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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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and most recently The Secret World the two best story mmo's on the market.


Have you actually played the game?.. from what ive seen in youtube reviews and blogs its a complete and utter piece of trash, i mean come on... the graphics (The animations make EQ:Shadows of Luclins animations look like motion capture), the gameplay, the gui, all of it so poor. The only thing ill say looked decent was the voice acting...


But hey look at how that inovative idea turned out for SWTOR, sure gets old fast... spacebar spacebar spacebar.


Anyone who has some indication that the Secret World is good in one of their posts hasnt got a leg to stand on when critiquing the quality of a MMO.

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Have you actually played the game?.. from what ive seen in youtube reviews and blogs its a complete and utter piece of trash, i mean come on... the graphics (The animations make EQ:Shadows of Luclins animations look like motion capture), the gameplay, the gui, all of it so poor. The only thing ill say looked decent was the voice acting...


But hey look at how that inovative idea turned out for SWTOR, sure gets old fast... spacebar spacebar spacebar.


Anyone who has some indication that the Secret World is good in one of their posts hasnt got a leg to stand on when critiquing the quality of a MMO.


I'm one of those who actually really likes it. It has some warts, but one thing it does have for me is fun!


Imagine that! After grinding away in SWTOR for so long I'd forgotten why I was doing it in the first place I rediscovered fun, challenging gameplay (the puzzles are awesome), and other players who actually act like decent human beings to one another.


Sorry you will dismiss me out of hand now as I happen to like a game that you didn't. That's very open minded of you. How do you deal with others who have different opinions than you elsewhere in your life? Oh well, it takes all kinds to make a world.


Edit - I like it so much I payed $200 for a liftime sub after buying the game and playing just 2 weeks. That money could have gone to SWTOR had things here turned out differently.


Sometimes experiences are different than what you might guess them to be from having watched a you-tube video.


edit 2 - By the way, TSW is having it's one month anniversary this weekend - you can try it for free and come to your own conclusions about it rather than blindly following a you-tube review of it.

Edited by Catsmeat
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I am , i m not a idiot. İ bought there game now they r saying game is f2P and evryone can donwload the game free. They want me to sub and extra pay their cash shop. Thats funny realy funny. Be smart, WOW still not completly F2P model, but SWOTR in that little time turn F2P. Game died accept it and do not deceive yourself.

Last thing Bİoware i think your getting smart after this and star listen the people what was they said to you. Let me remind you what was they said " WE WANT KOTOR 3" .



Not: İ Hate WOW, but true is true

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I'm sticking around for now.


I've really got no problem with an alternative billing/gating method for f2p players.


But if/as soon as it crosses over the boundary of me having to shell out more than my monthly subscription to get what I deem the "full experience" (I don't mean vanity or convenience things like xp boosts but proper content i.e. say quest chains) I'm tapping out. I'm not super smart but I'm not a fool to be paying through the teeth for less.


It's a friggin tightrope you're on Bioware, a tightrope. Get your sith together.

Edited by aeterno
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But if/as soon as it crosses over the boundary of me having to shell out more than my monthly subscription to get what I deem the "full experience" (I don't mean vanity or convenience things like xp boosts but proper content i.e. say quest chains) I'm tapping out. I'm not smart but I'm not a fool to be playing through the teeth for less.


As far as I understand if you stay subscribed you will be entitled to all new content weather it is Makeb, New Ops or warzones, what you wont be entitled to are all the vanity and convenience items on the cash shop (however they are going to give current subscribers a bunch of coins so I guess you can spend those)

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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model. TOR was not.


I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P


EA says this game is pretty much a flop.




Its been 16 weeks since 1.2 was released. And they have the balls to tell us we will get "more frequent content patches" hhahahaha


Also I made a thread ages ago http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=507623 and you all thought it was trolling and you all thought it was a load of rubbish. Read it again.


Not necessarily over this. ME3 depressed me and I'm simply not playing TOR cause I just can't get into it anymore. Don't see that changing in the next 12 days I have left. However, I think this would have made me unsub. The last thing I want to do is compete with freeloaders for limited mobs and resource nodes. This game is just too single player orientated and I'm not interested in play to win mechanics.

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edit 2 - By the way, TSW is having it's one month anniversary this weekend - you can try it for free and come to your own conclusions about it rather than blindly following a you-tube review of it.


I know another well-known MMO that did that not so long ago, look where they are now....


P.S. I tried it in beta, didn't enjoy it.


OT: I've unsubbed because I made the mistake of believing that LotRO going F2P wouldn't degrade my game experience. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

Edited by Galafray
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I did yesterday. I don't care if the game is F2P or not. I un-subbed because this was their answer to what's wrong with the game. Perhaps if BW decides that adding new story content is a better way to go...I really did love this game. I could give two ****'s about PvP and dungeon content.
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I am considering unsubbing but I don't know. I almost unsubbed before server transfers because it was impossible for me to play the game. Currently the game is fine, and F2P is a good idea, but I don't like WoW and this game is basically a reskin.


I feel kind of ripped off. I bought this game to specifically avoid "WoW style raids" which was a major selling point for me and now the game is basically WoW style.


I wish one of the devs would straight up address why they went back on their promise to the community.

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Have a few months left on my subscription... should give me plenty of time to find out if this will be good or not.


To those saying this will be great for the sub players simply because it will bring a larger player base... unless those players buy things from the cash shop, they really will only benefit the flashpoint and warzone runners.

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I am considering it, for many reasons than just the F2P model. The game is developing fine post launch but still not quite where many were hoping it would be and I would be happy to stay just to see where it goes from there. But I'm not the biggest fan where F2P is concerned and can only site my own personal experiences with it.


I will most likely do it and then sit back and watch what happens and wish EA much luck with it and if it seems to be going well I'll resubscribe, because I don't mind paying a monthly sub for a game if it's worth it and this most definitely is worth it.


Please don't rage quit anybody because of this but if you feel this is not the right direction for the company and the game to go in then let them know, not just here but on their main website as well. Not that it will change minds quickly or at all but at least let them hear you. And speaking with your dollars not being spent on monthly subs or in the cash shops speaks volumes as well.

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I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P


If they had decided instead to cut their losses and switch off the servers would that have been less of a slap in the face?


I am not unsubbing. At least for the next six months. After that I'll reassess.

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Agreed, as a CE owner I find this change annoying. I'm still looking for promised CE new vendor items. I'm still looking for Customer support, not closed tickets with useless answers. Bugged OPS and FP still not fixed.

The trolling alone in the general chat with F2P will ruin the community.

Anyway, I am so close to quitting/unsub and not just due to F2P. F2P may be the straw that breaks the Tauntaun's back.



Quote: Originally Posted by DarthWoad View Post

I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P

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