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i came up with a neat moniker to proudly display subscription status


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well for some of you maybe not proudly...but im saying as a point of order,with free to play soon to come,and most likely f2p players will be allowed at some point to post on the forums...all of us remaining subscribers should display our sub status in some way or another



as you can see from my forum signature....i added "knights of the old republic-sub" since may 2012....


knights meaning defenders of the realm and so on in its most basic form...so i figured the kotor abbreviation spelled out would be great


so if you like,if you have yer sub and plan to keep it...add 'knights of the old republic-sub" (insert join date here) to your forum signature...marking yourself as a defender of the game,even if you merely prefer to do so with not words..but by keeping your sub

Edited by Baphomet_x
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is this going by account creation date? forum account creation? or the day from when subs started?


so should i put October 22, 2008; October 2009; or December 20, 2011?


id say date of first gameplay...but just to be safe id go with sub date,so the second one you listed

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well for some of you maybe not proudly...but im saying as a point of order,with free to play soon to come,and most likely f2p players will be allowed at some point to post on the forums...all of us remaining subscribers should display our sub status in some way or another



as you can see from my forum signature....i added "knights of the old republic-sub" since may 2012....


knights meaning defenders of the realm and so on in its most basic form...so i figured the kotor abbreviation spelled out would be great


so if you like,if you have yer sub and plan to keep it...add 'knights of the old republic-sub" (insert join date here) to your forum signature...marking yourself as a defender of the game,even if you merely prefer to do so with not words..but by keeping your sub


The name of our guild on The Harbringer is "The Knights of the Old Republic" so yea way ahead of you.

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The name of our guild on The Harbringer is "The Knights of the Old Republic" so yea way ahead of you.


Shouldn't you be "Knights of the Republic"? You can't say "old republic" yet, as it the present time period. Just saying...

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The name of our guild on The Harbringer is "The Knights of the Old Republic" so yea way ahead of you.


indeed..i foresaw this possibility using the dark side of the force.....so thats why i added the "-sub" suffix to it



but i like your guild name man,keep going :D


also,read only access for free users yeah....but they will be able to see the subscribers better with this


its like during one battle genghis khan had...his army was vastly outnumbered...so he told his men to light three fires per man at there camps....the enemy army got screwed up and genghis won.....


same here,we can instill the extra forcefull presence by making ourselves loosely united under one banner (though i encourage you all to think about me that im still an annoying nab)....


we can still keep our current allegiances or dislikes to whatever level we please....but since free users will still be able to see us....we should all light magnesium flares to make ourselves extra bright,,,and thus hurt there eyes

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also,read only access for free users yeah....but they will be able to see the subscribers better with this



All of the posts they will see will be from subscribers as only subscribers can post. That is the point I am making. Do you really need to note that you are a subscriber? It is sorta like a really tall guy wearing a shirt that says "I am a really tall guy."

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well for some of you maybe not proudly...but im saying as a point of order,with free to play soon to come,and most likely f2p players will be allowed at some point to post on the forums...all of us remaining subscribers should display our sub status in some way or another



as you can see from my forum signature....i added "knights of the old republic-sub" since may 2012....


knights meaning defenders of the realm and so on in its most basic form...so i figured the kotor abbreviation spelled out would be great


so if you like,if you have yer sub and plan to keep it...add 'knights of the old republic-sub" (insert join date here) to your forum signature...marking yourself as a defender of the game,even if you merely prefer to do so with not words..but by keeping your sub


I'll join you

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All of the posts they will see will be from subscribers as only subscribers can post. That is the point I am making. Do you really need to note that you are a subscriber? It is sorta like a really tall guy wearing a shirt that says "I am a really tall guy."


sometimes people wander and they dont notice....to notice something that is a foregone conclusion requires a level of situational awareness alot of common people dont have



you have it,i do,alot of other people on the forums right now have it....but the tides that cometh with f2p ,there will be a significant amount that dont


it will include people who live on places like facebook,hopelessly addicted to the social media...and with there "second nature" browsing of forums (as in does without surveying enviromental anomalys first)...i reckon that alot of them wont realise that this is a subscriber only forum


in my 12years of mmo gaming,ive seen alot of f2p games where alot of people browse forums but no post

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well for some of you maybe not proudly...but im saying as a point of order,with free to play soon to come,and most likely f2p players will be allowed at some point to post on the forums...all of us remaining subscribers should display our sub status in some way or another



as you can see from my forum signature....i added "knights of the old republic-sub" since may 2012....


knights meaning defenders of the realm and so on in its most basic form...so i figured the kotor abbreviation spelled out would be great


so if you like,if you have yer sub and plan to keep it...add 'knights of the old republic-sub" (insert join date here) to your forum signature...marking yourself as a defender of the game,even if you merely prefer to do so with not words..but by keeping your sub


I have to say this is one of the better ideas on how to deal with f2p coming, im in.

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Does this really matter much being that it has been said that the plan is for non-subscribers to have read-only access to the forums?


No it doesn't matter considering they have stated this:


While we don't plan on allowing Free Players access to post on the forums, we do ask that you respect other community members, regardless of their status.



and furthemore I don't really care if they are subscribers or not. All that matters is the type of person they are and you can get jerks from all areas along with nice people. I would rather get to know a person before I start going out and making "accusations" about what type of people/players people are based on subscriptions or f2p.


Furthermore I have no intention of changing my signature. That signature has been there since day 1 when I joined the forum and am not about to change it.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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at convention centers vip people and staff have badges to denote them as such :) im taking a small page of modus operandi from irl business procedure


besides...your a subscriber,so your in the same group as us,whether you like it,or the f2p players like it,or not



this title isnt about prejudice....its about marking ourselves as defenders of the realm,a bright beacon of hope in these turbulent times...not just because of f2p and the influx it brings...but alot of chaos that indecision and lack of transparency at bioware have caused


the message is basically "look upon us and have faith"


and also...your mistaken in acting like this signature change is mandatory....do i look like bioware staff to you?i hope not O.o


i dont blame you for being angry,this is an emotionally charged time for everyone...compounded by the fact that no one knows what bioware/ea will do next


this song best describes what i mean,since my english is pretty bad in some areas



being a defender of the realm can mean more than just keeping a sub....allegiance only to the game itself yes?

Edited by Baphomet_x
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Free to play players cannot post on the forums anyways, so this is kinda pointless.


maybe...but free to play will still veiw forums alot im guessing...and also,what they see will influence how they act ingame since there will be alot of them



and this is capitalism unfortunately...i can say with 97.567489% certainty that f2p people will be able to post onthe forums at some point...given that on every single other hybrid model game in existence (with the exception of one or two) f2p players are allowed to post in forums,in an attempt to make them feel more at home so they will buy more stuff



in a way t his is sort of like stock investing..seeing the potential in a stock when it just starts out at a meager ipo price..and buying into it heavily,then holding against the advice of others,and then smarting at them all when the stock is in the multi hundered dollar price range,and your rich because of your far sight

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