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I see you're ditching lore already, BioWare.


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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.

Edited by SithVeritas
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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.


Well there shouldn't also be 100's of Emporer's Wraths, Havoc Squad Leaders, or Lady Zash apprentices running around on the same space station, but there are anyway.

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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.


It begins. Cash shop will devour all~!!

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No, a portrait of Nihilus somewhere, a statue maybe, or even a shadow in a mirror that looks like him, that would've been an easter egg.


This is a money cow.


Who says that it can't be an easter egg? Could just be something nice to wear.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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That's different.


Nihilus was sacred, they violated him. lol


So you're just pissed that they're giving fans of an awesome (kinda ******e-y) character a chance to wear a piece of his iconic look?

Edited by ZakMan
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It's a piece of equipment. Nihilus' mask was unique, and BioWare is just going to retcon that for the sake of dollahs.


First, where do you get this mask? From the CE vendor?


Second, they are not retconning anything. Lore goes only so far in a videogame. This is like the cries about color crystals that popped up a few months back. It doesn't mean anything since it is for PLAYER CHARACTERS, which are not canon. Now if the entire Dark Council wore them it would be differant.

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First, where do you get this mask? From the CE vendor?


Second, they are not retconning anything. Lore goes only so far in a videogame. This is like the cries about color crystals that popped up a few months back. It doesn't mean anything since it is for PLAYER CHARACTERS, which are not canon. Now if the entire Dark Council wore them it would be differant.


You get it from the new Micro-transaction Store, I would assume at least, and hopefully even if you've only paid for one month you should be able to afford it.


The Dark Council would suddenly be a lot more threatening O_O

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Nihilus masks for everyone huh? Oh well, atleast there's $$$ to gain.


BioWare obviously doesn't care about us, they care about the quantity of players in general and how much money we generate for them.


You are just now figuring this out?


The whole customer relations thing can impact the goal, but the goal of EA and Bioware is not to entertain us, it is to make money.

They just choose to use entertainment as the medium to get us to give them money.




That aside, as has been mentioned, every trooper has done the same things as every other trooper. Each and every one of them has 'saved the Republic more times than they can count' from the exact same dangers.


I mean, how many Gauntlets do you think that the Empire developed?


And Bounty Hunters? The Great Hunt has a single winner, right? So why not see if you can get a screenshot of the several hundred Great Hunt winners occupying every server.

And then ask them who their main rival was. Ask them who their different targets were.


So you are going to complain about a mask that could be mass produced or replicated?

I know that when I go to Dragon*Con there will be many many people wandering around wearing 'Darth Vader's helmet'.

Edited by Mithros
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I will just pretend that I kept the mask I recovered during the revanite questline on DK.

Seriously, when my toon picks up the mask and even holds it to his face, my first thought was that I would actually get it as a Quest Reward.

It was kind of disappointing that I didn't.

This rectifies that oversight.


And like others said, when you have a few hundred thousand Makos and Rhem Vars (sp?) running around, it does kind of defeat the whole "you are the only one" immersion thing.

(although to be fair, I hear Mako is a clone, so maybe that isn't so far-fetched....)



END SPOILERIFIC POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











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I will just pretend that I kept the mask I recovered during the revanite questline on DK.

Seriously, when my toon picks up the mask and even holds it to his face, my first thought was that I would actually get it as a Quest Reward.

It was kind of disappointing that I didn't.

This rectifies that oversight.


And like others said, when you have a few hundred thousand Makos and Rhem Vars (sp?) running around, it does kind of defeat the whole "you are the only one" immersion thing.

(although to be fair, I hear Mako is a clone, so maybe that isn't so far-fetched....)



END SPOILERIFIC POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!












That was Revan, genius. This is Nihilus.


I'm leaving before BioWare ruins Star Wars as I know it even more. Bye.

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That was Revan, genius. This is Nihilus.


I'm leaving before BioWare ruins Star Wars as I know it even more. Bye.




I stand corrected.

Read it in a hurry on break and for some reason it changed in my mind from Nihilus to Revan as I was thinking of a response.


Although, as someone pointed out, they could just be copies.

Look how many Batman masks there are atm.

As long as they don't try presenting it as the "original" then I still don't see the problem.


Oh, and Cya Later!

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That was Revan, genius. This is Nihilus.


I'm leaving before BioWare ruins Star Wars as I know it even more. Bye.


How is BW ruining Star Wars with this? As I pointed out on page two, our characters are NOT canon. People running around with a replica of Nilhius' mask does not break lore in any way. It's the same with the color crystals. Jedi using red and Sith using blue is NOT lore breaking. This is no reason to leave Bioware games.


I will say it again...since our characters are NOT canon the addition of the Nilhilus mask has no bearing on the man's face wear at all. Canon wise the mask is gone, nobody else has it. You are not canon, therefore no lore is being ditched/broken.

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