew your own coffee, I dont know pretty much anything you do in life you can cut costs. 180 dollars is really about 5 hours of most normal peoples paychecks per week. I roll change every three months and I have 180 dollars right there.

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How is that any worse than now. Take WZ's for example. Every lvl 50 hero downs anyone that doesn't have hero gear or a nwe player who just hit 45 and doesn't have ANY WZ gear as a joke in a WZ. Fleet chat is always full of Jawa this and Jawa that and be damned if a player asks a real question or needs help. I saw a guy ask if there were helmets for a lvl 15 player in the game. As i was telling him to check the GTN , 10 others told him to shut up and L2P and that he didn't need a helm. at 15 and that if he just got back to playing he'd get one. I sent him a /w and told him i'd get him one. Took him to BT and ran it 3 times till we got one for him. All the while pees who were 50's WZ heroes are sitting around the PVP bounty boards and saying stuff like "where is that dumbarse who asked for a helm. Bet he's just looking for a hand out." It was a 15yr old kid and TBH , i'd rather spend 18hrs a day helping that kid , who was considerate , respectfull , kind and helpfull , than to spend 1 min in any WZ , FP or OP's with any of those lvl 50's.


That kid will probably be 50% of the model that will come with F2P , and TBH , i'd rather have him than half the 50's out there.


First, right now you have people more willing to put in the effort to find something or work towards something because there is money involved. They have a skin in the game so to speak. Where as when it goes to F2P and you have people that do not have skin in the game they are often people who don't care and won't put in that same effort in general because what do they care, if they don't get what they want or don't get it easy enough they feel no reason to keep trying because they don't have money riding on it. They haven't invested money or very little. Second, you multiply the current problem people because you are adding more of those kind of people to the pot. Now as I said in my post you quoted, you will pick up some decent people but the number of those vs the number of moronic ***** that don't care if they stick around or not that join will be a much much MUCH lower percentage. Third, the kid you described, while I do not know him /her most likely, was not the kind of person I was referring to. But instead of trying to argue against my point you came forward with an example of the type of person that I was obviously NOT talking about. Your example was poor and you did little to refute my points.

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I love idiots there is always one out there that says hey if its nothing then pay for my sub. Do you know where you can save 180 dollars a year? Dont go out and by fast food for dinner every night, brew your own coffee, I dont know pretty much anything you do in life you can cut costs. 180 dollars is really about 5 hours of most normal peoples paychecks per week. I roll change every three months and I have 180 dollars right there.


I can't be bothered to roll change. My daughter takes it off my dresser and rolls it. Of course, she then gets to keep the $180/year for it... :cool:

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Exactly. Its a perfect buisness model. Get those you lost back at a loss , but still back and paying. $1 mil. vs a -$3 mil. (thats if they do a store like everyone says , but i haven't seen anything stating such)


It allows those who couldn't or didn't see $15 a month as worth it , the flexibility to spend when they can and still enjoy the game. The company keeps income and those of us who keep our subs get more content ( $1mil profit vs a -$3 mill loss = $1 mil they didn't have before that they do now and can spend on new content)


And those that couldn't see $15 a month as worth it , even if they never spend a dime at the store (which i still haven't seen a note on as actually something they plan on doing) we all benifit.


No it's not the perfect business model, which is exactly what I tried explaining earlier. Because of the quality of people and the eventual quality of content they will be pushing more of the paying subs out the door. I watched it happen with two other games I was a part of. This isn't my first rodeo here with this. Yes there will be an initial burst and after a few months the decline will start again. And if the devs are incapable of maintaining quality content that will keep the players engaged the people WILL leave again. And again given the previous experience with this the content quality WILL decline and rather rapidly. And in case you decide to ask why, that is because the devs will become more interested in putting out small bits of content and putting it out fast. Why? Because they know the faster they can get these little updates of content out the faster they will get people to spend 100 200 300 500 even "cartel coins" for each little pack. The bottom line will become how fast instead of how good. So when that content quality starts declining because less time and effort is put into creating and debugging the new stuff, you WILL start seeing the people who are giving Bioware that guaranteed check every month leaving and leaving in droves. And this is exactly what the ardent supporters of F2P just won't, can't, or absolutely refuse to understand.


No, F2P change s like this are NOT a good thing. Like I said before I've been to this rodeo before, several times already and I've already seen the outcome.

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$180 dollars a year is nothing.. If you can't afford that then you shouldn't own a computer, let alone pay for internet access.. $180 dollars a year doesn't even get you McDonald's for the family each week let alone twice a month.. No Starbucks coffee everyday either.. Not to mention you are probably eating meals that come strictly out of a box.. Just a side note.. If you sub for the 6mo. package it is a lot cheaper..


There are no ops in the F2P model.. So if you go F2P you can kiss your operations goodbye.. You will also have limited acces to warzones..


See for yourself..


It has also been confirmed that F2P people won't be able to post in the forums.. Just saying...


No.. If you stay subbed, then you do not lose anything.. The people that will lose are the ones that will cancel.. F2P has never meant free in any game.. There are always restrictions..


How can you honestly make the assumption that he is eating meals out of a box?

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