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Smug and BH should be their own faction


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Just because Han Solo ended up working for the Republic and Boba Fett worked for the Empire doesn't mean all smugglers worked for the Republic and all bounty hunters worked for Imperials. An Imperial officer even stated he didn't even like having that type of scum around...


Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should have their own faction and be neutral. Call it Oppurtunist, or Freelancer or something and have Bounty/Job boards in each fleet for their missions.

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Well I can't see why they're not able to visit either Hutta or Ord Mantell as both of those are usually havens for Smugglers and Bounty Hunters. I hope they'll eventually make Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Tython, Ord Mantell, Korriban and Hutta accessible to all factions.
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As for WZ PvP, faction doesn't seem to matter anymore anyway. I've seen same factions against eachother lately. As for world PvP, I don't have all the answers. There has to be a working three faction PvP model somewhere.


But you have two governments that are at the extreme opposite ends of the spectrum. Then you have two types of people that make money off both of them. Neither of them should have to choose a government.


Just sayin'

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if you take it serious and realistic (in this little SW world) both are in the right faction, because they are not working for the other faction in the first place.


actually, there need to be 2 more factions to make the star wars universe more complete.


1. the hutts (important faction)

2. the mandalorians (in the long term)


both are having a big influence in the story...


after reading the bane trilogy, "fatal alliance" and "deceived" it shows that the star wars universe is not a 2 faction world, it is a world that has 2 factions trying to make the rules.

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if you take it serious and realistic (in this little SW world) both are in the right faction, because they are not working for the other faction in the first place.


actually, there need to be 2 more factions to make the star wars universe more complete.


1. the hutts (important faction)

2. the mandalorians (in the long term)


both are having a big influence in the story...


after reading the bane trilogy, "fatal alliance" and "deceived" it shows that the star wars universe is not a 2 faction world, it is a world that has 2 factions trying to make the rules.


My point is they should not be working for those two factions exclusively. But you made an excellent point with Hutts and Mandalorians.


For the sake of my idea, Bounty Hunters and Smugglers could work for Hutts because they go between both Imperials and Republic.


Mandalorians would be harder to incorporate because of their honor code and all, but it is definatly an excellent idea.

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My point is they should not be working for those two factions exclusively. But you made an excellent point with Hutts and Mandalorians.

"not exclusively" is a good point. thats right. i am sure that is point came up during development already, but the put them there because the Jedi would never hire a Bounty Hunter and the Empire would never hire a Smuggler (for what, if he is smuggling it would be not to get caught from the empire :D)


For the sake of my idea, Bounty Hunters and Smugglers could work for Hutts because they go between both Imperials and Republic.

bringing in the Hutts would be great, but they just play a small role and to be honest i do not believe BW will make any significant change in roles EVER.... :(

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Though I think this would be too great of an endeavor for them to consider, I think it would be really neat. :)


Heck, I remember when I was playing on Hutta, I heard one of those NPC conversations and it was about smuggling! Yet Smugglers are not allowed on Hutta, clearly they must all be aligned with the Republic. :p



Which they sort of are in the game, as you become a Republic Privateer in the Smuggler story. Not sure if you can avoid this or not, though.


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