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Why is RP-PvE more popular than RP-PvP?


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If you REALLY want to roleplay, there should be "RP-FFA".


That is, I should be able to kill people on the same team, too. Everquest had one server like this and it stayed as a popular option even after they introduced team-PvP servers as an alternative. Just today I wanted to kill someone because he took my quest item after I'd killed all the stuff it spawned. I had to kill it all again. What a jerk. If it was an "RP-FFA" server, I would have put my flamethrower up his nose.



But yes, anyway, I agree. "RP-PvE" is not really roleplaying.


It's not really roleplaying if a Sith and a Jedi come face to face and they don't fight because the Jedi doesn't feel like it. Qui-Gon did not get to tell Darth Maul, "Oh I say, old bean, not quite ready at the moment. Going to have a spot of tea, I think. Maybe we could do this later? I'll just pencil you in for Thursday." Anakin had a real choice to attack Mace Windu or not. It wasn't like there was some invisible barrier preventing him from attacking.



So really I don't know how roleplayers can stand PvE servers. There you are, a deadly Sith Warrior, scourge of the galaxy, dedicated enemy of the Light Side, and here's a Light Side guy right in front of you, and you can't do anything except wave at him because you didn't pick a PvP server? That's not roleplaying. That's just shackling yourself with unnecessary restrictions.


I realize the concern is that "people will ruin the game" but without the ability to act freely, you aren't really roleplaying at all. (The ideal setup would be free-for-all with consequences...)


Now you got me all depressed for something else that would have been a nice addition to the game. =(

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Personally, this thread is mirroring the "super-server" and "which server has the best RP" thread in terms of tone and productivity, and I don't mean this in a good way.


Someone had the good sense to write this down in another thread, so I'm just going to leave this here and hope everyone (yes, everyone) takes this piece of advice to heart in regards to the whole RP-PvE vs RP-PvP discussion, which seems to have trouble being contained to one thread.


We're all RPers. We're all proud of our realms and feeling the need to talk them up. That's fine. Don't talk DOWN other RP realms (or players) while talking UP your own. Bad form.
Edited by yutrio
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I like both, it depends on the character I am playing. My smuggler is not a combat guy, he is a smart alek wise cracking womanizing treasure hunter. He does not care about combat at all it is not his thing. He is there to entertain the other players on the republic side.


But I have my Sith Inquisitor, who I plan on playing on an rp-pvp server.


My problem honestly with both servers is yes, on rp-pve servers there are a hell of a lot of goddmodders usually.


My problem with rp-pvp servers is that most people there do not roleplay, I find them to just be refuges for pvpers who do not roleplay at all and cannot handle a true pvp server. If rp was enforced on rp-pvp servers, I would play on all of them exclusively, but they are not. There is always some jerk named IDuURMUM there to break the immersion. I mean hey I love the idea of rp and pvp together, if you are playing a Sith anything or a Trooper or Jedi Warrior you are a damn fool if you believe that rp-pve servers are roleplay, but on a rp-pve server the non roleplayers are not a big deal, they do not get in the way of the rp, they go about their business and most of the time you do not notice them. The same is not true on an rp pvp server, if I got to pvp I want to pvp with people who give as much of a damn about rping as they do about pvping. Imo themeparks give too much to pvpers but not enough tools to rpers to deal with them because there is nothing that rpers get at all in game. And that just plain sucks to be honest, on an rp-pvp server give me things that reward me on both ends the rp and the pvp and I will be more than happy to exclusively play on them, and stop making the rp-pvp servers rp optional. I am there to play the pvp aspects of the war mixed with rp, the same way people wonder why rpers play on pve servers is the same way I wonder why pvp players play on a server that has rp on it if they won't. That is just as dumb as the goddmodding carebear. Why are these people not mentioned as well?

Edited by Maquiame
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I prefer the RP-PvP server rule set but outside of WoW I have never seen an RP-PvP server that has anything in regards to a roleplaying community and even on 'that game' the only RP-PvP server with that was Defias Brotherhood. RP-PvP servers (in terms of roleplayers, or lack thereof) usually go down the pancrack very quickly thus I roll on RP-PvE.


Thank you, I also find this to be true. I hope that the rp-pvp community makes sure to keep up the rp on their servers because usually the rp dies off and they just turn into another pvp server. This is the reason why I stopped playing on them as a whole. (but I do want to put my Inquisitor on one).

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Generally its padded rp, they do not like variables that can't control. As much as people like to say they don't plan out their RP on vent or chat, they want their story to go a certain way.


I on the other hand love spontaneous World RP, yes you can do this on a RP-PVE but when it comes to a world where it is good vs evil I feel its a important variable to have PvP and that your character is open to things you can't control.


IDK, imo Real RP is dealing with the world, not controlling it.

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There is always some jerk named IDuURMUM there to break the immersion.


Most of your complaints are of a fairly personal nature(its just how you feel about it) but I wanna say that this one is fairly easily remedied.


You simply treat it as a real name, of either alien origin, or because IDuURMUM's mother shouldn't have been allowed to breed due to severe brain defects(which his behavior will probably support).


If someone chaotic like that shows up, assign them a role in your construct, its rare that someone flexible can't make the compromises to support it.


If hes of an alien race, or some other background that would support the behavior, just apply that to him.


Then kill him ded :cool:

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Too many people who's sole purpose seems to be to run around ganking lowbies and camping them, or their quest hubs on PvP servers. For most of these - it has nothing at all to do with "roleplay", and more to do with getting their jollies (ego boost/griefing). It simply gets annoying and besides, conflict can be simply RPed via emotes anyway. It's usually more engaging, elaborate and fun that way.
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Unless I've missed something dramatic like cross-faction communication being possible, why would there be an influx of godmoders specifically on RP-PvE servers? Most of the roleplay in which godmoding would be applicable is bound to be intra-faction regardless of the server ruleset - and RP-PvP or not, you can't freely attack your own faction, can you?
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Unless I've missed something dramatic like cross-faction communication being possible, why would there be an influx of godmoders specifically on RP-PvE servers? Most of the roleplay in which godmoding would be applicable is bound to be intra-faction regardless of the server ruleset - and RP-PvP or not, you can't freely attack your own faction, can you?


In SWTOR, cross-faction communication is possible through the use of /say and /yell. (No emotes though)

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Oh, well then it makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. :) Googling proved inconclusive. Is it by design, or an oversight?


Either way, you pretty much consent to people being immortal at their leisure when you roll RP-PvE, regardless of faction. Hurts the suspension of disbelief a little, but personally I'm willing to sacrifice some of the "purity of the experience". I just can't be arsed with random PvP anymore.


If people bound around with their level five claiming to be the demigod lovechild of Starkiller and Jabba the Hutt, just peg them as delusional and move on. The game isn't worth an ulcer.

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I've always thought that RP-PVP was more popular.


but RP in this game is weird, considering everyone from your class has the same storyline, you really don't play your character at all. it's a little unnerving.


I cant say Ive run into anyone who RPd the class story as their own story

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but RP in this game is weird, considering everyone from your class has the same storyline, you really don't play your character at all. it's a little unnerving.


Personal experience, but I've had NPCs comment about the results of past quests(or rather, the fact that as a neutral aligned character, some of my choices have seemed a bit random at times) so I am not ruling out that you choices have a more long term effect on the story than people realize.


Or, I could be nuts v0v

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I agree with the OP. Any roleplayer worth their salt will have their PvP flag on all the time, like I do, even though I'm on the most excellent Trask Ulgo Rp server. I went there for my guild, and the generally more mature and helpful community you tend to get on RP servers, but in my heart I'm n RPPvP'er and always have been.


What better juice to the cocktail of RP than random, utterly violent PvP! I've already killed 8 random Sith players, and I roleplayed with them while doing it.


Good stuff.

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Very interesting thread. I'm totally brand new to MMOs (but have "role-played" on consoles and single-player RPGs for years) and generally shun online play, but the SW theme lured me in and I'm "hooked." I know I will sound quite noobish. Anyway, I rolled my character on a PVE server without thinking simply because that's pretty much all I know. Now that I read this, I'm thinking of "rolling an alt" (learning the talk :)) on a RP server, and leaning toward RP-PVP (would have done RP-PVE before reading this).


Both sides of the argument are very strong, but to me it goes back to the OP's question: why bother with RP-PVE? Why not just PVP, or PVE? PVE already allows you to on/off the PVP, right? So that seems ideal for someone who wants to play through the quests and only deal with PVP when they "feel like it." But if you actually want "immersion" and more realism taking on a role, then why not just go RP-PVP? What does RP-PVE add? Honest question, because I genuinely don't get it and I feel I am missing something.


Another question, can you kill your companions/same side in the RP-PVP? And if you die, are you always resurrected? Seems like that shouldn't be possible. That would be the most "real." And you should also be able to "turn to the dark side" or vice versa, or switch sides too as you turn lighter/darker. So in the end, RP-PVP is just "more real" but not truly "real." (Of course non of this is real):)

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