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SWTOR - Behind the eyes of someone who plays to have fun.


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Bioware, you did an amazing job, i hope you kep it going.


Having an mmo list history the size of my arm i can tell you ill stick with this game until servers get shut down.


I joined this game with great fear with the genre. -SW is nice but i am not attached to it as some people. Having a converssation on how many gigawatts a laser hits a shield and the harmonics of how i-don't-give-a-flux is no something i would enjoy. -That does not interest me. Ive been playing this game from the detached eyes of a gamer.


Incredibly fun game.


I played WoW MoP beta, D3 beta, STO beta, GW beta, all live versions, and god knows how many MMO's. to give you an idea... i actually played Anarchy Online before any of the expansions. None of them have amazed me in sheer scope as this game has. Your game changed us so much we were inline to get MoP out of the fact nothing "better" was out there but needless to say blizz wont be getting another penny from us.


I hope you keep it up, at the pace you have when it goes free to play and i can see this game blooming and becoming wonderful as long as you don't lose interest in developing good quality content. Most MMO's become great over time, not on instant release. It takes hard work and determination to hold out and show that you have what it takes to provide amazing fun factor.


Most gamers now a days don't have the patience to wait for something good and let it blossom. They think a great game just miraculesly makes itself. You could package a box loaded with crap and as long as you release it quickly they will prize you for it. -Chances are good none of them even know the amount of coding, work, and man power that has gone into this game.


-Total Props from me and my close friends/family! Keep it up! You have the support of all of us and we will stay subbed even when F2P comes in!

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I agree wholeheartedly. You, my friend, are one of the most sane people ever to walk these forums! The galaxy Bioware made is extensive and enjoyable in every aspect of the word. PvE and PvP are both fun and engaging, the world designs are amazing, the storylines and gameplay simply fantastic.


Thank you for this game, Bioware. Thank you very, very, much.

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i think the issue is people are wall wanting to jump on the fanboi bandwagon. rather than just simply playing because you like it. Everyone wants to be an Estar playing the next BIG THING.


Before SWTOR all i did was run around in circles around wow trade hubs. The last beta i got into was MoP and that has been such a huge disapointment, needless to say i capped out and i still run circles around trade hubs. I will not be cattled into that anymore.


This is the first MMO ive played since Neocron and Earth and Beyond that i love, LOVE, LOVEEEE everything about. My only complaint is i wish i could kill my own companions.


But for once i can say im playing an MMO i ENJOY rather than wanting to be the next MMO youtube/twitch.tv star.

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Couldn't agree more.


The story lines in this game is amazing and i havent even begun on the empire side yet. It is better than any mmo i have played.


Loving it. Regarding F2P i welcome it and it think it is a positive move for the company. It shows a committment to liven the world and keep it vibrant, the more income this venture makes the more content i get. Im looking forward to what you guys release in the near future.


I dont like free to play pricing models so ill stay subscription thanks :) but i sure as hell aint going anywhere.

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Having an mmo list history the size of my arm


None of them have amazed me in sheer scope as this game has.


i have to call BS on your first comment.

This game is so 1-dimensional when you compare it to other MMOs.

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I agree. I play games for enjoyment and engaging thought, not to craft foolhearty accusations.



Absolutely--this is a fun game, the SLs are engaging--ESPECIALLY the agent--and there some really fun and challenging quests, such as the promised land cairns on taris and the thing that czerka found on tattooine. Are there problems with this game? Yes, there are--legacy is nothing but an alt grind and a credit sink and once you've played through an imp or pub SL the planet quests don't at all change....balmorra and imp side taris are still snooze fests...that said, I do enjoy playing the game because it is star wars, the space missions are fun and last night solo'd my first FP--granted it was Esselles and I ran through it at 20 but that's OK as it was a spur of the moment decision. Netted very little experience which I expected, got some creds as well as some loot to sell. The story was meh but it was fun going through it for the first time nonetheless.


In spite of its faults and issues, this is still a fun game to play and as frustrated as I do get with it and BW at times, I will continue to play it because it is SW and it is fun

Edited by StaticJoe
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i have to call BS on your first comment.

This game is so 1-dimensional when you compare it to other MMOs.


If BioWare is awesome in his opinion, and opinions by nature could neither be right nor wrong, how can you call BS on it?


And I am extremely interested to hear your definition of "one-dimensional", followed by a list of what you believe to be NON-one dimensional games. The hilarity that ensues would probably be great entertainment.

Edited by ChillWinterheart
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Bioware, you did an amazing job, i hope you kep it going.


Having an mmo list history the size of my arm i can tell you ill stick with this game until servers get shut down.


I joined this game with great fear with the genre. -SW is nice but i am not attached to it as some people. Having a converssation on how many gigawatts a laser hits a shield and the harmonics of how i-don't-give-a-flux is no something i would enjoy. -That does not interest me. Ive been playing this game from the detached eyes of a gamer.


Incredibly fun game.


I played WoW MoP beta, D3 beta, STO beta, GW beta, all live versions, and god knows how many MMO's. to give you an idea... i actually played Anarchy Online before any of the expansions. None of them have amazed me in sheer scope as this game has. Your game changed us so much we were inline to get MoP out of the fact nothing "better" was out there but needless to say blizz wont be getting another penny from us.


I hope you keep it up, at the pace you have when it goes free to play and i can see this game blooming and becoming wonderful as long as you don't lose interest in developing good quality content. Most MMO's become great over time, not on instant release. It takes hard work and determination to hold out and show that you have what it takes to provide amazing fun factor.


Most gamers now a days don't have the patience to wait for something good and let it blossom. They think a great game just miraculesly makes itself. You could package a box loaded with crap and as long as you release it quickly they will prize you for it. -Chances are good none of them even know the amount of coding, work, and man power that has gone into this game.


-Total Props from me and my close friends/family! Keep it up! You have the support of all of us and we will stay subbed even when F2P comes in!


The Fires Of Hope have been ignited, Thank you for contributing this positive attitude to the needy Community"

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