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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why complain??


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There is a saying I grew up with that I try to live by


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.


Add in that I do not pay for getting screwed by LAG from new FREE players.


I pay to complain and I accept what I can not change. I quit the game if Server Lag goes up due to F2P.

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You just dont get it. People are upset because we dont belive the game will progress with there f2p system. I enjoy the game but it does not provide much end game. Sure there is a few months of it at best but what about after that? Not going to last years like warcraft did. Money wont be there with this stupid system they came up with. No money=game over. Enjoy it for what it is but dont think you are going to get more. It is what it is and after a few updates they will stop.
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Why not just stick with it and see how it goes, at the minute nobody really KNOWS how it is going to affect our gaming. I for one will be just going on as normal until I stop enjoying the game....for whatever reason.


Sticking with it is probably the best strategy :)


I was with LOTRO when they went F2P, half our guild unsubbed and were gone before it even began. And what happened after F2P? More people to group with, content began being released faster, and only marginally more whingers (even then only in the first few zones). People seem to have this idea that as soon as a game goes F2P its gone, this is simply not the case.

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Add in that I do not pay for getting screwed by LAG from new FREE players.


I pay to complain and I accept what I can not change. I quit the game if Server Lag goes up due to F2P.


So what im understanding from this is that half the quitters leave because there arent enough people to play with, and the other half are going to quit because there will be too many people to play with?


Just saying :p

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I don't get why people complain and go to the forums and create a thread to tell everyone, "I hate Bioware, this game sucks, I'm unsubscribing."


You don't have to go around preaching if you are unhappy with the game, just be gone and stay away.

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Actually it doesn't. Venting, as a form of coping mechanism, increases stress rather then decrease . While acceptance, humor and positive reframing helps to decrease the stress and cope with perfection tendencies (i.e. expecting services in full).


Superlike :D

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In real life you rarely get what you pay for for anything. It doesn't make EA feel bad at all. They laugh at you for continuing to pay for something you clearly despise.




Seriously, people who don't like the game but keep playing make me think they have no life outside of SWTOR. Makes me feel sorry for them. But not very much, because they're incredibly annoying to those of us who actually like the game.

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So glad to see there are reasonable, hard working people out there who clearly have their head on straight.


Enjoy what it is you enjoy. If you don't, move on to something else you think you will enjoy. Rinse and repeat until you find IT. I've been playing guitar for 21 years because it is my premiere creative outlet. Have I had problems with the guitars/amps/pedals...etc I've had? Sure! In the end it was the sheer joy of creating music that kept me going.


Find IT and your life will be richer.

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Roflmao. I was told I was an idiot when I said the game would go F2P in less than a year. I was told that I didn't know what I was talking about when I said the subscriber base was non-existent. I was told that this game was growing and that all it needed was a server merger. Well...look who was correct. The game fails. It fails hard and in every aspect of what a good MMORPG should be. Don't like what I think? I don't care. Everything I had to prove has come true. So Fanbois, enjoy your crappy, broken, and underachieving MMO while I go play something worth my time.
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You just dont get it. People are upset because we dont belive the game will progress with there f2p system. I enjoy the game but it does not provide much end game. Sure there is a few months of it at best but what about after that? Not going to last years like warcraft did. Money wont be there with this stupid system they came up with. No money=game over. Enjoy it for what it is but dont think you are going to get more. It is what it is and after a few updates they will stop.


Rs dident stop how do u know SW:TOR will?

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Roflmao. I was told I was an idiot when I said the game would go F2P in less than a year. I was told that I didn't know what I was talking about

The person that called you an idiot is no better than you as they didn’t KNOW any better than you what was going to happen.

when I said the subscriber base was non-existent. I was told that this game was growing and that all it needed was a server merger. Well...look who was correct.

Whilst the subscriptions have fallen, a lot, I don't think nearly 1 million subscribers could be described as "non-existent" The server merges were necessary and they have helped revive the communities.

The game fails. It fails hard and in every aspect of what a good MMORPG should be.

In your opinion! I along with nearly 1 million other people enjoy playing this game. Yet you still continue to haunt the boards of a game you despise and knew was doomed a long time ago?

Why come on here and spread your negativity?

Don't like what I think? I don't care. Everything I had to prove has come true. So Fanbois, enjoy your crappy, broken, and underachieving MMO while I go play something worth my time.

Not so much don't like what you think more like don't care what you think, I will enjoy this game as long as it entertains me. If you have enough time to come onto a forum of a game you hate so much I'm guessing you have too much time on your hands and you should find something more constructive to do. Good luck with the next game that is worth your time...that you will undoubtedly be ripping to shreds within a few month of release.

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Roflmao. I was told I was an idiot when I said the game would go F2P in less than a year. I was told that I didn't know what I was talking about when I said the subscriber base was non-existent. I was told that this game was growing and that all it needed was a server merger. Well...look who was correct. The game fails. It fails hard and in every aspect of what a good MMORPG should be. Don't like what I think? I don't care. Everything I had to prove has come true. So Fanbois, enjoy your crappy, broken, and underachieving MMO while I go play something worth my time.


I can't take anybody seriously when they use the word Fanboy (or any variation of the word). I'll never understand how using that word makes anybody's argument more valid. Clearly, if ANYBODY likes the game or disagrees with your viewpoint, that automatically makes them a stupid Fanboi. Seems too much like a "you are with me or against me" style of debate.


This game has its faults, I'll give you that. However, I like the game overall and will continue to play as long as it entertains me. It does not fail hard, as you have described. There has been far worse MMORPGs on the market.


Also, congrats on showing us all your psychic ability. It must be awesome seeing the future.


Clearly you do care what others think or you wouldn't have even bothered posting.

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Roflmao. I was told I was an idiot when I said the game would go F2P in less than a year. I was told that I didn't know what I was talking about when I said the subscriber base was non-existent. I was told that this game was growing and that all it needed was a server merger. Well...look who was correct. The game fails. It fails hard and in every aspect of what a good MMORPG should be. Don't like what I think? I don't care. Everything I had to prove has come true. So Fanbois, enjoy your crappy, broken, and underachieving MMO while I go play something worth my time.


ZOMG!!! You were right and that person was WRONG!! There should be a special medal awarded to you for being right about tiny pixels on a computer screen.


Refer to my first post about what you should do if you are so unhappy with the game.

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Life is grand, folks.


Do you think the game isn't worth your money?

- Spend your money elsewhere.


Do you think the game could be better?

- Every game is this way. If you'd prefer to play something else, you won't be missed. Before you leave, can I have your stuff?


Do you find yourself bored ingame?

- Great! Time to do something creative and healthy. Go outside. When it rains, read a good book.


Do you find yourself enraged because you were so looking forward to the game, your life revolves around it?

- Get a life. Get a job. Have some kids, and grow them up right. Pour your anger into something positive, because this is a hobby to enjoy, not bring you down.


Are you're not happy with Bioware because they don't listen to your feedback?

- Stop playing NOW. Start a game company, build a game your way, get it released and then try to make everyone happy. You can't please everyone. If it upsets you that Bioware can't make you happy, get over it. That's life. If you let your hobby dictate your happiness, you're in for a long, hard life.


It blows my mind how much people complain. Folks, find something in life that makes you happy, grab onto it and don't let it go. If it's not this game, oh well. I'm sure Bioware and EA will recover. Just to reiterate though, if you DO leave, can I have your stuff first?


Well over 1 million people have done what you suggested and more everyday. The people that are complaining WANT the game to succeed....not turn into a f2ppos. The silent majority that have left the game speak volumes at how bad the choices made by the development team have hurt this game. Don't listen to the 40% that wouldnt pay anyway and listen to the 60% that left the game that would pay for a better product.

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This is how I've felt for while now. It's an odd feeling, wanting a game I have no intention of playing and no interest in to drop, just so it will remove annoying whiners from a game I do play.


Ha, interesting perspective, I hadn't thought about it this way yet. Kudos to you both, that thought just brightened my day.

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In real life you rarely get what you pay for for anything. It doesn't make EA feel bad at all. They laugh at you for continuing to pay for something you clearly despise.


Maybe you're such a weakling that you won't stand up for yourself and make companies give you what you pay for, but I don't have this issue. I'm an adult, not a child, and I expect for companies to live up to their promises. Which is why BW is getting no more of my money. That you have less spine than an amoeba and refuse to complain or attempt to recoup losses or even just to warn people that the game is a rip off is not my problem.

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Maybe you're such a weakling that you won't stand up for yourself and make companies give you what you pay for, but I don't have this issue. I'm an adult, not a child, and I expect for companies to live up to their promises. Which is why BW is getting no more of my money. That you have less spine than an amoeba and refuse to complain or attempt to recoup losses or even just to warn people that the game is a rip off is not my problem.


Before you go, can I have your stuff??? Pretty please with a cherry on top????


Ack, some internet snob is calling me a weakling...BOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO....whatever will I do with myself!!!!

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Maybe you're such a weakling that you won't stand up for yourself and make companies give you what you pay for, but I don't have this issue. I'm an adult, not a child, and I expect for companies to live up to their promises. Which is why BW is getting no more of my money. That you have less spine than an amoeba and refuse to complain or attempt to recoup losses or even just to warn people that the game is a rip off is not my problem.


An adult should be able to think for themselves and have more realistic expectations. When you insult people to get your point across, calling them spineless for liking something or having a different opinion than you, you don't come a cross as an adult at all. You come across as a sivelling child throwing a hissy fit because you didn't get your way.

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Well over 1 million people have done what you suggested and more everyday. The people that are complaining WANT the game to succeed....not turn into a f2ppos. The silent majority that have left the game speak volumes at how bad the choices made by the development team have hurt this game. Don't listen to the 40% that wouldnt pay anyway and listen to the 60% that left the game that would pay for a better product.


Disagree. They want it to succeed THEIR way and that's just not going to happen. When in Rome...or move on...

Edited by DrRon
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Not a fanboy.


Not a BW/EA employee.


Not complaining.


I deal with some pretty ugly things at work every day, and coming to a game to escape a little is the order of the day. It just seems like so many people invest so much in a hobby that they forget what is really important in life.


Enjoy. Be healthy. Be happy.


well then the answer is easy you should quit ! no more ugliness ! :D

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