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Favorite NPC so far...


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I liked the Imperial captain on Dromund Kaas, whose soldiers were kidenapped by the rogue Sith. I found the voice acting for that character amazing!


Duchess? Her VA was really good.


I didn't like the butchy Mandalorian though as part of the Revanite quest, I found her VA was trying too hard.

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She was one of the NPCs I felt legitimately sorry for, the guy who played her soldier did a really good job too. That whole questline was just very very sad.


Indeed. For such a short questline (not really a line, just a quest) it had a great impact. It was really hard for my agent to send those soldiers to work for the Empire. But he's an efficient emotionless jerk like that.

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Indeed. For such a short questline (not really a line, just a quest) it had a great impact. It was really hard for my agent to send those soldiers to work for the Empire. But he's an efficient emotionless jerk like that.


The "they still have a use" bit wanted me to do that, I was hoping maybe the Empire would save them and help them become use to their new bodies, but I knew that wouldn't be true, the Empire would just throw them into the fray to die against their will (or horribly experiment on them).


So I mercy killed them.


It was a very sad turn of events, I was really depressed having to tell Duchess the news.. that was really one of those moments in this game where I sat back for a few seconds and stopped playing and was like "Wow, this game's story really does get you into it."


There was another decision like that, the Slave who wanted to be Sith, even though he was a criminal and what he did was wrong, it was like your dog who tore up something trying to make you proud, you WANTED him to be right because he worked so hard for you, but in the end what he did was wrong, and seeing him so disappointed just.. it hurt.


Well done Bioware.

Edited by Shadowclaimer
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The "they still have a use" bit wanted me to do that, I was hoping maybe the Empire would save them and help them become use to their new bodies, but I knew that wouldn't be true, the Empire would just throw them into the fray to die against their will (or horribly experiment on them).


So I mercy killed them.


It was a very sad turn of events, I was really depressed having to tell Duchess the news.. that was really one of those moments in this game where I sat back for a few seconds and stopped playing and was like "Wow, this game's story really does get you into it."


I was playing that quest in a room with a bunch of people who were hanging out doing other things, but half-paying attention to TOR because they all liked SW. The opening dialogue didn't interest them, but then the droid guy did, and by the time we were reporting back to the Duchess to talk about what happened, everyone was watching closely and 100% miserable. The whole room was just floored by how good it was. One person even placed an order 30 minutes later.

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I was playing that quest in a room with a bunch of people who were hanging out doing other things, but half-paying attention to TOR because they all liked SW. The opening dialogue didn't interest them, but then the droid guy did, and by the time we were reporting back to the Duchess to talk about what happened, everyone was watching closely and 100% miserable. The whole room was just floored by how good it was. One person even placed an order 30 minutes later.


Yea, I just, I still feel myself holding sorrow and kinda choking up when I described it all to my brother. Its a very very sad quest, and I can easily attribute it to the writing/VA.

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The hutt receptionist from the bounty hunter storyline :D


I'm loving the imperial storyline... Like the one in Nar Shadaa that starts, "Oh yeah, we just sent in like a thousand men and ten thousand droids- but now that you're here, we've got this in the bag."

Edited by versulas
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I am really loving the Trooper storyline but I have to say so far my top three favorite (or at least memorable) characters are, in no particular order, General Garza, Jonas Balkar, and the senator/governor on Taris.


Why those three?


Garza is a really believable, workable character. I dig her thinking--even if I don't agree with it. "We are heartless so everyone else doesn't have to be" and then "her orders first, then our head, then our heart".


Jonas Balkar - Dang he is a fun SIS agent to work with -- his dialogue options are really creative and work well to bring you in.


The Senator/Governor from Taris - I love how passionate she is about building up Taris - her inspirational speeches were what kept me questing on Taris after I finished my main class storyline.

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  • 1 month later...
Jonas Balkar


THIS! I have a crush on him right now... if my commando doesn't get to woohoo with him I am going to be seriously upset until they release that possibility in some patch or expansion. *shakes fist*


I was sooo sad when leaving Nar Shadda, the next time I saw him I freakin squealed like a preschooler. :o

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Gotta go with Keeper.


He's level headed, complex, and has to split his loyalties between the 'rightful' Sith rulers and what's best for the Empire. Seems to genuinely want what's best for the Agent... but is often limited in what he can do.

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On Balmorra, I call her Darth Dirty. I've completely forgot her real name. My Fave so far. We'll see what else they have to offer.


haha Darth Lachris?? How can I forget her!


Also does anyone remember that Jedi Master you fight in the cave on Hoth? His voice acting was amazing. The actor sounded so familiar. I've actually been trying to find out who it is.

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  • 7 months later...

The one I really grew to was with my female Agent on Balmorra.

Sanju Pyne. He was not just kinda cute but also light side (loved that he always wanted to save lifes) Want to keep him and get rid of Kaliyo but the story would not agree with me :(

I guess she would have married him insteed of Vector, though I love my bugboy ;):rolleyes:

I always had a thing for Watcher 3 *smile*


I always liked Darmas until

that *censored* son of a hutt turned out to be a spy !

His character was well written and the spoiler below took me completley by surprise......

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Duchess? Her VA was really good.


She does a lot of Imperial voices including the Trooper's companion Elara Dorne (Likewise whoever voices the female Imperial Agent voices a few Imperial soldiers including on Korriban).


As for my favorite NPCs, it has to be Gree operator units who teach me Gree conceptions with simple-happy language-words and much patience!

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Skavak is at the top for me. excellent, excellent rival. i hated him soooo much, but i liked him because i hated him...if that makes any sense. the playful yet despising manner in which the two of you go back and forth with is just perfect, and i actually found myself giggling mischievously whenever i got the chance to ruin his life. although killing him was so very satisfying, i still kinda felt a little sad because it was all over now.


those gree droids are also high on the list. that was one of the most memorable quest chains i completed, all do to their speech patterns.


the Duchess and her poor droid boys were also pretty memorable. felt so bad for them all. i almost started hurting, seeing him in pain like that. i just couldn't leave them alive like that...

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