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Does nobody think Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors need a HUGE NERFBAT?


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It's funny.. if this game wasn't going F2P.. I might have actually stuck around and hoped for the best for a bit longer.. something about it going F2P just feels.. desperate. I don't know how else to put it.


Anyway I have been on the edge of unsubbing for a second time now for a while... right around the time they nerfed the hell out of my sage to complete oblivion and now all I see are JEDI KNIGHTS or SITH WARRIORS, etiher class in each case, doesn't matter.. all they do is LEAP around like little fairies over and over spamming their 6000 DMG (AREA OF EFFECT!!!) sweep or whatever it's called for Siths.. finishing you off with a lightsaber throw for 4k etc..


I mean.. honestly... my only defence as a sage for example.. a shield which they burn through in .2 seconds.. and a 2 second speed burst that they just LEAP to me in groups of 3 or more (because honestly it's like 75% Knights or Warriors in PvP in any given game in most cases) that totally stops me in my tracks, and then ANOTHER 6K AOE sweep and bye bye.


If I DO manage to EVER get a chance to hit on one for a bit, it's either a tank spec with close to 30k HEALTH IN SOME CASES.. ridiculous.. that takes 5 guys to wail on before he's even remotely dead... during which he's doing his AOE for 6k crits (it always crits after a leap so don't really need to say that)...


Back on track... if I do get close to killing a sentinal though .. oop.. he gets like a 4 or 5 second immunity ability pretty much... then goes invisible! .. then pops a potion or something and is leaping out of invisibility at me.. 6k AOE sweep.. game over..


It's just absolutely ridiculous.


I mean there is a reason why there are SO SO SO SO SOOO many Knights and Warriors in any given PvP.. and if not them.. it's a vangaurd or pyrotech now that is FOTM as well...


I just don't see people complaining about it but I mean..


BE REASONABLE EA/BIOWARE ... you're giving the BIGGEST HIT IN THE GAME.. to what is suppposed to be a glass cannon!!! Or something killable at least.. but they aren't.. they go invisible.. they go IMMUNITY.. or they have almost 30K health ... and it's 6K AOE for god's sake!


How is a Sniper or Gunslinger supposed to feel for example? It's single target .. take an ability with a huge cast time like Aimed Shot.. which is single target.. and it's absolute **** compared to Jedi Knight Sweep ... it MIGHT do 4500 Damage on ONE target.. where as the Knights and Siths are doing 6K AOE...


Wow.. just wow.. the biggest hit in the game should always go to the SINGLE TARGET class with the longest cast time on their ability!! Always!! Instead you gave it to the **** you in the face melee jedi's and sith's who happen to also throw out 6K AOE's every 12 seconds or so just for fun.


Who are practically invulnerable either do to gigantic HP or Invisibility + Immunity to damage etc..


AOE abilities should NEVER EVER EVER be the biggest hit in the game.. that should always go to Single Target / Long Cast time classes..


That's class balance 101.. which you obviously didn't take.


It's been MONTHS.. no changes what so ever..


I don't see why I HAVE been paying to get rolled by teams of almost all warriors and pyrotechs.. I guess because I rolled one as an alt and have been having somewhat of a good time just destroying whoever i wish in PvP with no challenge or skill what so ever needed.


But I don't want a game with basically just 1 or 2 viable classes.. I had to abandon my Commando long ago because they are so utterly useless and underpowered in game... then went sage because it's a ranged class.. got nerfed to ****.. maybe if I play my sentinel now they'll finally nerf them but i mean..


What the HELL took so long.. or i should say.. is taking so long..??


It's so blatantly obvious..





/unsub and play for free in a few months when hopefully they've finally addressed it.. and if not.. at least i'm not paying for them to **** up anymore

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wait...F2P? I just got home, what did i miss?


also. No..you are the only one who has ever commented on Knights/Warriors. Forum is just flooded with commando nerf requests


Exactly. I mean, look at episode III. It took HOW MANY commandos to take down a Jedi? The fact that 3 here are sometimes able to take down a sentinel is just ridiculous >_>

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Exactly. I mean, look at episode III. It took HOW MANY commandos to take down a Jedi? The fact that 3 here are sometimes able to take down a sentinel is just ridiculous >_>


I realise that Pyro's are Fotm and get majority of nerfbat calls but how have knights and warriors going under the radar for so long?? Do they not see that it's like realistically 50% AT LEAST knights or warriors in each pvp team? rest is vangaurd/pyrotechs ..


I'm usually the only Sage and I'm balance specced so just fubarred...


as far as L2P .. you've obviously never played me.. I go plenty of matches that I can go top damage top heals.. but it's DESPITE my class.. not because of it.. I have to be constantly hiding behind corners.. throwing out DOTS, shielding my team with my bubble, and running AS SOON AS I GET HIT BY ANYTHING to lose line of sight because otherwise I'm getting leaped at and killed in about 2 seconds.. 6 if they have to wait for their force choke to finish before 6k sweeping me. :rolleyes:

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I really.....REALLY..hope you arent serious. :rolleyes:


Dead serious.. and dead on.


Hey I have been playing a Sent myself and it's just a joke how easy it is to play and demolish .. I'm top damage almost EVERY pvp match I play.. all I have to do is leap around like a ballerina, force sweep AOE damage for 4.5K easy 1-49 bracket.. leap to someone else.. free cost rollface master strike.. leap to someone else force sweep AOE damage for 4.5K


oh.. getting hit.. np.. i'm INVISIBLE now!! you can't see me.. no longer targeted on me... aaaand LEAP to someone else.. AOE force sweep 4.5k damage..


etc, etc, etc.. I don't even have the invulnerablitity yet


Obviously I'm leaving out the force choke etc.. but basically that's all i do for easy top damage, top kills, solo kills..


Now I see why karate masters call their students grasshoppers

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Each and every time we get a thread where someone calls for a nerf I at first wish for zero nerfs as I have seen nerfs destroy many games.


Then the clown brigade arrives and I wish there was a way to perma block people across all games for all time.


Please try to be positive. The best thing any of us can do for pvp is to logout of the forums, into the game and queue for pvp.


Good luck.

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Each and every time we get a thread where someone calls for a nerf I at first wish for zero nerfs as I have seen nerfs destroy many games.


Then the clown brigade arrives and I wish there was a way to perma block people across all games for all time.


Please try to be positive. The best thing any of us can do for pvp is to logout of the forums, into the game and queue for pvp.


Good luck.


Hey I'm just calling it how it is.. if they want to make it this easy for me to faceroll with a Jedi Sent.. then I will continue to do that. No difference to me.. I'd just like to see some other classes maybe from time to time in PvP matches??


Call me crazy...


But hell .. if they want all sents gaurdians and pyrotechs and that's it.. whatever... i'll play the OP EasyMode class and demolish with it. /whatevs

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Hey I'm just calling it how it is.. if they want to make it this easy for me to faceroll with a Jedi Sent.. then I will continue to do that. No difference to me.. I'd just like to see some other classes maybe from time to time in PvP matches??


Call me crazy...


But hell .. if they want all sents gaurdians and pyrotechs and that's it.. whatever... i'll play the OP EasyMode class and demolish with it. /whatevs


Honestly I highly doubt that you play now (or have ever played) a Jedi Sentinel. You seem to have no idea how difficult the class actually is. I imagine you play a Sorcerer or a caster class and you are tired of Sentinels scoring kills on you... Which is fine... But please... Stop trying to get the class nerfed for no reason.

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you complain about their DPS and their tank spec like one person can be both, if they are rage/focus smashing/sweeping you then they probably don't have 30k HP or if they do than their sweeps are garbage. stop QQ'ing or at least get your facts straight. I personally think focus/rage specs are easier to handle than the others specs... u know they are going to use 1 attack and they have to be on your *** to do it... kite them, knock back, sprint, bubble, slow, whirlwind, sorcs have a lot of tools in their bag of tricks, especially the lightning ones... figure your **** out... as a light armor class you have to be more aware of your surroundings. if you are getting pounced on and not being able to fight back either your whole team is getting whooped or you are just bad at positioning... im sure if i was playing a DPS and i saw a guy with robes out in the open i'd smash his face too... get sneaky man... use terrain, use levels so your knock backs knock them down, don't stand near edges so they cant charge up to you... sorry this is just a slightly more informative L2P but... well... it's true
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Dead serious.. and dead on.


Hey I have been playing a Sent myself and it's just a joke how easy it is to play and demolish .. I'm top damage almost EVERY pvp match I play.. all I have to do is leap around like a ballerina, force sweep AOE damage for 4.5K easy 1-49 bracket.. leap to someone else.. free cost rollface master strike.. leap to someone else force sweep AOE damage for 4.5K


oh.. getting hit.. np.. i'm INVISIBLE now!! you can't see me.. no longer targeted on me... aaaand LEAP to someone else.. AOE force sweep 4.5k damage..


etc, etc, etc.. I don't even have the invulnerablitity yet


Obviously I'm leaving out the force choke etc.. but basically that's all i do for easy top damage, top kills, solo kills..


Now I see why karate masters call their students grasshoppers


You're not getting 4.5k smashes everytime you leap sub 36 bro. Quit lying. You only have the choke on a 1 minute CD to proc shockwave so all you're getting is a like 1.5k smash after every charge.


So **** yo and stop trying to lead us on.

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Honestly I highly doubt that you play now (or have ever played) a Jedi Sentinel. You seem to have no idea how difficult the class actually is. I imagine you play a Sorcerer or a caster class and you are tired of Sentinels scoring kills on you... Which is fine... But please... Stop trying to get the class nerfed for no reason.


Actually I do have a lvl 36 Sent.. why would I make that up?

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You're not getting 4.5k smashes everytime you leap sub 36 bro. Quit lying. You only have the choke on a 1 minute CD to proc shockwave so all you're getting is a like 1.5k smash after every charge.


So **** yo and stop trying to lead us on.


Like I said .. I was leaving out the time to force choke.. I am lvl 36 sent actually.


I think you are forgetting something called "Zen" .. gives you 4 Unity right away .. ??


Not to mention the ability I don't have yet but coming shortly "force Exhaustion" only 18 second cooldown.


That's 3 different ways to build 4 unity and pretty much constantly roll top AOE damage, biggest hit in the game.

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If you honestly think that Rage/Focus SW/JK are that OP then you are horribly wrong. They have a 12 sec cd on their only useful hit have like a 1 sec delay on the animation and are really east to kill despite their defensive CDs ( as a sent/mara, guard/jugg ones are really ez to kill). One useful tip when you playing Sage remember to use force slow.
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Like I said .. I was leaving out the time to force choke.. I am lvl 36 sent actually.


I think you are forgetting something called "Zen" .. gives you 4 Unity right away .. ??


Not to mention the ability I don't have yet but coming shortly "force Exhaustion" only 18 second cooldown.


That's 3 different ways to build 4 unity and pretty much constantly roll top AOE damage, biggest hit in the game.


Ah yeah i forgot about that one... I'm not sure why you're so amazed it's the only good thing about the spec, that's all you really have is that one big hit. It's like pew pew pew pew pew pew pew BANG.

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Dead serious.. and dead on.


Hey I have been playing a Sent myself and it's just a joke how easy it is to play and demolish .. I'm top damage almost EVERY pvp match I play.. all I have to do is leap around like a ballerina, force sweep AOE damage for 4.5K easy 1-49 bracket.. leap to someone else.. free cost rollface master strike.. leap to someone else force sweep AOE damage for 4.5K


oh.. getting hit.. np.. i'm INVISIBLE now!! you can't see me.. no longer targeted on me... aaaand LEAP to someone else.. AOE force sweep 4.5k damage..


etc, etc, etc.. I don't even have the invulnerablitity yet


Obviously I'm leaving out the force choke etc.. but basically that's all i do for easy top damage, top kills, solo kills..


Now I see why karate masters call their students grasshoppers


Please post a screenshot of you smashing/sweeping for 4.5k I'll give you a noddy badge and unlimited brownie points.

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wait...F2P? I just got home, what did i miss?


also. No..you are the only one who has ever commented on Knights/Warriors. Forum is just flooded with commando nerf requests

Game is going F2P and then it's also not going F2P. There is still the subscriber system that gives you access to all content and new bonuses and hen there is F2P where you have access to content up to level 50 and restrictions are thrown in. (Example: You can't raid if you're F2P.)


It's a combination of TF2's and Everquest's F2P model. but really nothing has changed.

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you complain about their DPS and their tank spec like one person can be both, if they are rage/focus smashing/sweeping you then they probably don't have 30k HP or if they do than their sweeps are garbage. stop QQ'ing or at least get your facts straight. I personally think focus/rage specs are easier to handle than the others specs... u know they are going to use 1 attack and they have to be on your *** to do it... kite them, knock back, sprint, bubble, slow, whirlwind, sorcs have a lot of tools in their bag of tricks, especially the lightning ones... figure your **** out... as a light armor class you have to be more aware of your surroundings. if you are getting pounced on and not being able to fight back either your whole team is getting whooped or you are just bad at positioning... im sure if i was playing a DPS and i saw a guy with robes out in the open i'd smash his face too... get sneaky man... use terrain, use levels so your knock backs knock them down, don't stand near edges so they cant charge up to you... sorry this is just a slightly more informative L2P but... well... it's true


My appologies if I made it seem that way.


Clearly Gaurdians are the ones with close to 30K hp in some cases, and Sents are the ones with the invisibility and immunity to damage tricks.


Other than that I'm reffering to the "focus" talent tree which is basically the same for both.

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Stop it already. There is nothing wrong with the Jedi Knight (Sentinel or Guardian specs) or their Sith Warrior mirrors. STOP IT.


It isn't the game that is making me quit.


It is the whining. The constant whining about things that are non-issues.

Guardians and Juggs are fine, but the Sents and Maras need to lose their Invincibility. It's ridiculously OP with a short cooldown and on a class that is spec'd for full damage. If they take that away then they'll be fine.

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My appologies if I made it seem that way.


Clearly Gaurdians are the ones with close to 30K hp in some cases, and Sents are the ones with the invisibility and immunity to damage tricks.


Other than that I'm reffering to the "focus" talent tree which is basically the same for both.



My friend a Guardian?Juggernaut tank geared in Full WH tank gear, with full endurance augments and pve bracers and belt ( as well as optional PVE armoring in one of the set pieces ) etc will get about 26k. A Focus Guardian/Jugg will NEVER get close to 30k while still hitting for 6K. Btw what's the gear/HP on your Sage that gets molested ( an undergeared Sage is perhaps the most atrocious creature in this game)?

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