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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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1. Will subscribers receive an ad-free experience i.e. no cartel coins pop-ups attacking from every corner?


2. Will the free-to-play mean that 'secret space project' aka proper space content is no longer in the works?

Edited by vandana_
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1. Will subscribers receive an ad-free experience i.e. no cartel coins pop-ups attacking from every corner?


I'm now imagining what those transition screens we get when zoning will look like once F2P hits as well as wondering if optimization of the game to reduce load times will be a priority. :)

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I'm now imagining what those transition screens we get when zoning will look like once F2P hits as well as wondering if optimization of the game to reduce load times will be a priority. :)


Oh no I have no illusions about priorities. the priority will be to extend the grind so people need to pay to avoid it and design as much vanity **** as possible to milk the cow even more. That's why asked my second question the way I asked it - will f2p mean that there will be no space 2.

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Hi bioware. My question is...


We have heard that free players can play free up to level 50! However, we've been told that sometime in the future there will be a level cap raise, (to level 55), will the F2P players be able to level up to the new level cap?

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1) Will there be any special content that only subscribers can do? (Flashpoints, Space Missions / Space 2.0)


2) Would purchasing Ops capability be available to those who are subbing if they choose to cancel? If so, does buying Ops capability allow them to raid forever with access, or is the purchase just for each raid individually / a duration of time where you're allowed into Ops?


3) Can I buy Ops capability for a friend of mine who wants to return to the game?


4) Will this game die to F2P stupidity now that it's been announced? I do NOT want 13 year old trolls in my favourite game.

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My question is, why would previous subscribers have to select what to delete? We have already paid for what we currently have...


I don't mind the game going F2P, but they should take it from what STO did. Anyone who had previously subscribed to the game in one way or another for at least 30 days will not loose anything. Only new F2P accounts are restricted...


Also under that model, lets say I have a F2P account... level to 50, then decide to subscribe, level some more and decide to drop my sub again, will I have to choose again what to delete?


I don't do Warzones, PvP, HM FP's and I am not after end game gear either, so F2P is perfect for me. but I don't want to loose my 5 lvl 50 toons that I already have and paid for.


Just some concerns I have... :-)

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Like other current subsribers I'm wondering why we're forced to choose what items we keep if we have to unsubscribe for a while (due to real life stuff like college, work, school, moving to a different place, etc). It seems really unfair to treat all subscribers prior to game going f2p that way. :mad: Afer all, we've paid for all the stuff we "earned" in game already. Will anything be done about that?

Will we at least get all our items/characters back when we subscribe again? (if the answer is no, a lot of students and working people will just give up on this game, if you expect them to pay real money for cartel coins to get back the stuff they already had in game)


Secondly, I've been playing for 6 months, one month was free (that came with game purchase), one month was a paid sub from a credit card, and then I started using the 60-day prepaid time cards. So my question is - will the bonus cartel coins I'm supposed to recieve for all the months I've had an active subscription, be rewarded only for the one month paid with a credit card, or will the 60-day prepaid game time also be included? (it seems fair that it should be included)

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Will F2P players be allowed to create/join guilds? Will there be an easy way to distinguish between a F2P player and a sub'd player so that when people are recruiting for their guilds and do not want F2P players, they will know immediately what their status is? Thank you.
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For guilds can we recruit F2P players? For some players this could give them a place to belong and make them feel welcome considering the attitude of some of the people lately with regard to these players they have not yet met yet but have already formed opinions about



I hope that for the sake of fairness there is no way a person can tell by talking or looking at a person whether they are f2p or subscribers. I can see where some ..... people would treat them poorly and be rude to them.

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How will it work if a player has to unsubscribe for a short while due to financial issues? Will they lose stuff that they will not get back when they can afford to subscribe again? Or will any subscription features just be locked til they can unlock it again?



Or those subscribers that happen to be in the Armed Forces and have to deploy and wont be able to play and want to temporarily suspend their account?

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Will we be seeing new playable races added either free or for cartel coins? Please!!! Charge us I don't even care :D Give me a Sith Inquisitor Mon Calamari!!


basically what i was wondering.



you announced Cathar a while back, when are we seeing that? or other Species for that matter (to give a example, Mon Calimarians like the person i quoted said, or a more realistic example, Devaronians.)

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Whether we want to believe it or not that 40% quit because they didn't want to play anymore because it isn't F2P, really is irrelevant at this point. Bioware/EA believes it and that is the end result they got from their metrics. That stance will not change. What I would like to know is what did your metrics say about the other 60% and why was the 40% more important that you needed to make a change than the 60%?
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Will Bioware / EA go on RECORD either via youtube or there own video site with a promise to not allow pay to win items to hit the cash shop in game and that anything that is sold in the store is available to subscribers at no additional cost? I played everquest 1 it was subscription based and except for really big game changing expansions the game never ever cost me anything more then my subscription.


I would like a commitment from EA and Bioware to make sure SWTOR is the same with or with out a ingame store....

Edited by ZORG
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Now that F2P plans have been announced will information on continued server transfers be forthcoming?


Will any additional free transfers be allowed to new destination servers if ones current destination server is at max character capacity (8)?


Will additional character slots per server be coming and if so when?


When will the origin servers forced moves be happening?


When forced moves happen what destination servers will they be sent to?


With forced moves what will happen to characters whose destination server is at max capacity (8)?

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