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Digital Deluxe Players Should Get Heroes' Banner as well


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No idea what a 'Hero Banner' is (if it follows the pattern established by the flare gun, holodancer, and targetting droid, it is going to be some item that you have to have in your inventory to use but that serves no useful purpose, so usually ends up taking up space in cargo), but maybe the answer is a second, different banner.


People that have entered a CE code get a 'Hero Banner'. People that enter a DDE code get a 'Champion Banner'.

Might just be a color difference, but it would give the people that paid more for the DDE a little something extra, too, without detracting from what the CE owners get (to whatever degree these silly little things can detract from something else's 'value).


And, for the record, I am a CE owner.


As a CE owner, I really could care less about the Banner. It's going to be luff fluff like all the other digital content (except the STAP, which was nice and given to CE and DDE).

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No, but I still got the digital deluxe edition and should be getting 500-750 of these coins for the f2p conversion.. not nothing...


I paid more than the standard price yet I get the same as them. Why am I being treated as though I bought the $60 standard version?


This, but honestly I believe every preorder should be seeing something! Just make it 3 tiered (Standard, DDE, CE) with each tier getting any digital items of the tier below and a step up on the lump sum of tokens (maybe 250, 600, 1000). They already have a proposed trio of digital items for original subs, why not give each tier one more of those items? Otherwise with the guaranteed lack of content until the game relaunches as f2p why would we even stick around now? I know i've been bored for months as it is and waiting for a new op with my guild.

Edited by isnotrachel
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No idea what a 'Hero Banner' is (if it follows the pattern established by the flare gun, holodancer, and targetting droid, it is going to be some item that you have to have in your inventory to use but that serves no useful purpose, so usually ends up taking up space in cargo), but maybe the answer is a second, different banner.


People that have entered a CE code get a 'Hero Banner'. People that enter a DDE code get a 'Champion Banner'.

Might just be a color difference, but it would give the people that paid more for the DDE a little something extra, too, without detracting from what the CE owners get (to whatever degree these silly little things can detract from something else's 'value).


And, for the record, I am a CE owner.


This is a logical and well thought post who gets the point of a thread, good job sir.


Everyone gets tokens for every month of paid play they have for the game. CE gets a bonus for buying CE.


Should DDE get bonus tokens too? Well, considering that the incremental cost from regular to DDE is pretty small and they got almost all the digital perks the CE did at launch.... I really don't see a compelling case for it. I see plenty of whining.... but whining =/= a compelling case.


And I seem to remember back at launch time, lots and lots of DDE owners were taking shots at CE owners for being so stupid to buy the CE when it had almost the same digital content as DDE yet cost a ton more. Karma baby, Karma she's a biach.


This is an example of an illogical troll repeatedly posting the same crap over and over because he clearly has a biased opinion. In you're opinion we are "Whining", in many other people's opinions its a compelling case. The simple logic is, CE players paid extra for the PHYSICAL ITEMS, DDE players paid for the DIGITAL ITEMS. Why are the DDE players being denied digital items when we paid extra? It just doesn't make sense. Am I going to quit if DDE players don't receive the Heroes' Banner? Of course not, but I'd love to have an explanation as to why we don't receive anything. (From Bioware, not the trolls)

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(Please note this is not a rage thread, I am NOT angry, just curious as to the logic of not giving any virtual/digital benefits to DDE players as well)


For all of us that purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition, I don't see why we don't get the Heroes' Banner as wel?l (It is a digital/virtual item) We paid extra for exclusive in-game items, why are the CE players the only ones getting this exclusive in-game item when they paid extra for the physical items?


I realize that CE players paid a lot for their copies of the game for the extra items that came in the box, but those of us who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition for the items are usually those die-hard item collectors (who are after every last special in-game item). If you support this let me know below.




LINK to F2P Info: http://www.swtor.com/free


No. You want it? Upgrade to a CE. It's about time CE owners got some love. That said, I'm 99% sure that the Heroes' Banner will be a semi-worthless item.

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No. You want it? Upgrade to a CE. It's about time CE owners got some love. That said, I'm 99% sure that the Heroes' Banner will be a semi-worthless item.


CE Owners got their love with the physical items, DDE and CE people are essentially the same besides the physical items.. why don't the DIGITAL deluxe people also get the DIGITAL items?

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Why is it when they give something to someone other people have to have a fit over it. You didnt spend $150 but you want to benefits for having done so. Entitlement generation at its fullest.


You're missing the point.


& you spent $150 for the physical items.

Edited by Ratham
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You're missing the point.


& you spent $150 for the physical items.


No I spent $150 for all of the items and I am not missing the point. Instead of being happy for CE owners all you can do is be bitter you arent getting the same thing for spending way less. You can go buy a CE right now solve your problem.

Edited by Leggomy
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No I spent $150 for all of the items and I am not missing the point. Instead of being happy for CE owners all you can do is be bitter you arent getting the same thing for spending way less. You can go buy a CE right now solve your problem.


I repeat, you paid the bonus $70 or whatever for physical items. The statue alone was worth alot.


Why should the DDE not get ANYTHING at all for the f2p conversion?


I've yet to see someone post a valid reason other than "Herpderp CE paid more so you dont get the same as us"


I can do that too, "Herpderp we DDE people paid more, so why dont we get more than the SE people?"

Edited by Ratham
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Keep this at the top.


DDE owners should get something as well.


No they shouldn't....you payed less?!!?!? Why does that entitle you to the same? Just curious why you think that? If you want a special title then pay for it!! Just like F2P will! If you think DDE should get a special title then find a different one for DDE(More Original) nothing more nothing less!! I'm tired of all the "I payed less!!, so I should get more!!" peeps!!


We all payed more then $14.99 for the game so we should "ALL" get more in return, but lets not compare apples to oranges! ;)

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Everyone gets tokens for every month of paid play they have for the game. CE gets a bonus for buying CE.


Should DDE get bonus tokens too? Well, considering that the incremental cost from regular to DDE is pretty small and they got almost all the digital perks the CE did at launch.... I really don't see a compelling case for it. I see plenty of whining.... but whining =/= a compelling case.


And I seem to remember back at launch time, lots and lots of DDE owners were taking shots at CE owners for being so stupid to buy the CE when it had almost the same digital content as DDE yet cost a ton more. Karma baby, Karma she's a biach.


Very well said.


The CE investment was huge compared to the DDE. Should DDE'ers get something? Nope.


They already sponged into the VIP section when initially it was intended to be a CE only zone.


Let them eat cake! :w_cool:

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I actually agree, but I think it should go one step more and give all the bonuses for having CE to DD players also.


The reason I think this is because there was a large percentage of the player base who could not get access to SWTOR till long after its release, due to it being released in different parts of the world. We didn't get a chance at the CE pack, and as such, I never had the opportunity to gain all the bonuses. When I bought SWTOR, I leapt at the DD version.


Had I the chance, I would have upgraded to CE also. I didn't though, and I don't think its right for me to be penalised for that.

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Very well said.


The CE investment was huge compared to the DDE. Should DDE'ers get something? Nope.


They already sponged into the VIP section when initially it was intended to be a CE only zone.


Let them eat cake! :w_cool:


Yeah... nobody is up there.. because nothing is up there...

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No they shouldn't....you payed less?!!?!? Why does that entitle you to the same? Just curious why you think that? If you want a special title then pay for it!! Just like F2P will! If you think DDE should get a special title then find a different one for DDE(More Original) nothing more nothing less!! I'm tired of all the "I payed less!!, so I should get more!!" peeps!!


We all payed more then $14.99 for the game so we should "ALL" get more in return, but lets not compare apples to oranges! ;)

I never said we should get the same thing...maybe we should. CE paid more for the psychical items but we (DDE owners) got damn near the same in-game items as the CE people. DDE buyers should get the exact same thing in game as well in this situation or close to it.


They want to knock off a few coins, fine. BW shouldn't just completely ignore us though.

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It would be nice if Digital Deluxe players got something, I don't care if its the same as CE players though.


It would be nice if normal retail box owners got something - 150 Cartel Coins x a few months doesn't sound like much when it's estimated 25 Euros will buy 1600 of the little buggers....


This is my only sticking point for this move, our initial purchase doesn't seem like it's getting rewarded properly in terms of this new F2P model.... now if we got a few months subs covered (say a 3-1 paid-covered ratio), that would be better.

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(Please note this is not a rage thread, I am NOT angry, just curious as to the logic of not giving any virtual/digital benefits to DDE players as well)


For all of us that purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition, I don't see why we don't get the Heroes' Banner as wel?l (It is a digital/virtual item) We paid extra for exclusive in-game items, why are the CE players the only ones getting this exclusive in-game item when they paid extra for the physical items?


I realize that CE players paid a lot for their copies of the game for the extra items that came in the box, but those of us who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition for the items are usually those die-hard item collectors (who are after every last special in-game item). If you support this let me know below.




LINK to F2P Info: http://www.swtor.com/free


WHAT you want the digital in game CE ITEM SHOP to ? this is a digital item, AND to say NOTHING has been added appart from a dam tauntaun pet we all got free anyway we NEED something unique, i bought CE also for the in game CE item shop... class this banner as the only thing added to it worth a look.

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