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Cartel... Coins?


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Heya fellas.


Am I the only one who thinks the naming, "Cartel Coins", is awful?? I've asked others in my guild and they all agree that it sounds incredibly silly.


I think it's the "coins" part that gets me. Dunno why but it just seems so out of place in this game.


A great, great, GREAT Solution would be to call them "Cartel Commendations", or "Cartel Comms".


Does anyone else think this would be a better idea?

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I agree something a bit more fitting with the universe would be better, bet eh, no biggie.


Oh yeah, I don't mean to cause an uproar or anything. Just wondering if maybe most people thought it would sound better, and if so, it could be an easy change.




As for Cartel Cash, the thing about that is that you can't really say, I only have one Cartel Cash left. Kinda has to be an individual thing.


The reason I said Comms, is because it would go along with what the game already gives out. Dunno, just a brain poop that slipped out.

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Probably doing what a lot of the pay to play games do when going F2P... kidding it up seeing that we are bout to get much less mature influx of ADD infected youthful players to this game.


Sorry that was the only way I could say it in a nice way.


Edit: I should say to me it sounds kiddie to me. Like Frosted Flakes or Coco puffs.

Edited by Jaden
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Just had another brain poop slide out. They probably think it would be "too confusing" to have the word credits in two different currencies. To them I say... Voss, Nar shaddah, Daily, Tionese, Columi, Black hole, etc, etc!!!! All coms! No confusion!



Not to mention why a light side jedi knight is walking around with 1,000 + "Cartel" coins....


Musta been looking the other way on a few things.. >_>




EDIT: Darn, Someone beat me to it.

Edited by mavsynchroid
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Cartel coins seems so out of place in the context of this game is because Coins is an Earth base currency and the Star Wars Universe uses CREDITS


Cartel Credits is what it should be called.


actually in SW while credits are the name of the standard monetary unit they come in different version... there are credit coins (also bills)... they are the standard hard currency ... as apposed to say a credit chip which is soft currency (like a debt or prepaid card)


here is a pic of a 1000 credit Galactic empire era "credit coin"





being as these are "Cartel" coins I assume they are from the Hutt cartel and are just a large coin with the picture of a super fat hutt on it

Edited by Liquidacid
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